Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Don't cha just hate people with a moral backbone anna?

I'm fascinated by the repeated (unsuccessful) attempts to read my mind.

Are you aware that the mind is a beautiful thing and shouldn't be wasted by defending liberal mumbo jumbo?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Rowan County Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis was elected to a position where one of her duties was to issue marriage licenses to one man, who was marrying one woman. Just because a bunch of secular humanist judges who have no constitutional authority to redefine marriage (or murder babies in the womb for that matter) decided that Bruth and whatshisname can call themselves husband and husband, doesn't mean that elected officials have to go along with it (her oath was to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the State of Kentucky's Constitution, not to the Supreme Court).

How about when incestuous, polygamous and adult-child 'marriages' are legalized (it's that "right to privacy" thing), will you be singing the same tune?

Easy. If you have a problem with what the government declares legal, don't work for the government.

I wonder how many times those words were said during the murdering regimes of Communist China, Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany?

Government has a legitimate purpose, and it's purpose is not to be run by madmen.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'm fascinated by the repeated (unsuccessful) attempts to read my mind.
You think that's funny you should hear him try to speak his own. :plain:

Easy. If you have a problem with what the government declares legal, don't work for the government.
Funny how people who would balk at drinking a Coke or going to Disneyland to underscore their objections to how social policies are handled by them can't see the simple wisdom of not working for the thing they routinely call evil.


New member
Mass Resistance is on point as usual.

We can certainly see what’s coming up. It’s a hardcore take-no-prisoners approach. We must react accordingly. What most of our movement has tried hasn’t worked and isn’t going to work.

MassResistance believes that their whole program must be confronted. Using what resources we have, we believe in taking the offensive. This means challenging that movement everywhere we can. First and foremost means not holding back on telling the unabashed truth, no matter what the consequences. (For example, most conservatives are squeamish about talking about the well-documented medical and psychological destructiveness of homosexual behavior.)

The LGBT movement wins when we become afraid to confront them. (And we’re coming up with an innovative way to do just that.)

We will be discussing this further in upcoming posts.

I look forward to what they have planned.


Well-known member
"The judge offered to release Davis if she promises not to interfere with her employees issuing the licenses, but she refused."
Her 'employees' are merely her deputies. Her name would still be on the license. She believes that would be a violation of her constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of religion. She's absolutely correct, too.


Well-known member
Her 'employees' are merely her deputies. Her name would still be on the license. She believes that would be a violation of her constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of religion. She's absolutely correct, too.

If you had read the article that I linked, you would know that the licenses that were issued today did NOT have her signature on them.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Her 'employees' are merely her deputies. Her name would still be on the license. She believes that would be a violation of her constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of religion. She's absolutely correct, too.
No, she's not. You don't have a Constitutionally founded right to discriminate in violation of the law because you sincerely believe you should be able to. That's why racists, even those who rest on the whole Mark of Cain nonsense, can't sustain that as justification for excluding blacks from their businesses.


New member
Perhaps because, oh I don't know, Selaphiel isnt a homosexual! :duh:

Sadly everyone who encourages love and acceptance of gays are labelled as such, which I guess is exactly what the religious community did to Jesus in His day. I guess he is in good company then.


New member
if u were honest (but we know u r not)
you would DELETE asa
in the sidebox here
the word Christian

Perhaps you could learn to post coherently AND cohesively.
I was born INTO the RCC, then I got saved and left for the real church.
Your sad and inculcated effort to make everyone unbelievers is down to one adage...."Misery loves company".
Keep your misery to yourself.


Well-known member
No, she's not. You don't have a Constitutionally founded right to discriminate in violation of the law because you sincerely believe you should be able to. That's why racists, even those who rest on the whole Mark of Cain nonsense, can't sustain that as justification for excluding blacks from their businesses.
I never bought the 'mark of Cain' lie, but queers don't have the right to marry, IMHO; neither does the government have the right to force me to recognize their un-holy union. Making something legal according to the law of the land doesn't make it line up with The Law of God.


New member
well, that rather proves my point
If YOU think something is ammoral and hideous...
maybe it is...
again... society these days seems to have little interest in OBJECTIVE moral truth/reality
well, eveyrone will someday
in the next life we will all "know" what some of us know today
of course by then it will probably be too late for many don't even have an inkling as to WHAT the next life is, and you will INDEED be surprised when you wake up to reality.


New member
Make it up as you go along (Mt 5:18).
Understand the difference between moral law and ceremonial law.

and if you actually understood the verse you quote, you would be aware that it referred to Jesus' death and resurrection as being the fulfillment of the LAW. It is NOW obsolete.


New member
I never bought the 'mark of Cain' lie, but queers don't have the right to marry, IMHO; neither does the government have the right to force me to recognize their un-holy union. Making something legal according to the law of the land doesn't make it line up with The Law of God.

So when racists use the bible to justify their hate and bigotry it's wrong and a "lie"
But when homophones use the bible to justify their hate and bigotry they are martyrs and heros