Its all 'God' just manifesting/expressing in different forms
I approach this
here and eslewhere.
So its not so much as having 3 gods (to the protest of monotheists) , just 3 'forms' of 'God', while 'God' in 'His' or 'Its' singular unique
indivisible essence remains as pure Spirit-Energy-Consciousness. All is born out of this Singular essence, as the fundamental, original reality. In Theosophy, this is 'The Absolute', being 'pre-personal'...yet the source of all personality.
relate to this infinite indescribable ABSOLUTE as a Personality ('Our Father-Mother), yet there are aspects of 'Deity' that are 'pre-personal' and 'trans-personal', going beyond any description of 'personality' that our finite minds can comprehend. In the context of 'God' as 'personal' and being a 'Personality', we have a tri-une assocation of divine personalities being the foundation-head, the Monad from which all sentient beings and personalities arise in the cosmos.
Whether one holds a Unitarian, Trinitarian or Modalistic view of 'God' and 'Christ', they all claim a true monotheistic theology of there being only ONE GOD, however this 'God' exists in His various forms, transformations or adaptations. Its still just 'God' in his various trans-formations. Debates are over preferred views and logics of how Christ is related to 'God', and if Christ is 'God', but how this affects anything beyond the context of one's own theology or religious culture is worth pondering.