Jesus is God.


New member
Jesus is God.

Sounds as if you have removed , or been removed, from trusting God's word ( scripture ) , and that is your loss NOT mine.

Trusting in the popular man-made interpretation is bondage to the collective personality, not freedom and liberation. The gain is what is infinite and eternal. What could be worth more than that?

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New member
Trusting in the man-made interpretation is bondage to the individual and collective personality, not freedom and liberation. The gain is infinite and eternal. What could be worth more than that?

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

Satan's arguments never changes. First thing he does is call God a liar and then proceeds to make folks not trust the word of God. Your loss NOT mine.


New member
The Bible is not only inspired book. How do I know? I read it in the Bible.

Jeremiah 36:32 KJV
Then took Jeremiah another roll, and gave it to Baruch the scribe, the son of Neriah; who wrote therein from the mouth of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire: and there were added besides unto them many like words.

If God told him what words to write it counts as inspired, no? I don't have that scroll but it is possible that there might be a case like that. But if so it wouldn't contradict our existing scripture I should think.

Not disagreeing with your other words Apple... But seems the thread is getting heated.

Seems that anything of interest was already recorded in this account.


New member
It would be quite helpful if you'd supply supporting scriptures.

επει ουν τα παιδια κεκοινωνηκεν αιματος και σαρκος και αυτος παραπλησιως μετεσχεν των αυτων ινα δια του θανατου καταργηση τον το κρατος εχοντα του θανατου τουτ εστιν τον διαβολον


New member
I just posted the rebuke: "No one is good except God."

That's a confirmation, not a rebuke.

Who is God? Jesus said it is the Father, the One in the Hebrew Scriptures that is called "YHWH' or Jehovah. (John 17:3; John 20:17)

We have already been over these pet scriptures of exquisite detail.

Neither one negates Jesus being Theos.

Like I already said....the best you can do is post a name and a NEVER defend them.



New member
A name and a number is all I asked of YOU.

Names and numbers are nothing when YOU can't defend them.

Keep running and a good witness...

Look, you stated (post #242)that "Jesus' repeated claims of divinity cannot be negated." Since you brought that up, could you kindly support your statement with scriptures?

(1) What are those claims?

(2) How do they harmonize with the scriptures I posted? If you just give me the name and the chapter and verse, I'll look them up, as I hope you will look up mine.

ο νικων κληρονομησει ταυτα και εσομαι αυτω θεος και αυτος εσται μοι υιος


New member
I wish I could forget my childhood. I felt like a small girl alone in a dark house looking out a window for someone to come and get me. I was lonely and afraid and sad. God's Kingdom will make everything right again.

As a witness, you reject your Creator.

The only thing you can look forward to is the Second Death...


New member
This raises an interesting question. If God is eternal and Jesus was dead for 3 days then how in the world is Jesus God?

A typical ignorant response from someone who knows very little scripture.

Even ignorant followers of islam are trained with the polemic demanding to know who ran the Universe while Jesus was in the grave for three days.

Seems you are a cross between nation of islam and LDS...


New member
A typical ignorant response from someone who knows very little scripture.

Even ignorant followers of islam are trained with the polemic demanding to know who ran the Universe while Jesus was in the grave for three days.

Seems you are a cross between nation of islam and LDS...
I don't think it is a helpful question because there are answers that can even fit human analogy, like autopilot. God creates laws of the universe that function in certain ways, he commands legions of angels. Not saying that's the answer - just that it isn't the question that would decide anything.

We may not always understand the metaphysics of how something works, that doesn't mean it didn't work. But when someone makes statements that makes himself God then rises from the dead and says He will be our God, I would say He fulfilled the prerequisite signs to qualify his statement.


New member
A typical ignorant response from someone who knows very little scripture.

Even ignorant followers of islam are trained with the polemic demanding to know who ran the Universe while Jesus was in the grave for three days.

Seems you are a cross between nation of islam and LDS...

Why not answer the question? We are not talking about who was running the universe when Jesus was in the grave. Were talking about how Jesus could be God if Jesus died for 3 days and God is eternal.


New member
Satan's arguments never changes. First thing he does is call God a liar and then proceeds to make folks not trust the word of God. Your loss NOT mine.

That is exactly what we have in the traditional interpretation. The diminishment of an infinite and eternal God. The devil devalues. Why should we entertain such falseness? Why should we buy into it when it's obviously not literal? Is it not okay to admit maybe we don't know what it really means? Are we so proud that we can't admit maybe we made a mistake? God is not going to punish us for it. It's the personality that instills the fear of being wrong and now it has to contend with its own system of punishment. It has dug its own grave and fallen into it.


New member
Why not answer the question? We are not talking about who was running the universe when Jesus was in the grave. Were talking about how Jesus could be God if Jesus died for 3 days and God is eternal.

1 Peter 3.18 informs the reader that Jesus' flesh died.


Well-known member
Why not answer the question? We are not talking about who was running the universe when Jesus was in the grave. Were talking about how Jesus could be God if Jesus died for 3 days and God is eternal.

Apple7 can not give to you a reasonable answer.

Apple7 is very limited but thinks he/she knows it all.


New member
That doesn't answer the question. We are saying what is eternal is not eternal. Who do we think we're fooling?

If God is eternal, then He is infinite.

Nothing is impossible for an infinite Creator.

The god that you are trying to make, is limited by your conception of him...


New member
If God is eternal, then He is infinite.

Nothing is impossible for an infinite Creator.

The god that you are trying to make, is limited by your conception of him...

Is it more likely that what is eternal died or is more likely the story of Jesus is symbolic, not literal?