Kate Steinle Verdict


New member
Hall of Fame
The Bible says with unmistakable clarity what His will is regarding human justice...there are those who bear the sword and they are not to bear it in vain. The leftists in SF just did by letting this guy walk and - mark my words - helping him vanish if they believe the Feds will really come for him.

Lefists think this should be a land of refuge, for all crimes.


New member
This corrupted society is the exception to the historical rule of deterrence, public shaming, punishment and executions - making very public examples of criminals - in order to maintain law and order. "Ooh, but that just makes everyone live in fear!" No, it does not. It makes LAWBREAKERS live in fear. Everyone who won't break laws lives with confidence that their government will quickly punish those who do because that's supposed to be one of the duties of government. THAT is how a sane society is run and stays intact.

The fact I need to point this out to idiots like you, who are allowed to vote despite your dangerous stupidity, shows how corrupted we are.

Your country already massively incarcerates even minor offenders and had the death penalty. Had that far improved crime rates or the levels of successful rehabilitation?

Executing people for the sole crime of walking across an international border, then mutilating their corpse and treating it disrespectfully by displaying body parts at the border would not make for a safer country.

It will just normalise arbitrary violence and distort the teachings of the Bible. If you support what you have posted previously then that makes you just the sort of person that needs deporting for the sake of the US. A hard working immigrant would be a good swap for you.

patrick jane

Your country already massively incarcerates even minor offenders and had the death penalty. Had that far improved crime rates or the levels of successful rehabilitation?

Executing people for the sole crime of walking across an international border, then mutilating their corpse and treating it disrespectfully by displaying body parts at the border would not make for a safer country.

It will just normalise arbitrary violence and distort the teachings of the Bible. If you support what you have posted previously then that makes you just the sort of person that needs deporting for the sake of the US. A hard working immigrant would be a good swap for you.
It amazes me how little you know.


Well-known member
San Francisco and CA are secessionist and seeking not to turn these cases over to ICE. On the question of deterrence, obviously he was not deterred from re-entry because SF/CA welcomed him each of the times. Maybe they will secede so that the US can then invade and take control.

It's almost 25 years ago now that novel THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS by a French satirist showed what would happen to Europe without borders. It only takes a little common sense to be opposed to the Left's agenda. If you search for the book on Amazon, you will also be shown the recent THE STRANGE DEATH OF EUROPE.

The countries that hold out light to the world are those which honor private property and God-given rights. Guess what? As one rabbi has showed, each of the 10 commands are essentially about theft in the most creative (!) sense of the word.

So all over the world the Left seeks the destruction of each of these things. Whose side are you on?


like marbles on glass
Executing people for the sole crime of walking across an international border, then mutilating their corpse and treating it disrespectfully by displaying body parts at the border would not make for a safer country.

It will just normalise arbitrary violence and distort the teachings of the Bible. If you support what you have posted previously then that makes you just the sort of person that needs deporting for the sake of the US. A hard working immigrant would be a good swap for you.

musterion is what he hates. He just doesn’t realize it.


New member
How about caring about IMPORTANT things instead of what Trump said on Twitter. You all have plenty to say about everything else you can whine about.

I think it is rather important that a madman controls the nuclear codes, that this country has been attacked, and that a criminal investigation is the last hope of democracy. I have to prioritize my focus, and this cases hasn't risen to the level to get much of my attention. but I will point out a few things:

1. The only reason he is going to jail at all after the verdict is because of gun control. He was convicted on the felon in possession of a firearm charge. And it's entirely possible that stronger gun control laws could have prevented the whole tragedy.

2. I can't even being to try to parse out what the jury discussed related to the involuntary manslaughter charge, but what I can tell you is that the statute is fairly narrow:


3. People are hurt and killed by guns every single day, in ways just as stupid and tragic as this. The fact that the defendant repeatedly entered the country illegally is politically convenient for people with an anti-immigrant agenda, but it really has nothing to do with the crime. When a US citizen who isn't Muslim shoots someone, all we hear from conservatives is "thoughts and prayers". Why is it so much more urgent to try to preempt the crime in those two cases?

4. Any time you put a case to a jury, you are taking a risk. It could have been as simple as the jurors not feeling that the state had met it's high burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It could have been some detail of the circumstances of the crime when compared to the jury instructions. And there's no way we are likely to ever know.

patrick jane

I think it is rather important that a madman controls the nuclear codes, that this country has been attacked, and that a criminal investigation is the last hope of democracy. I have to prioritize my focus, and this cases hasn't risen to the level to get much of my attention. but I will point out a few things:

1. The only reason he is going to jail at all after the verdict is because of gun control. He was convicted on the felon in possession of a firearm charge. And it's entirely possible that stronger gun control laws could have prevented the whole tragedy.

2. I can't even being to try to parse out what the jury discussed related to the involuntary manslaughter charge, but what I can tell you is that the statute is fairly narrow:


3. People are hurt and killed by guns every single day, in ways just as stupid and tragic as this. The fact that the defendant repeatedly entered the country illegally is politically convenient for people with an anti-immigrant agenda, but it really has nothing to do with the crime. When a US citizen who isn't Muslim shoots someone, all we hear from conservatives is "thoughts and prayers". Why is it so much more urgent to try to preempt the crime in those two cases?

4. Any time you put a case to a jury, you are taking a risk. It could have been as simple as the jurors not feeling that the state had met it's high burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt. It could have been some detail of the circumstances of the crime when compared to the jury instructions. And there's no way we are likely to ever know.
You're pretty good at telling me things I already know but with your spin on it. It's fascinating to watch.


New member
It could be because it was a liberal jury, judge and attorneys.

Because liberals are notoriously lenient on gun crime? The Voir Dire would have tried to ensure that the jurors would have had as little knowledge of the crime as possible, and I suspect (but don't know) that they lawyers would have had to keep it out of the case since it is prejudicial and not relevant to the charges brought against him. And especially in California, assuming that a Hispanic man is an immigrant would be inaccurate more often then not.

Or it could be that the prosecutors couldn't make their case to the satisfaction of the jury.


Hall of Fame
No more school. I graduated in May, age 56. And now I'm 57.

WOO HOO! Finally, someone who is older than me! :D

I guess I should just curl up in a corner and die now, right? :eek:

Nah, you can come over and we can start a Wednesday Night Women's Group. Re-runs of "Maude" and "All That Glitters". You are responsible for the beverages.



like marbles on glass
WOO HOO! Finally, someone who is older than me! :D

Nah, you can come over and we can start a Wednesday Night Women's Group. Re-runs of "Maude" and "All That Glitters". You are responsible for the beverages.


You crack me up. :chuckle:

As good a friend as you are though, we might end up fighting over the remote. I've never even heard of "All That Glitters."

Pretty sure on the drinks we'll be simpatico. :)



Hall of Fame
You crack me up. :chuckle:

As good a friend as you are though, we might end up fighting over the remote. I've never even heard of "All That Glitters."

Pretty sure on the drinks we'll be simpatico. :)


I am sure a lot of people haven't heard of it. It was produced by Norman Lear in 1977, however, I do believe you would appreciate the theme of the sitcom. Think the opposite of Al Bundy ... he wouldn't have liked it. :D