Katrina Damage


New member
There's a difference between looting for food and shooting at helicopters. The police have helped some people loot for food. That's different. Shooting at helicopters is inexcusable.


New member
BillyBob said:
I don't buy it. :nono:

These people are taking advantage of this circumstance to do something they WANT to do, not something they have to do.

That's what I thought originally.
But let's say you go to Walmart and grab a TV.
And then what??
Bring it with you to the dome, and leave everything else?
You won't have electricity for at least 2 months.
If you are bused, you are going to bring it with you on the bus?

I don't agree with it, but people aren't just thinking, "gee, I'm going to go still a TV in the midst of the panic." They have just had their houses destroyed, and no where to go for miles, some of them searching for family members. So if all someone really is thinking about is stealing a TV, I'm unsure where they plan to bring it home to, and are probably doing so out of not thinking clearly.


New member
1000 people died in Iraq while making a pilgrimage. Someone said that they saw someone with a bomb strapped to their chest. People panicked and stampeed the bridge. Most of those who fell from the bridge were women and children.

If you were to interview everyone on the pilgrimage, and say, "If you found out that someone had a bomb and knew that you might be in danger, would you push your way to safety, even if women and children died?", most would answer, "Of course not!!"

People have died in fires in clubs, died from stampedes for concert tickets, but none of them would ever think they would kill someone for concert tickets, are push someone out of the way if a fire broke out.

People change in different situations.


New member
GuySmiley said:
Anyone who shoots at the helicopters should be shot. Anyone carrying a TV should also be shot.

You suggest that people go to New Orleans, where people have no food, or water, and there is panic in the street, and start shooting people that have crossed the line?

That's even worse than looting.


People don't suddenly become thieves unless they have a predisposition to unethical behaviour.

Trust me, Beanie, most of us would not start breaking into Wal Marts and steal TV's just because there was a flood.


beanieboy said:
You suggest that people go to New Orleans, where people have no food, or water, and there is panic in the street, and start shooting people that have crossed the line?

That's even worse than looting.

I don't agree. Private property must be protected.


New member
Beanie, I don't think he's suggesting people go over there, shotguns in hand. But if a helicopter pilot has a good view of a shooting looter, I wouldn't be opposed to taking him out of our misery.


New member
O.K., well, I'd draw the line at going over shooting people for stealing T.V.'s that's a different matter. Stealing T.V.'s is wrong, but not on the same scale with shooting rescue helicopters. That's just unthinkable.


New member
I was posting this on the looting thread.

Have you ever seen that Twilight Zone episode, where a guy has a fallout shelter? He is friends with his neighbors, who simply think he's a kook. Sirens go off, and people panic. The man shuns his friends, saying that he cares only about himself. Some of the men push the women out of the way to get to the front of the line. One neighbor argues that he's the head of a bank, and more important than a plumber. Finally, the all act together, and try to break the door down.

Then, they find out that it was a false alarm.

Do I think it's wrong to shoot a rescue copter? Yes.
But like the neighbors who were willing to destroy the shelter if they weren't let in, they probably watched group after group leave, and angry, shot at the copter.

Because I am not under that stress, have an apartment, have family that could support me in an emergency, I look at them and think, "Why are you biting the hand that feeds you?" But after seeing the conditions, I thought:
Were a storm to hit that was way worse than I was told or imagined, and the ocean flooded my apartment building, and I couldn't return, had little money, and had been dealing with this for several days, wondering what was taking the help so long, and I sat with as many people as see the Twins play, but had to sleep on the chairs, had no phone, no electricity, was hungry, was tired, thought one of my kids might be dead, and watched the copter take 6 people or so at a time out of 50,000, I might be at least tempted to shoot in anger.


Well-known member
Some Americans respond to everything they don't like by shouting "they should be shot!" Is it really any wonder that people are shooting at the emergency vehicles?


New member
Bush refused to sign the Kyoto treaty, global warming has worsened the intensity and
paths of hurricanes over the past couple years, Bush is to blame.

Hey, conservative Christians blamed gays for the 9/11 attack, I think that God is bringing
hurricanes on the US because we attached Iraq without any clear provocation. Bush, again,
is to blame for the hurricanes.

(just kidding! kinda...)



Well-known member
wickwoman said:
O.K., well, I'd draw the line at going over shooting people for stealing T.V.'s that's a different matter. Stealing T.V.'s is wrong, but not on the same scale with shooting rescue helicopters. That's just unthinkable.
Well, no I don't think people ought to be shot for stealing a TV, but the fact that they are stealing a TV in the middle of that tragedy makes it worse to me than stealing otherwise. It just makes me mad that those people are in the midst of that tragedy, dead bodies all around, and they think "Hey, great opportunity for a free TV!" The decayed morality is disgusting. Stealing food and shoes I understand.

Now the people shooting at the helicopters: I stand by my original statement, they ought to be shot.

By the way, if I were Wal Mart, I'd make a public announcement that people in New Orleans can go into their store in New Orleans and take what they need. That way its not looting, but thats just what I'd do.


Well-known member
wickwoman said:
Purex, I can see looting for food and meds, suntan lotion, mosiquito repellant, but stealing stereos and tennis shoes? If a person has digressed so far in their life that they shoot at helicopters going to help the needy, there's not much hope of them every being a productive member of society. I understand you are trying to put yourself in the other guys shoes, but sometimes I just can't identify with that kind of mindset.
Imagine that you've never had crap all your life, and you know that you never will. Imagine that you believe the reason you're never going to have anything, is the racial prejudice of wealthy white people, against you. Now imagine that when the order was given to evacuate the city, all the rich white people who own everything got in their cars and drove away, leaving you and your family behind to face the disaster. Now imagine that the disaster has struck, and has destroyed the city, and you see other people looting the stores, first to steal necessities, then stealing the stuff that you've never been able to afford, and never will be able to afford. And you know that the stores are all insured, because the rich white people who own them make sure they're protected from such disasters.

Would you take some of that stuff? I bet that you would, and I bet so would many of the "judges" here on TOL.

As far as the shooting at emergency vehicles, I think that's the rage of desperation. When you and I have to face that kind of rage and desperation, then we'll see how we would respond, and can pass judgment on others. Until then, I think we ought to be humbled by the realization of how tenuous life and civilization can really be.


New member
GuySmiley said:
By the way, if I were Wal Mart, I'd make a public announcement that people in New Orleans can go into their store in New Orleans and take what they need. That way its not looting, but thats just what I'd do.

I'm not expecting Walmart to do that, what with them paying poor people in China like 50 cents an hour or something, but I'd love for them to surprise me.


New member
Purex, passing judgment or no, people shooting at rescue helicopters should be removed promptly from the gene pool. That's not judgment, that's pure logic.


New member
Here's an example for you, Purex. My dad worked 2 jobs so my mom could stay home with me and my sister. She made these horrible homemade dresses for us to wear. They weren't stylish and they were ill fitting. And the kids at school made fun of me sometimes. But I never once thought I should beat up some other little girl or steal her clothes for myself. It never crossed my mind.


New member
PureX said:
As far as the shooting at emergency vehicles, I think that's the rage of desperation. When you and I have to face that kind of rage and desperation, then we'll see how we would respond, and can pass judgment on others. Until then, I think we ought to be humbled by the realization of how tenuous life and civilization can really be.

Everyone is angry and desperate in that situation. A few have decided to respond by hindering rescue efforts at best, and at worst putting rescue workers and other victim's lives at risk, possibly causing their deaths. I can understand the feelings of rage and desperation. But society cannot allow people's lives to be lost out of understanding of the feelings of the few who choose to act upon those feelings in an unlawful and unwarrented manner.

If someone is shooting at emergency vehicles and hindering the rescue efforts, then they should be stopped. If it takes shooting them to stop them, and I'm guessing that it will be necessary to avoid undue risk to rescue workers and law enforcement/ military in most of those situations, so be it.


Well-known member
beanieboy said:
An interesting commentary on race and the storm.

The reason we won't be seeing any of those broadcasters asking why those black people are so poor to begin with is because they already know the answer, and they don't want to acknowledge it. They know that the reason those people are so poor is because they aren't.