Kentucky clerk who refused gay couples taken into federal custody; ordered jailed


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If you don't have the ability to focus on the discussion of Kim Davis instead of making this personal then feel free to ignore me and I'll do the same.

Youve already said that over the last few days more than once, yet you keep adressing me when im not speaking to you.

You better believe im going to respond when you adress me, if you dont want me to respond, then its real easy to use ignore, yes?

Lady you are who keep making it personal since you started crying about reps, then expecting me to lie down and ignore you, doesnt work that way.

Its not personal for me, i say what i think to everyone.


Where is your ability to stick to the issue at hand?


With all due respect, my reply is directly relevent to the issue. The contention of the social liberals is that, as an elected official, she either should have:

1. Done her job (and issued the licenses)


2. Resigned.

The social liberals seemingly only make this claim when it suits their agenda. Where are these social liberals who make this argument when it comes to other similar instances?

To my mind, what this means is that social liberals don't actually believe what they are saying.

In other words:

What the social liberals are saying is completely ad hoc.
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New member
I believe in religious liberty, but this is a civil job she has, and the law is the law, and she should either have issued the licenses or left her post. Some will disagree with me, but this woman is out for fame and money, IMO.

There is so much misinformation floating around these days... That is correct - "the law is the law"... and Kim Davis was following the law to the T. Number 6 of the Marriage License law of Kentucky states, that same sex marriages are prohibited.

Unfortunately, we in the United States, currently have a renegade government and Supreme Court which chooses to ignore the laws of the land.

The Supreme Court overstepped its bounds when it redefined marriage to include same sex unions, as it did when it made healthcare a taxable requirement.

The Supreme Court cannot make laws... It can only offer opinion, and the only Marriage License Law that is current and active today in the state of Kentucky, states that same sex marriages are prohibited.

So Kim Davis was following the law, and Judge Bunning should be removed from the bench for allowing his personal feelings to cloud his judgement to the point of imprisoning a sworn official for upholding the law.


New member
No, a Christian went to jail only because she broke the law.


You are right, she broke the law.

The way to fight the law is to start voting for people with Christian morals.
We are not a Christian nation today, so take jobs that will not compromise your beliefs unless or until we can make a change of minds within the political realm.

Not "God bless America", but "Americans bless God", then God will bless us.


New member
You are right, she broke the law.

The way to fight the law is to start voting for people with Christian morals.
We are not a Christian nation today, so take jobs that will not compromise your beliefs unless or until we can make a change of minds within the political realm.

Not "God bless America", but "Americans bless God", then God will bless us.

Well said!


New member
There is so much misinformation floating around these days... That is correct - "the law is the law"... and Kim Davis was following the law to the T. Number 6 of the Marriage License law of Kentucky states, that same sex marriages are prohibited.

Unfortunately, we in the United States, currently have a renegade government and Supreme Court which chooses to ignore the laws of the land.

The Supreme Court overstepped its bounds when it redefined marriage to include same sex unions, as it did when it made healthcare a taxable requirement.

The Supreme Court cannot make laws... It can only offer opinion, and the only Marriage License Law that is current and active today in the state of Kentucky, states that same sex marriages are prohibited.

So Kim Davis was following the law, and Judge Bunning should be removed from the bench for allowing his personal feelings to cloud his judgement to the point of imprisoning a sworn official for upholding the law.

Interesting! I wonder if anyone will go after the judge?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You are right, she broke the law.

The way to fight the law is to start voting for people with Christian morals.
We are not a Christian nation today, so take jobs that will not compromise your beliefs unless or until we can make a change of minds within the political realm.

Not "God bless America", but "Americans bless God", then God will bless us.

While I agree, the effect of what you say is to push Christians out of business, social work like adoption agencies, the police, law enforcement and government posts....and that IS the homo agenda.

Thet DO want to take over society

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You are right, she broke the law.

The way to fight the law is to start voting for people with Christian morals.
We are not a Christian nation today, so take jobs that will not compromise your beliefs unless or until we can make a change of minds within the political realm.

Not "God bless America", but "Americans bless God", then God will bless us.

so how do we start the process to impeach Judge David Bunning?


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Hall of Fame
no answer
we can assume he is okay with same sex marriage
doesn't have the guts to admit it

you have no idea what it is like to have your name on a record that legitimizes something that you abhor
you are okay with same sex marriage
your opinion regarding the actions of this clerk are not only meaningless
they are misleading
it is what I call arguing around the edges
which is a waste of time for me
I am not interested in arguing with you
you are okay with either abortion or same sex marriage
what's the point?

Not everyone can spend all day on TOL chrys. I have a job and other things going on. :plain:

But to answer your question, as it concerns the law I'm pretty much OK with it, so you did get that assumption right.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and when you ask them
they are okay with same sex marriage

they don't have the guts to answer

or they bury their answer in paragraph after paragraph of foolish comparisons to sharia law, the kkk, and toyota supras

Not everyone can spend all day on TOL chrys. I have a job and other things going on. :plain:


does it involve a fryolator?

But to answer your question, as it concerns the law I'm pretty much OK with it, so you did get that assumption right.



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Hall of Fame
Her name is still on them if her clerks issue them, thats the problem.

Her attorneys put forth that she would be ok with it, if the state would allow other clerks under the officiate to sign them issued. They said no.

Does that change your mind?

yes, the verse in romans says not only those who do such things are worthy of death but those who consent.

Her name implies consent.
Her name doesn't imply consent in this case. Her name would be there because of a technicality, not because she approves or consents to the marriage.

Kim Davis made an oath, an oath which yoked her to the state. What does the bible say about making oaths anyway? :think:
Right. She made an oath. If she can't fulfill that oath anymore then why not step down? Or at least let her deputies do it.


New member
and when you ask them
they are okay with same sex marriage

they don't have the guts to answer

You have turned into a real CREEP!
I shall state very clearly that I am opposed to same sex marriage.
I am opposed to abortion.
I am opposed to men hitting women.
I am opposed to the gratuitous use of vulgar and demeaning language.
I am opposed to Grand Exalted Poohbahs who pose pompous questions to others with the idea of somehow demeaning them if they do not meet his/her parochial, narrow-minded, peasant mentality!
When you take offense to someone you never forget, you never forgive and you do not relent in your attempts to vilify them.
I used to like you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Her name doesn't imply consent in this case.

permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

"no change may be made without the consent of all the partners"
synonyms: agreement, assent, acceptance, approval, approbation; More
antonyms: dissent