Liberal opens fire in Dallas at liberal protest

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You don't care about the problems men face, or the gun ho mentality of police.
Nothing I've written supports your claim. When it comes to police tactics you're literally making it up whole cloth.

With regard to "the problems of men", well, one of them is people like you trying to excuse your or others impulse control and failing to take responsibility or support accepting responsibility for conduct unbecoming of someone who wants to be considered as a man on the basis of more than simply possessing the appropriate plumbing.

The way I see it, these things are good to happen because you all have made it to where it must.
The way I see it, you're an irrational, vaguely emo nightmare who could single-handedly support a team of psychiatrists.

There is a pretty big list of things wrong with this society
Always has been and likely always will be, though the things on that list changes over time.


Well-known member
A black man declares war on white officers by opening fire upon them and killing as many as he can; in protest of white officers killing black men. Would it be justifiable for a white man to declare war on blacks by opening fire upon them and killing as many as he can; in protest of black men killing white officers?

Good question but the answer is no, for a few reasons.

1. By definition, non-whites are incapable of inflicting racial hatred. They can only suffer from it. So white retaliation cannot cite black racism as the cause since black racists do not exist.

2. By definition, whites -- one way or the other -- are fully responsible for anything minorities choose to do to them, even if the fault is simply being white. So again, white retaliation cannot cite black racism as the cause since black racists do not exist.

3. If a minority says he's harming or murdering whites because he hates whites, refer to points 1 and 2.

One example of many demonstrating this:

4. If point 3 fails, as it sometimes does, the minority must immediately be categorized as fully or partly white and/or conservative; i.e., not a "true" minority, therefore not covered by rule 1 (see Zimmerman, George).


New member
Good question but the answer is no, for a few reasons.

1. By definition, non-whites are incapable of inflicting racial hatred. They can only suffer from it. So white retaliation cannot cite black racism as the cause since black racists do not exist.

2. By definition, whites -- one way or the other -- are fully responsible for anything minorities choose to do to them, even if the fault is simply being white. So again, white retaliation cannot cite black racism as the cause since black racists do not exist.

3. If a minority says he's harming or murdering whites because he hates whites, refer to points 1 and 2.

One example of many demonstrating this:

4. If point 3 fails, as it sometimes does, the minority must immediately be categorized as fully or partly white and/or conservative; i.e., not a "true" minority, therefore not covered by rule 1 (see Zimmerman, George).

Seems to be the mentality of many.


It is not inevitable that I, a white man, would open fire on a group of black men as a protest against black men that kill officers.

Is that what I said? No. I said that the inevitable will happen, as per the definition of 'inevitable'. And among such, there will be those who attack police, just as the police who have taken up doing much the same thing.

This is something that happens with authorities- during war, what frequently occurs is soldiers shooting and bombing out of anger- it happens with police as well hombre, and just like overseas, you'll have citizens here who will retaliate.


New member
Is that what I said? No. I said that the inevitable will happen, as per the definition of 'inevitable'. And among such, there will be those who attack police, just as the police who have taken up doing much the same thing.
And as much as I dislike the fact that black men are killing white officers doesn't make it inevitable that I will open fire and start gunning down as many black men as I can.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
A black man declares war on white officers by opening fire upon them and killing as many as he can; in protest of white officers killing black men. Would it be justifiable for a white man to declare war on blacks by opening fire upon them and killing as many as he can; in protest of black men killing white officers?



1. Norway
1, Sweden

3. Belgium
3. Finland
3. Netherlands

6. Denmark
6. Luxembourg
6. Switzerland

9. Andorra

10. Estonia
10. Ireland

12. St Lucia

13. Estonia
13. Monaco
13. New Zealand
13. Palau
13. San Marino

19. Germany
19. Marshall Islands
19. Portugal
19. St. Vincent

23. Barbados
23. Costa Rica
23. Jamaica
23. United Syates of America

U.S. Population: 323,947,000
More than all those combined, with a much more heavy amount of adversarial opinions.

One could also state this light of gun control, but why bother really- scattered utopias are like farts in the wind- they are unpleasant and then they are whisked away.
History- learn it :wave:


U.S. Population: 323,947,000
More than all those combined, with a much more heavy amount of adversarial opinions.

One could also state this light of gun control, but why bother really- scattered utopias are like farts in the wind- they are unpleasant and then they are whisked away.
History- learn it :wave:
Please note that my analysis is supported by objective, 3rd party references while "Crucible's" opinions are based on noting more than "farts in the wind!"

Either he is unable or unwilling to provide any kind of credible references to support his ramblings - a true disciple of the Donald Trump School of Political Science!


Please note that my analysis is supported by objective, 3rd party references while "Crucible's" opinions are based on noting more than "farts in the wind!"

Either he is unable or unwilling to provide the kinds of credible references to support his ramblings - a true disciple of the Donald Trump School of Political Science!

Listen here, moron, statistics don't show anything but numbers- they do not give reasons or any other comparisons. By your logic, you showing a one man island where there's no discretion on speech would suffice.

So take note to the fact that your analysis is non-existent and you are about as objective as a creationist at a science museum.


New member
The motive is secondary here- the fact of the matter is that the police have trigger happy and gestapo officers, and they go unchecked. There is a general lack of respect for life among those type- people have shrugged their shoulders at that for a long time now, and retaliation has begun.

I have no doubt in my mind that this is just the beginning of something worse. So people can sit there on their high horse all they want, or cry about officers being victimized.
In the mean time, the inevitable is going to happen anyway- just as it just did :rolleyes:

Crimes should be investigated and criminals should be punished.
Too many are fanning the flames without any investigation of the facts. It is time for prayer and promotion of dialogue.


New member


Trudeau is reportedly about to double down on the law Canada got rid of a few years ago, only now you can be jailed for a couple years for wrongspeech against sodomites. Nationwide.

Knowing you, you probably consider that a good thing.

And homosexuals can say anything they want while anyone else must remain silent- this is something that has been a known problem in several places, unfortunately.

They'll go and sabotage heterosexual weddings, bully Christians, and all kinds of things because they won't be publicly shamed for it.

Isn't that exactly why people did much the same to gays a half a century ago :think:
There's a lot of hypocrisy for a bunch of people who can't ever seem to shut up about 'hypocrisy'.


Well-known member
All of this is part of the Left's move to gradually destroy the concept of the individual as an individual, reducing everyone to groups or categories that they define. The ultimate goal, in one word, is dehumanization.

First, the moral polarity of all groups is defined and fixed by the Left. This means the morality of individuals making up a group is likewise fixed (example: blacks are incapable of racism; whites are guilty of racism by virtue of being white). This mindset makes it easy to dismiss any individual who disagrees with you (as can be seen on TOL with Artie Brain and others).

The obverse is true: since the Leftist knows he belongs to the correct group, he has the right to be offended for simply being disagreed with while he himself owes no respect whatsoever to a member of a designated enemy group. As human individuals with their own thoughts, feelings and beliefs, those others do not exist. They are only the extension of their group. If his group is good, he's good. If his group is bad, he can't NOT be bad (though most individual Leftists can't pull of the degree of doublethink required to ignore their own individuality, and so end up utter hypocrites -- demanding to be taken seriously as individuals while dismissing/dehumanizing as BADGROUP anyone who disagrees). That's dehumanization.

Second, it's much easier to be an absolutist this way, especially when they've gained political power. Leftists are free to selectively dismiss or enforce, reward or punish individual acts based on the group they've put a person into. For political purposes individuals can have no individual identity; they can have only that which the Left allows their group to collectively have.

So if a favored group is to receive rights that they do not (yet) possess by law, it is made to happen (perverts allowed into women's rooms) BECAUSE THEY ARE RIGHT BY VIRTUE OF THEIR GROUP. If another group must be denied rights, it's easy to issue blanket denials to everyone within that group (example: leftists denying private property rights by proudly destroying "enemy" campaign signs) because you have dehumanized everyone within that group. YOUR group, in everyday practice, maintains individual rights because you are in the correct group. THEIR group is bad and so people in that group cannot be allowed to have the rights you have. More dehumanization.

Third, once one learns to view everyone according to groups, it only makes sense to assign group virtue and group guilt. The world is so much easier to comprehend -- and control -- without the tedious, messy variances of billions of unique individuals to deal with.

When someone who doesn't quite fit the assigned grouping comes along (a leftist who "goes off the reservation" or a black person for Trump), the Leftist at first cannot process what happened. It violates programming. Inevitably, the person who left is simply reclassified as BADGROUP. And since a GOODGROUP person cannot also belong to BADGROUP, the person who left was therefore never GOODGROUP to begin with ("Uncle Tom," "not authentically black," etc). Even more dehumanization.

All of this is intended to destroy the concept of the individual as an individual. Once everyone has been mass pigeonholed into positive or negative categories, you've dehumanized them. That makes them very easy to marginalize, ignore or eliminate.

It also makes it much easier to mobilize GOODGROUPS to violent action against other targeted BADGROUPS. By appealing to them as inviduals? No. By appealing to them according to the group identity you labeled them with.

It's already happened elsewhere. It is happening elsewhere now. Don't think it can't happen here. It's already is.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
AndyC has it on good authority that that's just more figurative nonliteral symbolism.

Liberals cheer for the villain, not the hero in movies. Like Longshanks or Commudus. They don't rejoice at justice. It is why Andy and others hate the preaching of the cross.


Listen here, moron, statistics don't show anything but numbers- they do not give reasons or any other comparisons. By your logic, you showing a one man island where there's no discretion on speech would suffice.

So take note to the fact that your analysis is non-existent and you are about as objective as a creationist at a science museum.
I was wondering when "Crucible" would resort to the predictable "name calling" to which our conservative "friends" invariably revert - nothing more than a clear admission that they are unable or unwilling to develop the necessary debating skills to elevate the discussion out of the gutter!

What I do object to is when these intellectually-challenged "neanderthals" attempt to promote their warped ideas in the name of Christianity!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
All of this is part of the Left's move to gradually destroy the concept of the individual as an individual, reducing everyone to groups or categories that they define. The ultimate goal, in one word, is dehumanization.

First, the moral polarity of all groups is defined and fixed by the Left. This means the morality of individuals making up a group is likewise fixed (example: blacks are incapable of racism; whites are guilty of racism by virtue of being white). This mindset makes it easy to dismiss any individual who disagrees with you (as can be seen on TOL with Artie Brain and others).

The obverse is true: since the Leftist knows he belongs to the correct group, he has the right to be offended for simply being disagreed with while he himself owes no respect whatsoever to a member of a designated enemy group. As human individuals with their own thoughts, feelings and beliefs, those others do not exist. They are only the extension of their group. If his group is good, he's good. If his group is bad, he can't NOT be bad (though most individual Leftists can't pull of the degree of doublethink required to ignore their own individuality, and so end up utter hypocrites -- demanding to be taken seriously as individuals while dismissing/dehumanizing as BADGROUP anyone who disagrees). That's dehumanization.

Second, it's much easier to be an absolutist this way, especially when they've gained political power. Leftists are free to selectively dismiss or enforce, reward or punish individual acts based on the group they've put a person into. For political purposes individuals can have no individual identity; they can have only that which the Left allows their group to collectively have.

So if a favored group is to receive rights that they do not (yet) possess by law, it is made to happen (perverts allowed into women's rooms) BECAUSE THEY ARE RIGHT BY VIRTUE OF THEIR GROUP. If another group must be denied rights, it's easy to issue blanket denials to everyone within that group (example: leftists denying private property rights by proudly destroying "enemy" campaign signs) because you have dehumanized everyone within that group. YOUR group, in everyday practice, maintains individual rights because you are in the correct group. THEIR group is bad and so people in that group cannot be allowed to have the rights you have. More dehumanization.

Third, once one learns to view everyone according to groups, it only makes sense to assign group virtue and group guilt. The world is so much easier to comprehend -- and control -- without the tedious, messy variances of billions of unique individuals to deal with.

When someone who doesn't quite fit the assigned grouping comes along (a leftist who "goes off the reservation" or a black person for Trump), the Leftist at first cannot process what happened. It violates programming. Inevitably, the person who left is simply reclassified as BADGROUP. And since a GOODGROUP person cannot also belong to BADGROUP, the person who left was therefore never GOODGROUP to begin with ("Uncle Tom," "not authentically black," etc). Even more dehumanization.

All of this is intended to destroy the concept of the individual as an individual. Once everyone has been mass pigeonholed into positive or negative categories, you've dehumanized them. That makes them very easy to marginalize, ignore or eliminate.

It also makes it much easier to mobilize GOODGROUPS to violent action against other targeted BADGROUPS. By appealing to them as inviduals? No. By appealing to them according to the group identity you labeled them with.

It's already happened elsewhere. It is happening elsewhere now. Don't think it can't happen here. It's already is.

Rather ironic given how you make sweeping and ill thought out judgments on anyone who doesn't veer to the far right on here. I wonder if the irony even registers...


I was wondering when "Crucible" would resort to the predictable "name calling" to which our conservative "friends" invariably revert - nothing more than a clear admission that they are unable or unwilling to develop the necessary debating skills to elevate the discussion out of the gutter!

What I do object to is when these intellectually-challenged "neanderthals" attempt to promote their warped ideas in the name of Christianity!


Projecting is not an argument. Appealing, hypocritically, to Christian passivity is not an argument. And pretending you ever had a case in the first place is not an argument.

Therefore, there was never a meaningful discussion to take out of any gutter :wave: