Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why not Stan? Who says that a man and a woman have to be a follower of Christ (and have a church wedding) in order to legitimize matrimony?
That would be the whole point, if you had actually read my post in context and not skimmed it.
Obeying God has NOTHING to do with governmental recognition, as Paul clearly points out in 1 Cor 5. Maybe you should read it?
My point is that civil government isn't the only institution that has been infiltrated by sodomites, so has the Church. Do you think that homosexual weddings aren't taking place in supposed Houses of God?
Government became involved in marriage because they had the authority to define it (one man, one woman) and if anyone so much as mocked it (via adultery, via cohabitation, etc.) then they would be punished.
The Church doesn't have any authority (and shouldn't) to punish those who cheat on their wife or cohabitate out of wedlock, the state did, and hence we had a strong society built on decency because the family unit was strong.