Jadespring and 's/he-is-all-in-all'

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New member
Nineveh said:
Please read jade's gospel.
Let's get Jade to clarify her understanding of the gospel.

Jade, thanks for bearing with us, but N is looking to nail you, so for clarification...

Do you believe the gospel as revealed in the New Testament is this:

God loves the world and sent His Son (Jesus) to die on the cross for our sins, was buried, rose from the dead so that we might be given life, to those who repent and receive Him as Lord & Savior?


New member
Nineveh said:
Jade isn't saying God is female, so ignore all the posts where she is defending that idea (along with dave miller) in this thread. She really meant God has no gender.
Surely, N, you don't believe God's essential essence is maleness do you????


New member
Nineveh said:
Freak, if you don't mind, I'll reserve my apology until I get a better understanding of what jade means by "'literal' way you do."

"Christ is Divine, of the Divine, from the Divine and yes I think he is God though I don't think it's in quite the same 'literal' way that you do."
I asked her:

Do you believe Jesus Christ, as revealed in the New Testament, is God in the flesh, in that the "fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form"?

She stated: YES!


New member
Nineveh said:
Even if that means going directly against what He clearly states? In doing this you sully God's "reputation" in favor of your own theology.
And we're back to the old understanding again. :)

Hebrew is not a dead language.
That actual specic letters of the language is not the issue.

It doesn't appear you take the literal in a literal fashion. You have so disparaged "literalism" that it has become a stranger to you.
I can and do. :) Literalism is definately not a stranger I'm dealing with it right here and now.

I'm sure you have found your comfort in those you decide to agree with. But God doesn't have to agree with you or them. It's not God trying to subtly tell us that He really means the opposite of what he says, that's all you.
Actually this was more a comment addressing what you told me about how you read the Bible and went and found people who agreed with how you read it.

[QUOTE I take that which is meant literally in a literal manner. We already went over this on another thread. I don't find need to "interpret" the parts that don't agree with fem-homo theology in an "esoteric spiritiualized" way.[/QUOTE]

Hmm okay not quite what I was asking but I guess it will have to do?
Let's try it another way.
How do you know what was meant to be taken literally?

And what the heck is fem-homo theology you keep bringing it up over and over as an argument against everything? It is a useless argument unless I know what you are talking about?
Who are some of the theologions that teach it?


Merely Christian
Maybe you should ask what way she really means it then? Because, unless she misspoke yet once again, she clearly doesn't take it in the same literal way.

Here is jade's gospel, Freak:

We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.

I'm sure she simply misspoke.

Free-Agent Smith

New member
Nineveh said:
Jade isn't saying God is female, so ignore all the posts where she is defending that idea (along with dave miller) in this thread. She really meant God has no gender.
Ok, sorry. But the link I posted seems to disagree with them.


New member
Freak said:
Let's get Jade to clarify her understanding of the gospel.

Jade, thanks for bearing with us, but N is looking to nail you, so for clarification...

Do you believe the gospel as revealed in the New Testament is this:

God loves the world and sent His Son (Jesus) to die on the cross for our sins, was buried, rose from the dead so that we might be given life, to those who repent and receive Him as Lord & Savior?



New member
Rimi asks: He wants to be called He but He ain't even a He?

No, God is not a male. His essential nature is spirit. Do you believe the Holy Spirit, who is God, is a male? It is clear you haven't studied biblical theology.


Merely Christian
Jadespring said:
And we're back to the old understanding again. :)

Right. Your esoteric spiritualization interpretation VS God's statements.

That actual specic letters of the language is not the issue.

Then don't act as if we could never possibly understand what is being said.

I can and do. :) Literalism is definately not a stranger I'm dealing with it right here and now.

You take nothing literally in the Bible. Except the parts about Christ, but we haven't even gotten into that yet have we? Freak opened the box though, so feel free to set the record straight on your esoteric spiritualization of Christ. Or do you take all that literally?

Actually this was more a comment addressing what you told me about how you read the Bible and went and found people who agreed with how you read it.

I'll say it one more time, hope you read and retain it this time, I left denominational dogma when I read the Bible because it didn't agree with God.

Hmm okay not quite what I was asking but I guess it will have to do?
Let's try it another way.
How do you know what was meant to be taken literally?


And what the heck is fem-homo theology you keep bringing it up over and over as an argument against everything? It is a useless argument unless I know what you are talking about?
Who are some of the theologions that teach it?

You may not be aware of it, but that's what you are being taught. Dave took the classes and sounds just like you, cut and paste for cut and paste.


New member
Freak said:
Rimi asks: He wants to be called He but He ain't even a He?

No, God is not a male. His essential nature is spirit. Do you believe the Holy Spirit, who is God, is a male? It is clear you haven't studied biblical theology.

Let me just say that I think you're more confused about God than God is, tho not as much as Jaded.


New member
Rimi said:
Let me just say that I think you're more confused about God than God is, tho not as much as Jaded.
Do you believe the Holy Spirit, who is God, is a male? Yes or No will do?


Merely Christian
Freak said:
N, would you now apologize to Jade. Again she confesses the truth.

If you want to agree with jade, feel free freak. After reading how she supports homos in the pulpit, and her new gospel among other things, I will withhold any apology she may have coming until I find out if Christ is another "esoteric spiritualization" or "literal". You might want to ask her, or I will, either way, why Christ died if we were always holy. He shed His blood because of a mere misconception we had about ourselves. Or are you going to defend this as jade misspeaking again?


New member
Nineveh said:
Maybe you should ask what way she really means it then? Because, unless she misspoke yet once again, she clearly doesn't take it in the same literal way.

Here is jade's gospel, Freak:

We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.

I'm sure she simply misspoke.

Nin. I addressed that already. Using the words "we never fell" was a mistake and not what I meant to convey yes.
However you are right that we look at the fall in a slightly different manner.


New member
Nineveh said:
If you want to agree with jade, feel free freak. After reading how she supports homos in the pulpit, and her new gospel among other things, I will withhold any apology she may have coming until I find out if Christ is another "esoteric spiritualization" or "literal". You might want to ask her, or I will, either way, why Christ died if we were always holy. He shed His blood because of a mere misconception we had about ourselves. Or are you going to defend this as jade misspeaking again?

Nin. It's not a new gospel. Jesus came for us and died for us so that we could be saved.

This is the Gospel. We agree.


New member
Nineveh said:
If you want to agree with jade, feel free freak.
She confesses to believe Jesus is God & that the gospel consist of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. So far so good.

You might want to ask her, or I will, either way, why Christ died if we were always holy. He shed His blood because of a mere misconception we had about ourselves. Or are you going to defend this as jade misspeaking again?

Jade, do you believe the reason Jesus came to earth was to die for us sinners. Sinners whom God loved dearly and whom were created in His image (and whom were wonderfully made)?


New member
Nineveh said:
Christ died to pay the penalty of our sin. Not because we had poor self esteem.
What is wrong with you? She agreed with me when I asked:

Do you believe the gospel as revealed in the New Testament is this:

God loves the world and sent His Son (Jesus) to die on the cross for our sins, was buried, rose from the dead so that we might be given life, to those who repent and receive Him as Lord & Savior?


Merely Christian
Freak said:
What is wrong with you? She agreed with me when I asked:

Do you believe the gospel as revealed in the New Testament is this:

God loves the world and sent His Son (Jesus) to die on the cross for our sins, was buried, rose from the dead so that we might be given life, to those who repent and receive Him as Lord & Savior?

You are so right freak! That sounsds just like:

We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.
So the outcome is still basically the same.

: shakes head : How far are you going to go to defend jade and her "misspeaking"?

Do you get yet that she "interprets the Bible" by esoteric spiritualization yet?
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