Jesus is God.

Ben Masada

New member
Yes..... You are 'eternal'..... But where will you spend eternity? "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment" 2Peter 2:4

No, man cannot be eternal. Man is born; he must die. This is the Logic of the matter. The Scriptural part is that, the reason why Adam & Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden was to prevent them from eating of the tree of life and live forever. (Genesis 3:22,23)Only God can live forever. He was not born; He just exist.

Right Divider

Body part
Because you want to know for yourself if what I'm saying is true. A part of you has longed to hear such words but there is fear of the consequences.
You're quite the mind-reader, but wrong.

One must place all bets on the line, be willing to risk it all with no hope of looking back once the hand goes on the plow. If we love our identity, family, friends, books, churches, religions, body, mind, thoughts, cultures and traditions more, then we are not worthy.
More silliness.

The path to the soul requires wagering EVERYTHING at all costs.
Where did you find this nonsense? I'm really interested.

I'm talking about being literally willing to cast ourselves into what we think to be hell multiple multiple times. It's painful but it is more painful in the long run not to. It is a test to see how much we really believe and trust in the Lord. Would we give up our lives for God like Jesus set an example for us or will we fake it or only do it with half measure?

The reward is over and beyond the feeling of infinite and eternal richness. It is the very thing we have longed for all our lives. We unconsciously long to reconnect with the source of our value and worth. The soul is smarter than us. It has been trying to reveal itself to us but we judge it as worthless, bad, sinful because we don't know when to quit biting of the forbidden fruit. We have to be willing to trust the soul and that requires much vulnerability as we put away our unconscious dependence on the personality for the source of our self-worth, comfort, foundation and well-being.

How do we suppose someone could know this kind of information unless they had access to some sort of inside information? Do we not know the soul is one with omniscient intelligence? Do we think this kind of stuff is available through the bible or the teachings of the church? All of that is man-made. The soul is not. It has access to infinite wisdom. You will do even greater works than these once you touch your own soul.
Such long-windedness.

Ben Masada

New member
Prove that Jesus didn't use words intentionally???

Yes, Jesus died. God is eternal and can not die. Yes, the man Jesus prayed to God.
Yes Jesus is our Creator. Yes He is our judge. Yes, Jesus is worthy of worship. Yes, Jesus forgives sin. Yes, yes yes.... Jesus has every attribute of God the Father and claimed equality with Him.

Can you imagine contemplating your creator dead before your eyes? Try and tell us if it makes any sense at all.


New member
OK, so is that a yes? Speak plainly.

This is a perfect example of how we're so worried about what the next guy is doing or judging others that we fail to do the necessary work involved with turning inward to uncover our own divinity. I'll choose to exercise my first amendment right thank you.

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This is a perfect example of how we're so worried about what the next guy is doing or judging others that we fail to do the necessary work involved with turning inward to uncover our own divinity. I'll choose to exercise my first amendment right thank you.

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I asked the question because I've encountered people who've either had a stroke, or who've used hallucinogens, and who sound remarkably like you.

You have the right to plead the Fifth, but whether or not you've experienced either a stroke or drug-induced hallucinations is in fact pertinent to what you're trying to sell here.

patrick jane

I asked the question because I've encountered people who've either had a stroke, or who've used hallucinogens, and who sound remarkably like you.

You have the right to plead the Fifth, but whether or not you've experienced either a stroke or drug-induced hallucinations is in fact pertinent to what you're trying to sell here.



New member
I asked the question because I've encountered people who've either had a stroke, or who've used hallucinogens, and who sound remarkably like you.

You have the right to plead the Fifth, but whether or not you've experienced either a stroke or drug-induced hallucinations is in fact pertinent to what you're trying to sell here.

It's pertinent because it increases the level of distraction and delays our own awakening. The longer one procrastinates the more sorry they will be.

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New member
You don't have the right to be divine

It's too late because I already am and so are you. It's the personality that does not give us permission to feel our pain, shame and guilt in full. It judges such feelings as bad. It doesn't realize that feeling them completely is the doorway to divinity.

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Right Divider

Body part
What exactly is the error other than the literal interpretation undermines the eternal nature of God? Surely you can understand something so basic.
Why don't you go ahead and give us some factual information instead of these long-winded opinions of your?

God had revealed Himself in several ways. None of which have I heard you even mention.


It's pertinent because it increases the level of distraction and delays our own awakening. The longer one procrastinates the more sorry they will be.

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Drugs? or a stroke? One of them has moral implications and would in fact justify us questioning your judgment, in general, and especially regarding this particular subject matter, because these types of materials are known for prompting people to verbalize in just the sort of way that you're doing it.


New member
YOU proved NOTHING but that you follow yourself and not God !

No. I proved that I don't follow the traditional interpretation of Jesus as God who died on the cross because it is a crock and then I offered an alternative interpretation that makes much more sense. The proof is inside each and every one of us. If we don't find out for ourself we will never know.