Jesus is God.


New member
Your in a church box, you will never learn sitting there.

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No Keypurr it is YOU who are in a box, and it is a box devoid of scriptural teaching !

I accept what scriptures like John 8:58 teach....Jesus said, "before Abraham was I am".

You have sliced and diced Jesus up to fit into your un-biblical and un-Godly point of view, and scripture says YOU are wrong.


New member
Why do people try to twist what others say? Because they are stupid, puffed-up ego maniacs like you.

I did NOT says that God was pie in the sky. I said that about YOUR OPINIONS.

Literal things are literal and figurative things are figurative. None of which puts any limits on God.

God said that He wrote a BOOK and in it He tells us what we need to know.

I think you are trying to avoid finding out for yourself if my interpretation is true. The personality resists because there is unconscious pleasure in its attachment to beliefs, thoughts, mind, images, body, rules, structures, policies, dogmas, cultures, traditions, heritages, social systems, economic systems, political systems, etc. It derives the comfort of feeling safe, secure, in a predictable environment, able to control and manipulate. All of this is an attempt to avoid the reality of what is infinite and eternal. There always seems to be something more important.


New member
IF you ignore scripture and bow before idols , as those in the RCC, then you cannot understand the truth.

Disobeying God has consequences !

Like remaining imprisoned to the personality. I chose to find out the real meaning of the scriptures instead of taking someone else's word for it and seeing that it is a big misunderstanding. The attempt to understand the truth is part of the personality's trap. It doesn't understand that IT IS ONE WITH THE TRUTH FOR WHICH IT HAS BEEN LOOKING. There is the option to quit searching and allow the personality to become the truth and the understanding in itself. That is self-realization. We realize we are one with infinity and eternity. It is a process that takes time. It sounds impossible but all things are possible with God. That is how we know the soul is God because it has all the strength, wisdom and power to break the chains of the personality prison. The universe rejoices and begins to support us when we turn away from the foolishness of the personality and turn to our soul which is one with the Almighty Creator.


New member
Like remaining imprisoned to the personality. I choose to find out the real meaning of the scriptures instead of taking someone else's word for it and seeing that it is a big misunderstanding. The attempt to understand the truth is part of the personality's trap. It doesn't understand that IT IS ONE WITH THE TRUTH FOR WHICH IT HAS BEEN LOOKING. There is the option to quit searching and allow the personality to become the truth and the understanding in itself. That is self-realization. We realize we are one with infinity and eternity. It is a process that takes time. It sounds impossible but all things are possible with God. That is how we know the soul is God because it has all the strength, wisdom and power to break the chains of the personality prison. The universe rejoices and begins to support us when we turn away from the foolishness of the personality and turn to our soul which is is one with the Almighty Creator.

Where do YOU believe every personality comes from and who do YOU believe gives man their personality ?

Every Apostle and the prophets of the OT had their OWN and different personalities.

There is truth and that comes from only God. You are seriously confused ( nice word for deceived ).

You either agree with God and follow Him or you follow yourself right into hell.

Right Divider

Body part
I think you are trying to avoid finding out for yourself if my interpretation is true. The personality resists because there is unconscious pleasure in its attachment to beliefs, thoughts, mind, images, body, rules, structures, policies, dogmas, cultures, traditions, heritages, social systems, economic systems, political systems, etc. It derives the comfort of feeling safe, secure, in a predictable environment, able to control and manipulate. All of this is an attempt to avoid the reality of what is infinite and eternal. There always seems to be something more important.
I don't believe that I've ever heard (read) someone so full of themselves as your posts. Nothing but 100% Prizebeatz opinion. At least try to throw in some obscure fact every once in a while.


New member
Where do YOU believe every personality comes from and who do YOU believe gives man their personality ?

Every Apostle and the prophets of the OT had their OWN and different personalities.

There is truth and that comes from only God. You are seriously confused ( nice word for deceived ).

You either agree with God and follow Him or you follow yourself right into hell.

The god of the personality is not God. The personality is the identity we built up for ourselves at the transition into adulthood. We turned our back on the innocent part of ourselves in favor of an identity that brought us the ability to survive in the adult world. Hell is the belief that we are separate and apart from what is infinite and eternal. We feel divided, not whole, not good enough and this is so painful we find ways of blocking it out of our awareness. We hang onto beliefs for example. We invest everything into avoiding feeling unconscious worthlessness. The fear of feeling it is so great that the personality will literally kill. This vicious energy is destructive but we don't really know how to deal with it so we just bury it, sweep it under the rug, cast it upon a scapegoat but it still remains and actually grows stronger until it takes over our individual lives and the collective society. The evidence is written in history. The situation cannot be overcome if we don't know the soul is the source of everything we need and desire and more. Without it we will just continue searching for feelings of significance, value and worth everywhere except where it is which is inside us. The soul is a letting go and feeling the underlying feelings of worthlessness. It involves feeling the turmoil of not having anything to hold onto. Then we see just how stuck we are. Going through the process in its entirety shows us what is the real by looking deeply into what is false. It could take all our lives but we need to have the mentality to be willing to do it at all costs. The more we try to avoid it the more we reinforce the power of the personality and the more guilt and shame we have to go through before we realize the soul as our true self.


New member
I don't believe that I've ever heard (read) someone so full of themselves as your posts. Nothing but 100% Prizebeatz opinion. At least try to throw in some obscure fact every once in a while.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge if I were you. Try it for yourself first and see what you find.


New member
The god of the personality is not God. The personality is the identity we built up for ourselves at the transition into adulthood. We turned our back on the innocent part of ourselves in favor of an identity that brought us the ability to survive in the adult world. Hell is the belief that we are separate and apart from what is infinite and eternal. We feel divided, not whole, not good enough and this is so painful we find ways of blocking it out of our awareness. We hang onto beliefs for example. We invest everything into avoiding feeling unconscious worthlessness. The fear of feeling it is so great that the personality will literally kill. This vicious energy is destructive but we don't really know how to deal with it so we just bury it, sweep it under the rug, cast it upon a scapegoat but it still remains and actually grows stronger until it takes over our individual lives and the collective society. The evidence is written in history. The situation cannot be overcome if we don't know the soul is the source of everything we need and desire and more. Without it we will just continue searching for feelings of significance, value and worth everywhere except where it is which is inside us. The soul is a letting go and feeling the underlying feelings of worthlessness. It involves feeling the turmoil of not having anything to hold onto. Then we see just how stuck we are. Going through the process in its entirety shows us what is the real by looking deeply into what is false. It could take all our lives but we need to have the mentality to be willing to do it at all costs. The more we try to avoid it the more we reinforce the power of the personality and the more guilt and shame we have to go through before we realize the soul as our true self.

Any one reading your post cannot help but notice YOU use NO scripture to support any of your beliefs and therein is your error. YOU are following you and you are not following God.

You have your opinion which is worth NOTHING to me ! I will stay with scripture.
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New member
Jesus is God.

Any one reading your post cannot help but notice YOU use NO s scripture to support any of your beliefs and therein is your error. YOU are following you and you are not following God.

You have your opinion which is worth NOTHING to me ! I will stay with scripture.

Choosing scripture over what is infinite and eternal. Smart.

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Right Divider

Body part
What exactly is the fantasy? I don't think you believe in God. You believe an IDEA about God that you took to be real but is merely a symbol.
I would say that you are precisely describing yourself.

I believe in the God the way that He has revealed Himself to us. You just speak your vague meaningless opinions.

Do you hear God in your head? If so, that's not God.... it's the other guy.


New member
I would say that you are precisely describing yourself.

I believe in the God the way that He has revealed Himself to us. You just speak your vague meaningless opinions.

Do you hear God in your head? If so, that's not God.... it's the other guy.

I see you are attacking and defending. Instead, why not practice seeing EVERY single reason why and every single way you do that? Perhaps if you make that your way of life and completely penetrate all the layers of the personality and touch your own soul, you will become wise enough to not fall for its traps anymore.


New member
I don't claim that my opinions are infinite and eternal. I do claim the literal interpretation of God's word is false.

God says do not lie. Do you believe lying is OK ?

God says do not steal. Do you believe stealing is OK ?

God says do not commit adultery. Do you believe it is OK to commit adultery ?

The literal interpretation is the ONLY way to interpret scripture;otherwise, you change God's word and follow yourself.

Right Divider

Body part
I see you are attacking and defending. Instead, why not practice seeing EVERY single reason why and every single way you do that? Perhaps if you make that your way of life and completely penetrate all the layers of the personality and touch your own soul, you will become wise enough to not fall for its traps anymore.
OK ... oh great and mighty wizard of Oz.

Your self-serving pious words don't fool me in the slightest.

Perhaps you could start dealing in some FACTS instead of this "I'm so much more enlightened that you" crap.

You're no better than the UFO cults members here. The only difference seems to be that your cult only has one member; yourself.


Well-known member
No Keypurr it is YOU who are in a box, and it is a box devoid of scriptural teaching !

I accept what scriptures like John 8:58 teach....Jesus said, "before Abraham was I am".

You have sliced and diced Jesus up to fit into your un-biblical and un-Godly point of view, and scripture says YOU are wrong.

You do not see who the I AM (he) is.

The spirit son did indeed exist before Abraham.