Jesus is God.


New member
How can it be literal if we are saying Jesus is God and God is eternal yet died? We are saying its literal only when it's convenient and when the interpretation crumbles we just invent something to cover up which makes the interpretation even less credible than it already is. We are identified with the Father of lies with inescapable hypocrisy and blasphemy. It's ignorant for no good reason other than we're too proud to admit we were wrong. There is fear we're going to be judged and punished but the truth is we are only punishing and judging ourselves. Why should we continue passing these kind of falsenesses to our children so they can suffer and pass it on to theirs? Do we like the effects that unconscious lack of self-worth has done to humanity? We can't replace true self-worth with something outside ourselves. God gave us the soul for good reason but we trample it because we like the easy version and don't want to grow up and face reality. We don't think we're good enough and we think we lack support because we are ignorant of the power of the soul. If we choose against it in favor of anything else then we are consciously contributing to own destruction as well as unknowingly passing it on to our children and the future of mankind. Do we suppose that would be okay to ignore? What kind of a monster would knowingly do such a thing? It is an abomination and a disservice to remain silent about something of this magnitude.

What Bible verse(s) compares with your dissertation...?


New member
How can it be literal if we are saying Jesus is God and God is eternal yet died? We are saying its literal only when it's convenient and when the interpretation crumbles we just invent something to cover up which makes the interpretation even less credible than it already is. We are identified with the Father of lies with inescapable hypocrisy and blasphemy. It's ignorant for no good reason other than we're too proud to admit we were wrong. There is fear we're going to be judged and punished but the truth is we are only punishing and judging ourselves. Why should we continue passing these kind of falsenesses to our children so they can suffer and pass it on to theirs? Do we like the effects that unconscious lack of self-worth has done to humanity? We can't replace true self-worth with something outside ourselves. God gave us the soul for good reason but we trample it because we like the easy version and don't want to grow up and face reality. We don't think we're good enough and we think we lack support because we are ignorant of the power of the soul. If we choose against it in favor of anything else then we are consciously contributing to own destruction as well as unknowingly passing it on to our children and the future of mankind. Do we suppose that would be okay to ignore? What kind of a monster would knowingly do such a thing? It is an abomination and a disservice to remain silent about something of this magnitude.

The bible was a letter from God to His children ! Those who do not understand even the very basics do not understand because they are not born again. YOU must start at the beginning as Jesus said YOU must be born again or you will in no way enter the kingdom of heaven.


New member
You don't know what I have and haven't studied. I was a Catholic for 35 years and have read and studied the bible many times. I think you are feeling attacked because I found a more accurate interpretation and you feel threatened and challenged so now you're trying to take out your anger on me. Typical defensive behavior from someone who is highly identified with the personality.

You being raised a Catholic explains your scriptural ignorance, for we know where that came from...


New member
The bible was a letter from God to His children ! Those who do not understand even the very basics do not understand because they are not born again. YOU must start at the beginning as Jesus said YOU must be born again or you will in no way enter the kingdom of heaven.

That is true and I've already realized the Kingdom. It wasn't until I was born again that I understood God to be infinite and eternal. So why argue against it with this literal interpretation?


New member
That is true and I've already realized the Kingdom. It wasn't until I was born again that I understood God to be infinite and eternal. So why argue against it with this literal interpretation?
So, can we interpret your words to mean that you have sinned and fall short?
Prizebeatz..... Your logic is goofy. You seem to think words can be twisted to fit your illogical belief system. God's Word warns against your self worship... "They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen." Rom. 1:25


New member
Unfortunately, many people think religion ( being a good person / obeying the law
) can save them. But the Bible tells us that we are doomed to a Christless eternity, unless we accept Christ as our Savior. "Through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is justified from everything you could not be justified from by the Law of Moses" (Acts 13:38-39)


New member
Yes, I finally met him when I departed from the Evangelical churches/Southern Baptists and Non-denominational Born-Agains. I finally met the gentle yet strong, reasonable, kind, patient Jesus,. I don't know where in the entire Bible that Jesus is called Almighty God. There is only one Almighty God and that's Jehovah---the Father and God of Jesus.
Kingdom..... It would seem you have not truely met the Jesus of the Bible. Yes, He did have the qualities you mention, but He is also the one who will be sitting in judgement saying "I never knew you. Get away from me". Scripture tells us that Jesus is our Creator, and our judge. He is worthy of worship. Do you believe various Gods are worthy of worship.....even by the angels?

If Jesus is not the almighty God, then it would seem you believe in various Gods. Do you believe there is a mighty God and also an almighty God? Do you believe in two "everlasting Fathers"? "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father"


New member
Jesus is God.

So, can we interpret your words to mean that you have sinned and fall short?
Prizebeatz..... Your logic is goofy. You seem to think words can be twisted to fit your illogical belief system. God's Word warns against your self worship... "They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen." Rom. 1:25

I think you need to take a dose of your own medication.

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What is infinite and eternal is not pie in the sky. It is reality in itself. The literal interpretation is what is pie in the sky.
Why do people try to twist what others say? Because they are stupid, puffed-up ego maniacs like you.

I did NOT says that God was pie in the sky. I said that about YOUR OPINIONS.

Literal things are literal and figurative things are figurative. None of which puts any limits on God.

God said that He wrote a BOOK and in it He tells us what we need to know.