Jesus is God? Or Jesus is begotten of God?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I only reject the Bible as proof because Christians reject any other holy book as proof. Does that make sense?

By proof I'm normally talking about tangible, measurable, real-world evidence.

You're on a Christian Forum. Any proof used will come from a
Christian perspective. So, what are you actually looking for?
Perhaps you've chosen the wrong venue?

Greg Jennings

New member
You're on a Christian Forum. Any proof used will come from a
Christian perspective. So, what are you actually looking for?
Perhaps you've chosen the wrong venue?

I disagree. There are many here who see things from multiple perspectives, or from one perspective that is non-Christian. It's a surprisingly varied Christian forum

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus is God? Or Jesus is begotten of God?

Neither. Jesus was neither God nor begotten of God unless you are asking from the point of view of Paul's gospel. (Acts 9:20)

Jesus was a Jew begotten of Joseph and Mary.

The only option you are left with by denying that fact is in John 8:41, that Jesus was born out of corruption.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I only reject the Bible as proof because Christians reject any other holy book as proof. Does that make sense?

By proof I'm normally talking about tangible, measurable, real-world evidence.

Why would you reject the truth?

John 17:17 New King James Version (NKJV)

17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

Greg Jennings

New member
All views do NOT deserve the same respect, or was Hitler OK too?

When one's views infringe on the rights of others they are no longer tolerable. That's the reason why Kentucky Kim was wrong to not give out marriage licenses. Nothing about discussing theology infringes upon one's rights.

Greg Jennings

New member
Why would you reject the truth?

John 17:17 New King James Version (NKJV)

17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

Because your "truth" is not what everyone would consider to be "truth." I'm not rejecting your "truth" any more than you reject a Jew's or Muslim's "truth."


Well-known member
Why would you reject the truth?

John 17:17 New King James Version (NKJV)

17 Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

Folks see truth in a different way BR.

How do you know that you have truth?

Faith is one thing, truth is another, he is respecting the rights of others to think in their own way.


New member
Christians here at TOL, do you believe that God and Jesus are the exact same being? Or do you think that Jesus is divine and begotten of God but not the same being?

From the words of the new testament it seems to me that Jesus is a separate entity. For example he says that even he doesn't know when the end times are, and that only God does. How could Jesus not know what God does if they are the exact same being?

This is what I believe:

The Trinity and the Incarnation

There is one God in Three Divine Persons (Father, Son and Holy Ghost). The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God; yet they are not three gods, but One God. The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Son of God, assumed a human nature and became man from the flesh of the Virgin Mary. Our Lord Jesus Christ is one Divine Person with two natures: divine and human. He is God and man. The Trinity (One God: Father, Son and Holy Ghost) and the Incarnation are the two most essential mysteries of the Catholic Faith which no one above reason can be ignorant of and be saved.

You will notice that when Jesus Christ speaks in His divinity He uses the word 'I' (ex. "You have heard that it was said...But I tell you...") but when He speaks in His humanity He refers to Himself as 'the Son' or 'the Son of Man' (ex. "But of that day or hour no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.")**

**Nor the Son. Not that the Son of God is absolutely ignorant of the day of judgment, but that He knoweth it not, as our teacher; that is, He knoweth it not so as to teach it to us, as not being expedient. (Douay-Rheims footnote)

Greg Jennings

New member
This is what I believe:

You will notice that when Jesus Christ speaks in His divinity He uses the word 'I' (ex. "You have heard that it was said...But I tell you...") but when He speaks in His humanity He refers to Himself as 'the Son' or 'the Son of Man' (ex. "But of that day or hour no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.")**

**Nor the Son. Not that the Son of God is absolutely ignorant of the day of judgment, but that He knoweth it not, as our teacher; that is, He knoweth it not so as to teach it to us, as not being expedient. (Douay-Rheims footnote)

Interesting post. Thank you for participating