James 1:1 refutes MAD


New member
Put up that ugly pic, loser.

You won't. Typical mut, loser, embarrassed by her looks, sloppy trollness.

As I predicted. Embarrassed, aren't you, troll? Yes....

Are you threatening me, you tired, slob, loser, no-faith?

You don't tell me what to do hasbin, mutt who wouldn't be allowed to mow my grass.


New member
I picked the troll apart, in her "the Greek....Strong's...." con game, scam, reducing her to grunts, snorts......Weighty, toots.

James 4:5 KJV Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

Show us any "Greek," "Hebrew," that has:

The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

Go ahead.

You disgusting "Greek" fraud, thinking that using Strong's, you can "translate" the book.

Con artist....scammer.....devil child.

I destroyed you. Just like I destroy all Dispie posers who blaspheme the name of Christ.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Are you threatening me, you tired, slob, loser, no-faith?

You don't tell me what to do hasbin, mutt who wouldn't be allowed to mow my grass.
Put up that ugly pic, loser.

You won't. Typical mut, loser, embarrassed by her looks, sloppy trollness.

As I predicted. Embarrassed, aren't you, troll? Yes....

Devilish troll.

Get off this site, you sulfur, dung mouthed demon.

Mow your grass, you quip, loser? You don't have enough $'s, on your 7-11/Super Cuts salary, to afford paying someone, mut? Yes....

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I destroyed you. Just like I destroy all Dispie posers who blaspheme the name of Christ.

The punk still will not address his own "argument."

Third time, demon...

I picked the troll apart, in her "the Greek....Strong's...." con game, scam, reducing her to grunts, snorts......Weighty, toots.

James 4:5 KJV Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

Show us any "Greek," "Hebrew," that has:

The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

Go ahead. Chapter, verse.

Not a peep.

You disgusting "Greek" fraud, thinking that using Strong's, you can "translate" the book.

Con artist....scammer.....devil child.

Get saved, wolfie.


New member
Observe, the continued deception, bait'nswitch, punt....Did our heroine address the q, her "argument?" Nope.


Tell us about this "the gospel" your brother saint Judas preached. Show us your keen, biblical insight.

Not a peep.

False dichotomy, you satanic slug, full of sophistry.....

Romans 1:3 KJV Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;

The devil child is clueless as to the meaning of "of the flesh," biblically, as she just examined her stack of "the church" pamphlets, and stack of commentaries, not the bible, as she asserts that the Lord Jesus Christ is "of the flesh," and thus we should reject worshiping him.


In the beginning, God created the heaven, and the earth....

Eppy:That is "of the flesh!!!""" Stop!!!

Revelation 19:16 KJV And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.

Wolfie: Stop, "Jesus!!!!!" That is being a King/Lord "of some people" on earth, and is "worship the flesh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Get saved, satanic slug, troll.

LOL. You're just throwing out random verses.

Circumcision was the requirement to an ethnic Jew.

A circumcised heart aka conversion aka being born-again is the requirement to be a spiritual Jew.

Christians have been converting others and being converted for 2000 years. Not that hard to figure out unless you don't want to.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Are you threatening me, you tired, slob, loser, no-faith?

You don't tell me what to do hasbin, mutt who wouldn't be allowed to mow my grass.


...the Greek....Strong's......

Please teach us "the English," you clown, in a parade of clowns....Please teach us, laughing stock of TOL....Please?

Put up your pic, toots, so we can laugh...

You won't. Scammer. Fraud.


New member
Identify this "the gospel."

She won't, as she asserts that it is equivalent to "the new covenant."

Clueless demon.

You're closer to a 'she' when you get all mad and hot around the collar.

I used to date women like you until I came home to a double barrel shotgun in my face.

After that I found God and joined the circus.


New member
Put up that ugly pic, loser.

You won't. Typical mut, loser, embarrassed by her looks, sloppy trollness.

As I predicted. Embarrassed, aren't you, troll? Yes....

Devilish troll.

Get off this site, you sulfur, dung mouthed demon.

Mow your grass, you quip, loser? You don't have enough $'s, on your 7-11/Super Cuts salary, to afford paying someone, mut? Yes....

You don't tell me what to do, Loser!!

Get off my thread.


New member

Please teach us "the English," you clown, in a parade of clowns....Please teach us, laughing stock of TOL....Please?

Put up your pic, toots, so we can laugh...

You won't. Scammer. Fraud.

You don't tell me what to do!

And I'll stay on this thread until they ban me ripping you to pieces.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
LOL. You're just throwing out random verses.

Circumcision was the requirement to an ethnic Jew.

A circumcised heart aka conversion aka being born-again is the requirement to be a spiritual Jew.

Christians have been converting others and being converted for 2000 years. Not that hard to figure out unless you don't want to.

Wow!!!! Another "assert....pound the podium...declare 'victory,;...return to "Well, Dr. Judas told me this, so I will be just fine" echo chamber.

Devlish moron.

5th time:

Tell us about this "the gospel" your brother saint Judas preached. Show us your keen, biblical insight.

Not a peep, eh Robby...:



New member
Wow!!!! Another "assert....pound the podium...declare 'victory,;...return to "Well, Dr. Judas told me this, so I will be just fine" echo chamber.

Devlish moron.

5th time:

Tell us about this "the gospel" your brother saint Judas preached. Show us your keen, biblical insight.

Not a peep, eh Robby...:

Loser, trash, mutt, hasbin and never was

So he found God or should I say he found a cult!


Well-known member


New member
Translation:Wah..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Stop picking on me, you meanie dispies!!!! Stop!!

Pull up your bunny shirt, loser wolfie, and quit acting like everyone is trying to gyp you out of your blow pops.

LOL. You're fading fast. Time to cross back over the border.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You don't tell me what to do!

And I'll stay on this thread until they ban me ripping you to pieces.

Funny, clown, as I picked you apart, leaving slumped, in a heap, on the road side, in a ditch,and you are again awaiting your father, the devil, and his minions, to pick you up, and re-inflate you with hypocrisy, sophistry, rebellion, and sorcery....Stay down on the mat, Damian-ette. When you are in a hole, wolfie, stop digging. Dig? Good.