Liberals, why would things like this be acceptable to you?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
anderson cooper doesn't want to cohost new years eve with her anymore :idunno:

you know you've hit a clanger when not even the fags will support your trump bashing


Well-known member
Judging by the standard used and those who are rewarded for unseemly public behavior (such as Trump), it really shouldn't be a career ended.

Her apology appeared rather genuine. It will be a career disrupter at the very least.

Her poorly chosen image has been wholly condemned as inappropriate from both sides of the political spectrum.

Unlike any number of similarly grotesque images from those on the right.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Her apology appeared rather genuine. It will be a career disrupter at the very least.

Her poorly chosen image has been wholly condemned as inappropriate from both sides of the political spectrum.

Unlike any number of similarly grotesque images from those on the right.

i don't know what that's sposed to be - bammy as a zombie victim?


Hall of Fame
Her apology appeared rather genuine. It will be a career disrupter at the very least.

Her poorly chosen image has been wholly condemned as inappropriate from both sides of the political spectrum.

Unlike any number of similarly grotesque images from those on the right.



New member
I just think it's rich that you guys are so precious about effigies when you have behaved so badly yourselves. Yeah, get back to me when you've stopped electing rapists and men who assault reporters. Then I'll listen to what you think is in bad taste from a comedian, you snowflakes.


New member
what on earth are you raving about now?

You snowflakes who don't seem to have any idea where the real political violence is being committed in this country. None of the people demanding liberals pay a penance for Kathy Griffin's symbolic actions have denounced the people committing actual violence in your own political movement. Get back to me when that's taken care of.


New member
Are people really shocked that violent thoughts are out there in relation to the administration when they have explicitly embraced violent actions?


Liberals, why would things like this be acceptable to you?

The last thing we need is "The Donald" and his supporters lecturing the rest of us as to what constitutes acceptable behaviour!

Trump and House Republicans celebrated in the White House Rose Garden after passing legislation that removed a projected 25 million Americans from healthcare.

For many of those with pre-existing conditions, this will be the equivalent to a "death sentence" because they won't be able to afford the increase in insurance premiums under the new system!


New member
You need help, you're pathological

Hey Pat, I don't remember you calling out Gianforte for his actual acts of violence, or Trump for his history of sexual assault. Any reason we should think you care about symbolic acts beyond the partisan advantage it gives you? Are you really so befuddled about where the violence is entering our politics?



217 House Republicans voted to replace Obamacare

14 House Republicans had the "intestinal fortitude" to face their constituents in townhall meets during the recess!

The Republican healthcare bill was deliberately passed before the Congressional Budget Office could "score" it"

Many constituents had tragic stories how they, or members of their families, have pre-existing conditions and will be effectively forced off healthcare!

A projected 25 million Americans will be left without healthcare and Trump supporters are upset over a picture - CIVE ME A BREAK!


New member
Hall of Fame






Unacceptable. Wrong.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not gonna lie, there's a part of me that wants to see his fool head on a pike, right up there with his master Putin, and buddies Erdogan and Duterte. It is what they richly deserve. But no. The law is the remedy, while the law still functions and justice can be obtained by peaceful means, and so far, the law has proven imperfect, but far more resilient than I expected. And Kathy Griffin's gruesome image, while I understand why she feels that way, doesn't help any of that. It is a failed act of comedy, because it shed no real light, and offers no insight, and it helps conservatives write their caricatures of liberals with real live native material.

If you're interested in comedy about Trump, I can suggest some that actually is good. This is a failed attempt. So go on and wring your hands about the awful things it tells you about liberals, as if one bad joke by one comedian is somehow representative.

You and anyone who agrees with this, are demented and disgusting.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't seem to recall you finding any shame in it when the President's party elected a man to Congress who had just assaulted a reporter. Do you only care about violence that's symbolic? Where's your outrage for real violence by actual powerful people?

You're a hypocrite.

yes, because punching a reporter is as bad as wishing someone dead or showing them dead and thinking its ok, like you. sicko.