Jesus is God.
What do you have in mind, Nameless?
Read the entire book of John all the way through, one day of your choice at your decided time, as a story written by a man that Loved Jesus very much. (Specifically by the disciple whom Jesus Loved)
Of coarse, do not do so if God impresses you not to, but if He will allow you to see what I see, that at the very least, you may fully understand my madness.
Only in a literary sense, read it as if the Word of words became flesh as it starts out, and John was broken because many did not recognize HaShem walking Lovingly amongst mankind. Read it it looking for God revealing Himself as amongst mankind in the most obvious and subtle ways.
Look for those who admit their Love and need for Him flocking to Him, while those rightly bound by the Law, as God willed, struggle as if they were set up for a part in a play that was crucial for sinful man to learn from.
This is not to change your mind, but to allow you to see why Christians think He is what they think he is.
I know you are wise in scripture, and I know this is not your desire. But please do this only for me that you might see into this Goys heart and see why I speak as I do.
Though you ever do this or not, know that I see your goodness in challenging me to think and grow, and the wisdom of you speaking to the Christian as well as the Jew.
Only do this if you can guiltlessly read the book of John as if it were written by the biggest advocate that Jesus was God, that ever lived.