Let me take another stab at this. Keypurr, you see something, but you're also missing something.
Jesus, the flesh man, had a different father than normal men. That mean's he didn't have the same seed/spirit, as say, the Pharisees he rebuked telling them they were of their father the devil. The spirit is as a male because it plants the seed. Since all seeds bear fruit after their own kind, His kind was the Father.
So He has this Seed, yet clearly it was not "activated" until He was 30. If it had been, He'd have been healing his playmates, and walking on water then. He didn't. So why didn't He?
We are told elsewhere: ONE PLANTS, ANOTHER WATERS, but HaShem gives the increase. Who is the another that waters the Seed? Put another way, what happened to the Seed when the dove came down? The Seed was CAUGHT UP into His mother's womb, New Jerusalem, BORN FROM ABOVE, as the pattern Son, which the Father then witnessed to by saying, this is my beloved Son.
The Son Seed is not one, but two in union; just as with 100% natural men, He bears characteristics of both father and mother. For this cause shall a man leave Father AND MOTHER, and cleave unto His wife. Once He was caught up to mother, He could then "leave" her to cleave unto His wife, ie. His true body that is JOINED TO HIM IN THE SAME WAY.
The "lovely" Greek obscured this by the translators choosing "born again" instead of born from ABOVE. A WORLD of difference, since our mother wisdom built New Jerusalem, the city made without hands that our Father Abraham looked for, is that place we are to be born from. Peace