Katrina Damage


New member
BillyBob said:
Exactly what I've been saying! These people have gone crazy!

My initial question was "why are they predominately 'black'?"

Did you read that link?
A better question is: why are most of the black people in New Orlean poor?
When asked by reporters why they didn't leave, one person said that they didn't have a car, another said that she barely made her bills, living paycheck to paycheck, and that they were told that it was going to be a level 3, when it was a level 4.

If you go to CNN, you will see that almost everyone is black or elderly - basically, the poor.
The reason that there are black looters, is because all of the people that are still there are black. The people that aren't looting are also black. The people that you see at the dome are all black. The people getting on the busses are all black.

It's a issue of class, as much as it is of race.



Well-known member
BillyBob said:
A Matter of Survival

But some of the "looting" was a matter of survival. One report said a manager of a Wal-Mart opened the doors of his store and told residents to take anything they needed.
Hey they did it, cool!


beanieboy said:
Did you read that link?
A better question is: why are most of the black people in New Orlean poor?
When asked by reporters why they didn't leave, one person said that they didn't have a car, another said that she barely made her bills, living paycheck to paycheck, and that they were told that it was going to be a level 3, when it was a level 4.

If you go to CNN, you will see that almost everyone is black or elderly - basically, the poor.
The reason that there are black looters, is because all of the people that are still there are black. The people that aren't looting are also black. The people that you see at the dome are all black. The people getting on the busses are all black.

It's a issue of class, as much as it is of race.


I don't see white people looting and rioting.


GuySmiley said:
Hey they did it, cool!

You notice that the manager told them to 'take everything they need'......that doesn't include VCRs, TVs or electric toy cars.

And what about the jewelry stores that have been broken into, how badly do they need a new necklace?

[bling bling] :mrt:


New member
I'd be willing to purchase a hotel room for a week for a refugee...

I'm not opening my house up to them, however.

I don't think I'd want strangers in my house either. Seriously, if you could do that, that would be awesome.

I feel horrible that I'm not in the financial situation to help out right now. In a few weeks I will be.


New member
beanieboy said:
Any one know of any ways to help?
Hi beanieboy,
One thing you could do is volunteer at the red cross and/or donate money to a charity of your choice that gives relief to flood victums or if you own a business, you could give discounts to refugees. I know in houston, the businesses are giving discounts to refugees..One resturant was giving away free gumbo. I was touched seeing that as I drove to get some groceries (I am from Mandeville,LA and I am part Cajun). It is times like this that I realize just how fortunate I am.


Surr said:
I don't think I'd want strangers in my house either. Seriously, if you could do that, that would be awesome.

I feel horrible that I'm not in the financial situation to help out right now. In a few weeks I will be.

Your link didn't work.


New member
You notice that the manager told them to 'take everything they need'......that doesn't include VCRs, TVs or electric toy cars.
Looting for the fun of it, is wrong. If you're out there stealing TVs and microwaves and other things that aren't necessary for survival, then it's wrong. (Although my definition of necessity may differ from someone elses.)

But if it's a matter of taking some bread and milk to feed your kids, then it's a whole different picture.


New member
Surr said:
Looting for the fun of it, is wrong. If you're out there stealing TVs and microwaves and other things that aren't necessary for survival, then it's wrong. (Although my definition of necessity may differ from someone elses.)

But if it's a matter of taking some bread and milk to feed your kids, then it's a whole different picture.

And I agree that taking necessities for survival in such a situation is not wrong. And as BillyBob has pointed out, you don't need a trunk full of "bling" to survive until aid comes.

There's a difference between surviving and looting.


Well-known member
BillyBob said:
You notice that the manager told them to 'take everything they need'......that doesn't include VCRs, TVs or electric toy cars.

And what about the jewelry stores that have been broken into, how badly do they need a new necklace?

[bling bling] :mrt:
I pity the fool who doesn't have a new necklace! Forget the death and destruction all around, I'm going to look good!


New member
And I agree that taking necessities for survival in such a situation is not wrong. And as BillyBob has pointed out, you don't need a trunk full of "bling" to survive until aid comes.

There's a difference between surviving and looting.

Absolutely. I agree whole-heartedly.

I was so close to pulling the trigger....then I realized it is sponsored by Moveon.org.

I can respect that. That's how I feel about giving money towards organizations like the Salvation Army.

What you said about donating money for a family to stay in a hotel was an excellent idea though.


Crow said:
And I agree that taking necessities for survival in such a situation is not wrong. And as BillyBob has pointed out, you don't need a trunk full of "bling" to survive until aid comes.

There's a difference between surviving and looting.

I just heard an interview with a person of authority in Louisiana who said that there is actually a law allowing the 'looting' of lifesaving essentials in times of emergency. I would like to read how that law is written....

She made it very clear that TV's and jewelry are not covered by that law.

Army of One

New member
BillyBob said:
Exactly what I've been saying! These people have gone crazy!

My initial question was "why are they predominately 'black'?"
BB, from what I've seen on the news stations, I also noticed that the vast majority of people in general (including those waiting to be evacuated, and those locals that were helping to rescue others) were "black". Because it seems that most of the areas that were hit hardest are predominately "black" areas, it would make sense that the vast majority of the looters are "black" also. I'm disgusted by the behavior of those stealing unneeded item, regardless of what color they are.

BTW, WW and GuySmiley (and everyone else who agreed), I agree that the Police or National Guard should not hesitate in eliminating any idiot that would fire upon those who are trying to help the rescue effort.


Well-known member
I'm puzzled why you all care so much about this looting. I mean given the whole picture, the looting seems pretty trivial, really.

Army of One

New member
PureX said:
I'm puzzled why you all care so much about this looting. I mean given the whole picture, the looting seems pretty trivial, really.
Well, it's not really trivial, considering that the looting is obviously hindering the search and rescue operations, therefore putting more lives at risk. In addition to that, all this looting will eventually have to be payed for, so it is only adding to the financial problems that this area is going to face as a result of the natural disaster.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
All those store owners are going to bang their insurance companies for the entire contents of their store any way. Not to mention all the goods are ruined. But, the fact remains that the people should be helping each other, not shooting at the helicopters, or standing around yelling at the TV cameras, they should be organized, and working towards the goal of order. From within.


PureX said:
I'm puzzled why you all care so much about this looting. I mean given the whole picture, the looting seems pretty trivial, really.

You've got to be kidding!

Here we are in the middle of one of the worst natural disasters in US history and the first reaction of a selected group of people is to steal, pillage, plunder, riot, kill, rape, destroy property and shoot helicopters.

That seems trivial to you?


fool said:
All those store owners are going to bang their insurance companies for the entire contents of their store any way.

How do you know that?

Not to mention all the goods are ruined.

That depends on their policies and deductibles. And how long do you think it will be before they actually get a settlement? 2 months? 3 months? 6 months? Even if the insurance companies paid 100%, it doesn't excuse the behaviour of these animals.

But, the fact remains that the people should be helping each other, not shooting at the helicopters, or standing around yelling at the TV cameras, they should be organized, and working towards the goal of order. From within.

Just take a look at the looters and you will understand who you are dealing with. :mrt: