Jesus is God.


New member
YOU confuse yourself for god.

FYI, you are not God.

The same distortions and slight twists happened with the interpretation of Jesus' message from people who did not understand it. There's no confusion. The message is WE ARE ONE WITH GOD BECAUSE OF THE SOUL.

The personality avoids and rejects this at all costs because it is the AntiChrist waging war against God. It is the desolating sacrilegous object standing in, obscuring and displacing the holy ground of this exact timeless moment where the presence of the Lord Almighty God dwells. It has seated itself in the temple Of God as an imposter living in our bodies. It has cleverly attached itself to us like a virus and a parasite feeding off of us and multiplying. It plays us like a fiddle and we subconsciously take out its aggressive energy on ourselves and others. Take a look at what's going on in the world and you will find much evidence to support this. It's a social problem that can't be fixed except at the root of the spiritual level.

The attitude of the personality is harsh as it pressures us to conform to rules, standards, beliefs, images of perfection, judgments, etc. Consider how this has taken over our lives and how badly we depend on this system for self-worth and to feel good enough about ourselves. It never ends and we're tired of it but we don't know what to do about it. Ever since we transitioned into adulthood we've been looking for something that we think is lost. It is the feeling of true self-worth from which we feel so disconnected that we have to manufacture man-made versions. The soul is the source of true unconditional self-worth which does not depend on man's ability to hang on to belief in Jesus for example. Once the personality is exposed for what it is, we can't pretend like we didn't see it and didn't know anything about it. Quit tripping.


New member
Prizebeatz1;4745524]The same distortions and slight twists happened with the interpretation of Jesus' message from people who did not understand it. There's no confusion. The message is WE ARE ONE WITH GOD BECAUSE OF THE SOUL

Every person ever born has a soul. In John chapter 3 Jesus said unless you are "born again" you will in no way enter the kingdom of heaven.


New member
I do deny folks that promote themselves and not God.

I suggest you read the gospel of John over and over and allow God to change your prideful heart.

Why should we waste time fixating on that which points to God when when we have access to the real thing?


New member
Why should we waste time fixating on that which points to God when when we have access to the real thing?

The real thing is when you humble yourself before God, ask His forgiveness for sinning against Him, and accept the payment He made for your sins through Jesus the Christ.


New member

Every person ever born has a soul. In John chapter 3 Jesus said unless you are "born again" you will in no way enter the kingdom of heaven.

Correct on both counts. We can be born again by penetrating the layers of the personality and seeing how and why we've built its defensive walls and structures. We go so deep and far in this work until we touch a very tender part of ourselves (if I can just touch the fringe of his robe). It feels like we are a child again and joy emerges and our cup overflows. This is like the tiny mustard seed, the yeast that permeates the dough. It can extend through the cosmos into previously unknown dimensions and we feel connected to something much bigger than we thought possible. We feel and know we are infinite. Eventually we realize that the personality is a temporary substitute. It does its job a little too well at times. All the falsehoods that we took to be real fade away until it seems like there is nothing left except the wide open stillness of infinite space. The peace that this brings surpasses all understanding. That infinite space is an utmost gentle loving presence filled with the feeling of everlasting riches. It is very playful and super duper funny. It will show us a blooper reel of our life. It pours forth feelings of warmth, tenderness and compassion and assures us we are loved so tenderly, unconditionally and non-stop. It overtakes us and there are no desires, no thoughts, no questions because we know we are already one with all the answers. There is no fear, no doubt and we natural instinct already knows it will last forever. The quality is extraordinary.

Everything is a barrier however and people will not go through the infinite eternal space unless they are forced to because it literally feels like death. No one wants to be made to feel that way. It's disturbing but it's more than worth it.


New member
Jesus is God.

The real thing is when you humble yourself before God, ask His forgiveness for sinning against Him, and accept the payment He made for your sins through Jesus the Christ.

Do you feel the harshness of that imposing attitude? That doesn't come from God. It comes from the personality trying to bully someone. Keep watching for similar instances in your life and question why you feel it's necessary to act like either an authority figure or a helpless child (neither of which you are of course). You might not get the answer right away but I assure you the more you practice the more will be revealed to you. You don't have to remain stuck with the personality running your life forever.


New member
I assure you the more you practice the more will be revealed to you. You don't have to remain stuck with the personality running your life forever.
I'm sure you agree that it would be foolish to accept your words literally? You surely must mean the opposite of what it seems you are saying? :)


New member
Do you feel the harshness of that imposing attitude? That doesn't come from God. It comes from the personality trying to bully someone. Keep watching for similar instances in your life and question why you feel it's necessary to act like either an authority figure or a helpless child (neither of which you are of course). You might not get the answer right away but I assure you the more you practice the more will be revealed to you. You don't have to remain stuck with the personality running your life forever.

You're a legend in your own mind, and you're wrong.


New member
Jesus it not exist until he was born as a man.
John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

The word was God..... He existed before He became flesh


New member
I'm sure you agree that it would be foolish to accept your words literally? You surely must mean the opposite of what it seems you are saying? :)

Your attempt to discount and undermine the truth is weak. These words are a tool of communication to describe something that is beyond words. Worrying about everything except what they point to is a sure way to delay and prevent your own awakening.

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


New member
Your attempt to discount and undermine the truth is weak. These words are a tool of communication to describe something that is beyond words.
Your attempt to discount and undermine the truth of God's Word is silly. Your words are similar to the ones Satan used in the garden questioning the authority of the Creator.


New member
He did not. There is no scripture that shows that he claimed to be God. None. I am STILL waiting for someone to explain how the following verses show that Jesus is God.

John 5:19,30

John 6:38

John 8:28,29

John 12:49,50

John 14:24,28

John 17:3

John 20:17

At least explain how they do NOT show that Jesus is subordinate to the Father, God.

:D Thank you.

If you, KingdomRose, are really interested.


Well-known member
Deut. 6:4 Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our Eloheem[PLURAL] is one[SINGULAR] Jehovah:

Well that's strange, because I've just been reading this.

1 Corinthians 11

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman*is*the man; and the head of Christ*is*God

So, how can Christ be God, of the head of Christ is God?