Jesus is God.


New member

Some advice to you....try studying The Holy Bible first, in lieu of trying to philosophizing your way around it...

Studying the bible is not a replacement. It is a hindrance when we cannot let go and experience that to which it points. We cannot turn to that which is infinite and eternal because we are more in love with books and knowledge. There is only one master and the bible is not it. It can help lead the way but it's gotten to the point where the personality uses it to enslave us. The bible is made for man, man is not made for the bible.

Right Divider

Body part
Studying the bible is not a replacement. It is a hindrance when we cannot let go and experience that to which it points. We cannot turn to that which is infinite and eternal because we are more in love with books and knowledge. There is only one master and the bible is not it.
Please write your posts without words. Thanks.


New member
I can decide for myself what I have and haven't read and done. Please post something more useful than this or just shut up.

When you come to a Christian website, what do you think is going to be discussed?

That's right...scripture!

You should have armed yourself with the study of it before launching an attack against it...this is common sense. get spanked like a grade schooler...:wave:


New member
The account of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection is literal, but you would have to be a christian to believe and understand this.

How can it be literal if we are saying Jesus is God and God is eternal yet died? We are saying its literal only when it's convenient and when the interpretation crumbles we just invent something to cover up which makes the interpretation even less credible than it already is. We are identified with the Father of lies with inescapable hypocrisy and blasphemy. It's ignorant for no good reason other than we're too proud to admit we were wrong. There is fear we're going to be judged and punished but the truth is we are only punishing and judging ourselves. Why should we continue passing these kind of falsenesses to our children so they can suffer and pass it on to theirs? Do we like the effects that unconscious lack of self-worth has done to humanity? We can't replace true self-worth with something outside ourselves. God gave us the soul for good reason but we trample it because we like the easy version and don't want to grow up and face reality. We don't think we're good enough and we think we lack support because we are ignorant of the power of the soul. If we choose against it in favor of anything else then we are consciously contributing to own destruction as well as unknowingly passing it on to our children and the future of mankind. Do we suppose that would be okay to ignore? What kind of a monster would knowingly do such a thing? It is an abomination and a disservice to remain silent about something of this magnitude.


New member
When you come to a Christian website, what do you think is going to be discussed?

That's right...scripture!

You should have armed yourself with the study of it before launching an attack against it...this is common sense. get spanked like a grade schooler...:wave:

You don't know what I have and haven't studied. I was a Catholic for 35 years and have read and studied the bible many times. I think you are feeling attacked because I found a more accurate interpretation and you feel threatened and challenged so now you're trying to take out your anger on me. Typical defensive behavior from someone who is highly identified with the personality.