Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


New member
I saw a program yesterday and the woman was asking for a divorce because she thought that her husband was having an affair with the cleaning lady, turned out he was having an affair with a snake (he was having copulation with a snake and his friend video him and brought the video to the court room).

Eventually, it turned out that both males were copulating with the same snake.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why not Stan? Who says that a man and a woman have to be a follower of Christ (and have a church wedding) in order to legitimize matrimony?

That would be the whole point, if you had actually read my post in context and not skimmed it.
Obeying God has NOTHING to do with governmental recognition, as Paul clearly points out in 1 Cor 5. Maybe you should read it?

My point is that civil government isn't the only institution that has been infiltrated by sodomites, so has the Church. Do you think that homosexual weddings aren't taking place in supposed Houses of God?

Government became involved in marriage because they had the authority to define it (one man, one woman) and if anyone so much as mocked it (via adultery, via cohabitation, etc.) then they would be punished.

The Church doesn't have any authority (and shouldn't) to punish those who cheat on their wife or cohabitate out of wedlock, the state did, and hence we had a strong society built on decency because the family unit was strong.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I saw a program yesterday and the woman was asking for a divorce because she thought that her husband was having an affair with the cleaning lady, turned out he was having an affair with a snake (he was having copulation with a snake and his friend video him and brought the video to the court room).

Eventually, it turned out that both males were copulating with the same snake.



New member
Hall of Fame
Sodom and Gomorrah -

Luke 17:28 "It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building; 29 but on the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.…


New member
My point is that civil government isn't the only institution that has been infiltrated by sodomites, so has the Church. Do you think that homosexual weddings aren't taking place in supposed Houses of God?

Government became involved in marriage because they had the authority to define it (one man, one woman) and if anyone so much as mocked it (via adultery, via cohabitation, etc.) then they would be punished.

The Church doesn't have any authority (and shouldn't) to punish those who cheat on their wife or cohabitate out of wedlock, the state did, and hence we had a strong society built on decency because the family unit was strong.

Pay attention aCW...I have no desire to repeat myself to the likes of you.

The issue is NOT who has infiltrated where unless you are paranoid.
The issue is law abiding citizens deserve EVERY right of that citizenship.
You are no better than the Ayatollahs in Iran with all your hateful rhetoric.

We do NOT live in a theocratic society thank God. We live in a democracy where bigots like you and your ilk are not longer as worrisome as the KKK used to be. Was your grand daddy in the KKK?


like marbles on glass
Funny how people who would balk at drinking a Coke or going to Disneyland to underscore their objections to how social policies are handled by them can't see the simple wisdom of not working for the thing they routinely call evil.

Selective outrage.

Don't take government jobs, people, if you don't want to do the government's work.


Pay attention aCW...I have no desire to repeat myself to the likes of you.

Check your blood pressure Stan, I don't want you to stroke out (it's that love thy neighbor thing).

The issue is NOT who has infiltrated where unless you are paranoid.

Actually it is Stan. A Christian has gone to jail because the sodomite movement infiltrated God's institution of marriage and she refused to sell out God.

The issue is law abiding citizens deserve EVERY right of that citizenship.
You are no better than the Ayatollahs in Iran with all your hateful rhetoric.

We do NOT live in a theocratic society thank God. We live in a democracy where bigots like you and your ilk are not longer as worrisome as the KKK used to be. Was your grand daddy in the KKK?

I love it when you fly your LGBTQ colors Stan. Thanks for taking my bait.


New member
Hall of Fame
seems like Davis liked doing the work she was doing for many years before five perverted scumbags on the scotus changed the rules

Loads of elected officials ignore a great many laws they dont like including our president. They refuse to enforce many laws, but it seems the perverts only care about laws they like being enforced.

I dont hear any crys for them to be in jail or to resign :think:


like marbles on glass
She is being represented pro bono by attorneys for Liberty Counsel. They will want to score points for the pro-family side with this case. Perhaps this will include leaving her in jail for awhile, to make the point about Christian persecution? :think:

I'm not too impressed with Liberty Counsel's tactics not just in this case but in past cases.


Selective outrage.

Don't take government jobs, people, if you don't want to do the government's work.

This is the common liberal reply. The conservatives have been replying that your kind of reply is itself "selective."

Where is the liberal cry to Obama: "Either execute the laws or resign, Obama!"

Where was the liberal cry to the mayor of that city who basically told the police not to arrest protesting rioters and looters: "Either do your job or resign!"

Where is the liberal outcry against the Supreme Court when they decided to make law as opposed to apply it? Where was the liberal cry: "Either do your job or resign!"

Where was the outcry then?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Selective outrage.
Struck me that way since the whole outpouring began and I noted that the only truly Biblical version of marriage involves more than differing sex organs. It involves a God's joining, but you don't have and never have had a concerted objection to atheists marrying, let alone one that resembles the upheaval on this issue.

Don't take government jobs, people, if you don't want to do the government's work.
Seems reasonable. Or leave them if something changes that makes it impossible for you to fulfill your duty.


Well-known member
and that has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted

So? I spent many years of my life as a public servant and unionist for public servants. It is quite simple really. Your job is to fulfill the legislation the government enables. If you can't, then resign.