Jesus is God.


New member
A name and a number is all you have?

Defend each.

A name and a number is all I asked of YOU.

Look, you stated (post #242)that "Jesus' repeated claims of divinity cannot be negated." Since you brought that up, could you kindly support your statement with scriptures?

(1) What are those claims?

(2) How do they harmonize with the scriptures I posted? If you just give me the name and the chapter and verse, I'll look them up, as I hope you will look up mine.


New member
Kingdom..... The verses above are great. They point to how Jesus was fully man. As a man...As the Last Adam, Jesus prayed to God the same as any man should. However scripture clearly teaches that Jesus was not man only. Jesus was omnipotent and omniscient. Jesus forgave sin, which only God can do. Jesus accepted worship. Jesus is called "God" both in the OT and the NT.
Jesus is our Creator..... The One who made you, is the same One who went to Calvary to redeem you. Do you know Him?

Yes, I finally met him when I departed from the Evangelical churches/Southern Baptists and Non-denominational Born-Agains. I finally met the gentle yet strong, reasonable, kind, patient Jesus,. I don't know where in the entire Bible that Jesus is called Almighty God. There is only one Almighty God and that's Jehovah---the Father and God of Jesus.

The verses I posted show Jesus to be more than a mere man. He was given power from God to do miracles. He always said that the Father gave him power and authority. To Jesus the Father always called the shots. He did just what the Father did and said what the Father told him to say. Jesus forgave sin because God gave him that assignment. The operative word is GAVE. Every thing that Jesus could do he was allowed to do by the Father. He obviously didn't support any idea of a triune God,because he said right out that "The Fatheris greater than I." (John14:28)


New member
Soon as we're born and probably before we were born. The connection to this divinity is buried when we become adults and we begin identifying with the personality. Remember what it was like to be a child? That is what the experience of the kingdom is like. The divinity is always there. We just don't realize it.

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I wish I could forget my childhood. I felt like a small girl alone in a dark house looking out a window for someone to come and get me. I was lonely and afraid and sad. God's Kingdom will make everything right again.


New member
Jesus is God.

Do YOU know of a "good" sin ?

You speak as an UN-wise man ! Put God's word down and replace it with what ?

Again we are biting of the forbidden fruit. Watch how cunning the enemy is. He has many back doors. The bible doesn't need to be replaced. We just need to see how it can cause us to feel separate from what is infinite and eternal. We can learn to put the Bible down for certain periods when it's not necessary and allow ourselves to merge with what is infinite and eternal. Watch how quickly the personality will judge this. We need to build the strength to allow that spaciousness to overtake us. It is like facing a thousand deaths. After an agonizing, grueling and terrorizingly painful purification process, after we honestly are ready to let go of EVERYTHING without faking it (those who wait patiently on the Lord will mount up with wings) we are transformed and the personality begins to serve something larger than itself. It becomes our footstool and we are able to tie up the owner of the house and plunder his goods. The emptiness of what is infinite and eternal turns into a fullness of presence rather than an absence and we experience the miracle of Jesus turning the water into wine. We make this a daily practice pacing ourselves by dying a little each day. We must be willing to wager it all, our families, our possessions, our religions, our attachment to the comforting pleasures of the familiar identity. There will be nothing to hold onto. No belief, no thought, no mind, no body, no bible, no Jesus. Let's not begin until we count the cost or we will end up like the person building a house who runs out of money as the master puts it.

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New member
Again we are biting of the forbidden fruit. Watch how cunning the enemy is. He has many back doors. The bible doesn't need to be replaced. We just need to see how it can cause us to feel separate from what is infinite and eternal. We can learn to put the Bible down for certain periods when it's not necessary and allow ourselves to merge with what is infinite and eternal. Watch how quickly the personality will judge this. We need to build the strength to allow that spaciousness to overtake us. It is like facing a thousand deaths. After an agonizing, grueling and terrorizingly painful purification process, after we honestly are ready to let go of EVERYTHING without faking it (those who wait patiently on the Lord will mount up with wings) we are transformed and the personality begins to serve something larger than itself. It becomes our footstool and we are able to tie up the owner of the house and plunder his goods. The emptiness of what is infinite and eternal turns into a fullness of presence rather than an absence and we experience the miracle of Jesus turning the water into wine. We make this a daily practice pacing ourselves by dying a little each day. We must be willing to wager it all, our families, our possessions, our religions, our attachment to the comforting pleasures of the familiar identity. There will be nothing to hold onto. No belief, no thought, no mind, no body, no bible, no Jesus. Let's not begin until we count the cost or we will end up like the person building a house who runs out of money as the master puts it.

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Psa 119:11
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.


New member
Jesus is God.

Psa 119:11
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

What is your interpretation of this verse? Do you think we can actually obtain self-worth by trying not to be sinners? It will never happen so we will remain glued to feelings of worthlessness all our lives. The feelings of shame and guilt will remain swept under the rug unprocessed. They will invite their friends to the party and come out in unconscious and destructive ways. After a while the effects seem normal. The enemy does not want us to know any of this because it can run free without opposition.

We do not know the source of our goodness, perfection and sinless innocence lies in the soul. It is the source of our true self-worth not the personality's effort to obtain perfection which keeps us forever reaching for the future and away from the past. There is unconditional everlasting self-worth right here and right now in this exact moment. This is the missing feeling for which we have been searching all our lives and it cannot be replaced by trying not to sin or by believing in the traditional version of Jesus. Those are attempts to emulate true self-esteem. The false versions depend on what we do, what we believe, etc. Dependence on such things creates a roller coaster ride. When we hit the mark things are good but when we don't we suffer. The true versions are pure in steadiness, unwavering.

There is no substitute for the real thing. It is not a coincidence that the soul so closely resembles the story of Jesus because it is the fulfillment. Jesus is the personification of the soul told in a story format. That is the message the story had been trying to tell us but the interpretation has been twisted for political gain in the name of enterprise. Someone profits off this. Most people simply don't know any better and contribute to make things worse by pushing the literal interpretation. The higher meaning got lost and buried in favor of something more palatable to the masses in part because it's profitable. But what profits a man if gains the whole world and loses his own soul?

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Thanks for the link but you're wasting my time Caino. Goodness me its just a hypothesis?!?!?! Frankly if its not canon i don't care. And if its not from proven academic sources then again i don't care. I'm not wasting my time reading some Catholic hocus pocus gnostic maccabean thesis from some hack who has a 'theory'.

The documentary hypotheses is well established among biblical scholars. Has nothing to do with "Catholics". It helps explain many of the errors, contradictions and duplicate stories in the Hebrews spectacular and self important history.


Active member

That list is just gnostic pseudepigrapha nonsense. There were many sources extant to the Bible that the inspired writers have referred to, the most famous being the Book of Jasher, and the Book of the Wars of Jehovah.

Others were:-

The book of the affairs of the days of the kings of Israel.
The book of the affairs of the times of the kings of Judah.
The book of the affairs of Solomon.
The Book of the Kings of Israel.
The account of the affairs of the days of King David.
Book of the affairs of the times

None of these books exist anymore. ALL of them were uninspired and not canon. All of them were pre-christian. The books you've listed are known forgerys. They don't bolster your argument at all which seems to be rooted in speculative pseudepigrapha and gnostic material.


Active member
The documentary hypotheses is well established among biblical scholars. Has nothing to do with "Catholics". It helps explain many of the errors, contradictions and duplicate stories in the Hebrews spectacular and self important history.

No its not. It's a lightly regarded cooky theory dreamed up by some French academic century's ago that's mostly met with derision by theologians, scholars an academics alike. Theres not an academic worth their salt who pays any attention to this silly theory outside of critics of Christianity intent on discrediting the Bible. Why on Earth you'd take this gnostic nonsense seriously is beyond me.


That list is just gnostic pseudepigrapha nonsense. There were many sources extant to the Bible that the inspired writers have referred to, the most famous being the Book of Jasher, and the Book of the Wars of Jehovah.

Others were:-

The book of the affairs of the days of the kings of Israel.
The book of the affairs of the times of the kings of Judah.
The book of the affairs of Solomon.
The Book of the Kings of Israel.
The account of the affairs of the days of King David.
Book of the affairs of the times

None of these books exist anymore. ALL of them were uninspired and not canon. All of them were pre-christian. The books you've listed are known forgerys. They don't bolster your argument at all which seems to be rooted in speculative pseudepigrapha and gnostic material.

The book of the affairs of the days of the kings of Israel and The book of the affairs of the times of the kings of Judah were secular history books which were not preserved. The books that were preserved were the Hebrews Hollywood version of their history inspired by the ding to the nationalist pride of the so called Israelites.

But obviously anything that counters Bibliolatry is ignored by Bible worshipers.


No its not. It's a lightly regarded cooky theory dreamed up by some French academic century's ago that's mostly met with derision by theologians, scholars an academics alike. Theres not an academic worth their salt who pays any attention to this silly theory outside of critics of Christianity intent on discrediting the Bible. Why on Earth you'd take this gnostic nonsense seriously is beyond me.

While you are at it you need to research the term "gnostic", it has nothing to do whatsoever with scholars critiquing the Bible for it's multiple authorship and errors.


Jesus is dead and God does not die.


I've decided to simply give you a little grief.



Active member
While you are at it you need to research the term "gnostic", it has nothing to do whatsoever with scholars critiquing the Bible for it's multiple authorship and errors.

I don't need to. I know etymologically EXACTLY what gnosticism is. The books you listed in that wiki link are exactly what is referred to as gnosticism, hence why i used the word. You obviously see some value in gnosticism. I don't. And i have no qualms in calling a spade a spade as they say...


New member
What is your interpretation of this verse? Do you think we can actually obtain self-worth by trying not to be sinners? It will never happen so we will remain glued to feelings of worthlessness all our lives. The feelings of shame and guilt will remain swept under the rug unprocessed. They will invite their friends to the party and come out in unconscious and destructive ways. After a while the effects seem normal. The enemy does not want us to know any of this because it can run free without opposition.

We do not know the source of our goodness, perfection and sinless innocence lies in the soul. It is the source of our true self-worth not the personality's effort to obtain perfection which keeps us forever reaching for the future and away from the past. There is unconditional everlasting self-worth right here and right now in this exact moment. This is the missing feeling for which we have been searching all our lives and it cannot be replaced by trying not to sin or by believing in the traditional version of Jesus. Those are attempts to emulate true self-esteem. The false versions depend on what we do, what we believe, etc. Dependence on such things creates a roller coaster ride. When we hit the mark things are good but when we don't we suffer. The true versions are pure in steadiness, unwavering.

There is no substitute for the real thing. It is not a coincidence that the soul so closely resembles the story of Jesus because it is the fulfillment. Jesus is the personification of the soul told in a story format. That is the message the story had been trying to tell us but the interpretation has been twisted for political gain in the name of enterprise. Someone profits off this. Most people simply don't know any better and contribute to make things worse by pushing the literal interpretation. The higher meaning got lost and buried in favor of something more palatable to the masses in part because it's profitable. But what profits a man if gains the whole world and loses his own soul?

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Sounds as if you have removed , or been removed, from trusting God's word ( scripture ) , and that is your loss NOT mine.