Jesus is God.


New member
Choosing scripture over what is infinite and eternal. Smart.
Matt. 24:35 "Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear."
So, yes it is smart to choose God's inerrant Word rather than mans changing and fallible opinions.


New member
And what has that to do with me?

I disagree with every religion.
That's great! (You do seem to agree with the JW's on the divinity of Jesus). But it seems you also disagree with Jesus. That's not great.
Jesus did not use the phrase "I am" inadvertently, when describing Himself.


New member
IF you ignore scripture and bow before idols , as those in the RCC, then you cannot understand the truth.
Disobeying God has consequences !
It would seem that Prizebeatz thinks he is a self made man, and worships that 'creator' / creation.
Rom. 1:25 "They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen."


New member
The true Gospel message is that we are one with what is infinite and eternal. Do you think that is incompatible with or opposed to divinity?
Yes..... You are 'eternal'..... But where will you spend eternity? "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment" 2Peter 2:4


Well-known member
That's great! (You do seem to agree with the JW's on the divinity of Jesus). But it seems you also disagree with Jesus. That's not great.
Jesus did not use the phrase "I am" inadvertently, when describing Himself.

prove it.

Jesus died, God can not die. Jesus has a God, there is only one God. So if Jesus has a God he is not God. That may require some thinking on your part.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
prove it.

Jesus died, God can not die. Jesus has a God, there is only one God. So if Jesus has a God he is not God. That may require some thinking on your part.

You need to reread John 17. What does it say in verse 5?

John 17:5 New International Version (NIV)

5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

Since your boat just sank, how long can you tread water?


New member
You need to reread John 17. What does it say in verse 5?

John 17:5 New International Version (NIV)

5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

Since your boat just sank, how long can you tread water?
He needs to board the ark... and that ark is Jesus, our Creator, our Judge, Our Redeemer. Amazing love, how can it be, that thou my God would die for me? Its a love deeper than we can understand.


New member
prove it.
Prove that Jesus didn't use words intentionally???
Jesus died, God can not die. Jesus has a God,
Yes, Jesus died. God is eternal and can not die. Yes, the man Jesus prayed to God.
Yes Jesus is our Creator. Yes He is our judge. Yes, Jesus is worthy of worship. Yes, Jesus forgives sin. Yes, yes yes.... Jesus has every attribute of God the Father and claimed equality with Him.

there is only one God. So if Jesus has a God he is not God. That may require some thinking on your part.[/QUOTE]


New member
prove it.
Prove that Jesus didn't use words intentionally???
Jesus died, God can not die. Jesus has a God,
Yes, Jesus died. God is eternal and can not die. Yes, the man Jesus prayed to God.
Yes Jesus is our Creator. Yes He is our judge. Yes, Jesus is worthy of worship. Yes, Jesus forgives sin. Yes, yes yes.... Jesus has every attribute of God the Father and claimed equality with Him.


New member
prove it.
Prove that Jesus didn't use words intentionally???
Jesus died, God can not die. Jesus has a God,
Yes, Jesus died. God is eternal and can not die. Yes, the man Jesus prayed to God.
Yes Jesus is our Creator. Yes He is our judge. Yes, Jesus is worthy of worship. Yes, Jesus forgives sin. Yes, yes yes.... Jesus has every attribute of God the Father and claimed equality with Him.


New member
God says do not lie. Do you believe lying is OK ?

God says do not steal. Do you believe stealing is OK ?

God says do not commit adultery. Do you believe it is OK to commit adultery ?

The literal interpretation is the ONLY way to interpret scripture;otherwise, you change God's word and follow yourself.

I just proved the literal translation is false. Get a clue.

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New member
Jesus is God.

OK ... oh great and mighty wizard of Oz.

Your self-serving pious words don't fool me in the slightest.

Perhaps you could start dealing in some FACTS instead of this "I'm so much more enlightened that you" crap.

You're no better than the UFO cults members here. The only difference seems to be that your cult only has one member; yourself.

Thank you for your opinion but its only dust in the wind at this point.

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New member
Matt. 24:35 "Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear."
So, yes it is smart to choose God's inerrant Word rather than mans changing and fallible opinions.

I think you assume the interpretation of God's word is unimportant.

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New member
It would seem that Prizebeatz thinks he is a self made man, and worships that 'creator' / creation.
Rom. 1:25 "They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen."

The truth about God is He is infinite and eternal. The worshipping and serving Jesus instead of what is infinite and eternal is encouraged by the literal translation.

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New member
Jesus is God.

Yes..... You are 'eternal'..... But where will you spend eternity? "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment" 2Peter 2:4

This traditional interpretation of hell would scare someone who does not know the power of God. God, heaven and salvation are right here and right now in this exact timeless moment and nowhere else. The enemy wants us to worry about the about the future because it ensures we will not see the Kingdom while we are alive. This is a lesson that must be learned many times for it to finally make sense in one's own experience but trust me it is real.

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Right Divider

Body part
This traditional interpretation of hell would scare someone who does not know the power of God. God, heaven and salvation are right here and right now in this exact timeless moment and nowhere else. The enemy wants us to worry about the about the future because it ensures we will not see the Kingdom while we are alive. This is a lesson that must be learned many times for it to finally make sense in one's own experience but trust me it is real.

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Why should anyone trust you?


New member
Jesus is God.

Why should anyone trust you?

Because you want to know for yourself if what I'm saying is true. A part of you has longed to hear such words but there is fear of the consequences. One must place all bets on the line, be willing to risk it all with no hope of looking back once the hand goes on the plow. If we love our identity, family, friends, books, churches, religions, body, mind, thoughts, cultures and traditions more, then we are not worthy. The path to the soul requires wagering EVERYTHING at all costs. I'm talking about being literally willing to cast ourselves into what we think to be hell multiple multiple times. It's painful but it is more painful in the long run not to. It is a test to see how much we really believe and trust in the Lord. Would we give up our lives for God like Jesus set an example for us or will we fake it or only do it with half measure?

The reward is over and beyond the feeling of infinite and eternal richness. It is the very thing we have longed for all our lives. We unconsciously long to reconnect with the source of our value and worth. The soul is smarter than us. It has been trying to reveal itself to us but we judge it as worthless, bad, sinful because we don't know when to quit biting of the forbidden fruit. We have to be willing to trust the soul and that requires much vulnerability as we put away our unconscious dependence on the personality for the source of our self-worth, comfort, foundation and well-being.

How do we suppose someone could know this kind of information unless they had access to some sort of inside information? Do we not know the soul is one with omniscient intelligence? Do we think this kind of stuff is available through the bible or the teachings of the church? All of that is man-made. The soul is not. It has access to infinite wisdom. You will do even greater works than these once you touch your own soul.

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