James 1:1 refutes MAD


New member
You haven't got a brain in your head! Only space between your ears.

According to your stupid idea people who are born again are born again into Israel--despite the fact that Paul said that Israel has been rejected!

You are a waste of time and anyone will believe you are just as dumb as you are!

There's an Israel of the flesh and an Israel of the Spirit, MORON! You belong to neither.


New member
Nope, that is your conclusion; just as your "one size fits all" assertion about Dispys and 1948 is your conclusion.

Nevertheless, Rom. 14:5 towards you - in memory of Rom. 5:6-8 in all our stead.

For ours as Believers is to be a walk by faith towards one another in this very perspective the Scripture asserts is to be the Believer's walk of faith towards any Believer who one perceives is obviously fully persuaded in his or her own mind to an understanding on one thing or another different from our own.

Absent of this walk of faith towards those we perceive are "without" in some manner, all else is ever proven having been merely "a fair show in the flesh" - merely, a hollow knowing "about."

There is an Israel of the flesh and an Israel of the Spirit. You belong to neither.

Someday all believers will live in a city called the new Jerusalem which is the capital of Israel!


New member
Jealous, lacking confidence, are you girly "man?" Yes.....We know the type.Put up your pic. Go ahead, toots.I thought so, you loser, as you prop up your fragile ego,lack of self esteem, masking your disgust of your looks, by criticizing others' looks. Weighty, sweet gal.

Put up that ugly pic, loser.

You won't. Typical mut, loser, embarrassed by her looks, sloppy trollness.

PM me, I'll give it to you. I ain't afraid of a dumb lug nut who fell out of the Happy Days backup cast.


New member

"GreekStrongs in G859 'aphesis'"

James 4:5 KJV Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

Show us any "Greek," "Hebrew," that has:

The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

Go ahead.

You disgusting "Greek" fraud, thinking that using Strong's, you can "translate" the book.

Con artist....scammer.....devil child.

Loser. Ignorant. Liar. Lover of stupid Dispy con-men pastors like John Hoagie who is probably your dad but would never admit it.


New member
Now, wolfie, metrosexual wimp, as asked 4 times:

Tell us about this "the gospel" your brother saint Judas preached. Show us your keen, biblical insight.

Not a peep.

Cut-off from grace, Shipwreck of faith and rejected by Christ is anyone who agrees with you.

Dispensationalism is for lost losers without faith. They worship the flesh of some people in the middle east like the modern-day baal temple they are.

Never known Christ and never will.


New member
If he made his opaque thought process clear, what we would have, is not a failure to communicate, rather the realization that understanding James is last inroad to understanding dispensationalist theology.

The point being that the Jews of James' day or even our day would not have got past the first verse where James claims to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Dispies never figured that out.


New member
The new Jews are under the new covenant and live in the new Jerusalem.

The old Jews are under the old covenant and live in old Jerusalem.

The Dispies are the foot soldiers and plebeians of the old Jews.

They will talk of Christ and grace and faith but it's just talk - they're slaves.

Lazy afternoon

God has only one Kingdom/nation of which Jesus Christ is the appointed King thereof.

The Kingdom of Israel is that Kingdom.

Jesus is the King of Israel.

1Pe 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
1Pe 2:10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

Mat 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.


Good Post.


New member
In the Mid-Acts community there is more than one opinion about that. But it is certain that it didn't begin at Acts 2. Then the Lord was still dealing with the nation of Israel.

There are basically two views on that within Mid-Acts...

Acts 9, and Acts 13.

Those two views is how the Mid-Acts label came to be, to begin with.

And the Acts 13 view was proven faulty long, long ago, but to those who learned the Acts 13 position long ago, and continued in it unexamined - to where the view became hardened in them - as often happens with the passing of time together with a thing left un-re-examined from scratch, from time to time.

Over the years, it results in one ending up so "dull of hearing" that they end up no longer able to be reasoned with.

Stam ended up that way.

Baker less so.

O'Hair ever remained open to re-examining his views.

And then you have one or two later, fringe views here and there - due to an incompetence in overall study approach simply because the individual had long ago set off on their own a bit too soon in their learning curve.

Men like E.C. Moore and his followers, come to mind.

In fact, much of the bickering back and forth between various individuals both within Christendom and on here - of all sorts of persuasions - is the result of those kinds of incompetencies and or hardening of the eyes and ears of one's understanding.

The result being that to point out a thing to such is often the same in result as never having pointed it out at all, to begin with.

You are not alone in that, but you...are a prime example.

I remain fascinated by these kinds of issues in perception; so thank you for your part in my continued edification on it.


New member
The point being that the Jews of James' day or even our day would not have got past the first verse where James claims to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Dispies never figured that out.

And you remain convinced of that; I'm sure :chuckle:


New member
If he made his opaque thought process clear, what we would have, is not a failure to communicate, rather the realization that understanding James is last inroad to understanding dispensationalist theology.

Thing is, it is not E's failing to make their obviously opaque thought process clear, that is the only mis-fire.

On the other side of the equation is the equally obvious failure of the individual unable to nevertheless get at the intended sense of said opaque processes' result in communication.

That still leaves on the other side the responsibility that is the study of how to nevertheless get at another's intended meaning.

The failure here not only cuts both ways, but reveals a mis-fire in overall study approach on both sides of the fence.

Not an easy thing to have to be told: but one nevertheless worth pointing out; if for no other reason than for the repeated reminder of its lesson, to oneself.

Rom. 14:5; Rom. 5:6-8.


Well-known member
I can't help you and neither can God. Once you make shipwreck of faith it's game over.

Then you'll answer to God for treating with contempt those who you say are lost, and are asking you how to be saved, but refuse. If you're what you say you are you are a living lifesaver, an ambassador for Christ, not Rorschach.

Unless, of course, you're a fraud who doesn't actually know.


New member
Then you'll answer to God for treating with contempt those who you say are lost, and are asking you how to be saved, but refuse. If you're what you say you are you are a living lifesaver, an ambassador for Christ, not Rorschach.

Unless, of course, you're a fraud who doesn't actually know.

By the same truth - who do you and your pals answer to for treating with contempt those who either do not hold your view; oppose it; or who even treat you with contempt.

Last I checked, there is no "just giving another a dose of their own medicine" for the Believer in Scripture this side of Rom. 5:6-8.

Or as the Apostle you and your pals claim to follow put that...

1 Corinthians 4:10 We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised. 4:11 Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwellingplace; 4:12 And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it: 4:13 Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day. 4:14 I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you. 4:15 For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. 4:16 Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me.


New member
If we're guilty, so are you. More so, as that makes up easily half of your posts on TOL.

Go home, Danoh. Fix that wall.

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I have never claimed I myself have never been guilty of spitting on others in cahoots with you and your pals.

And even if I was the worst of your lot in this, and then some, you are still merely deflecting - as you and your pals always do.

Rest assured they should be coming along any minute now, to high-five your duplicity once more.

Rom. 5:6-8.