Jadespring and 's/he-is-all-in-all'

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New member
Nineveh said:
You are so right freak! .
She clarified. What's so wrong with that? She admitted that she has used the wrong words to convey what she believed.

BTW, you don't believe God's essential essence is maleness do you????


New member
Freak said:
She confesses to believe Jesus is God & that the gospel consist of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. So far so good.

Jade, do you believe the reason Jesus came to earth was to die for us sinners. Sinners whom God loved dearly and whom were created in His image (and whom were wonderfully made)?


He brought us a message and an act for our salvation
The sins/wounding of relationships/seperation from knowing God/ can be healed.
Salvation, at it's root is a healing word.


New member
Jadespring said:

He brought us a message and an act for our salvation
The sins/wounding of relationships/seperation from knowing God/ can be healed.
Salvation, at it's root is a healing word.


Merely Christian
Freak said:
She clarified. What's so wrong with that? She admitted that she has used the wrong words to convey what she believed.

"We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.
So the outcome is still basically the same."

You don't see anything wrong with this?

BTW, do you believe God is male?

Christ is most definatly male. God is only refered to as male. I'm not about to start calling God a girl, nor defend anyone who would.


New member
Jadespring said:

He brought us a message and an act for our salvation
The sins/wounding of relationships/seperation from knowing God/ can be healed.
Salvation, at it's root is a healing word.

And yes there is healing of guilt in there as well.
I'd say the sinning and knowing you've sin tends to lead to guilt.

But dunno, maybe that's just me. :)


New member
Nineveh said:
Christ is most definatly male.
Yes He is the God-man. But's God essential essence is not maleness but rather spirit. Would you consider the Holy Spirit as a male?

God is only refered to as male. I'm not about to start calling God a girl, nor defend anyone who would.
That wasn't my question. We agree on that. I'm asking you if you believed God is male. God is not male. He is referred to as a He but that does not translate to Him being male in His essential essence--for He is spirit. Do you believe God the Father is a male? Wondering if your theology is closer to Mormonism then biblical theology.


New member
Jadespring said:
And yes there is healing of guilt in there as well.
I'd say the sinning and knowing you've sin tends to lead to guilt.

But dunno, maybe that's just me. :)


New member
Nineveh said:
If we were always holy, Christ sure paid a high price for low self esteem of our own devising.
You're acting like a brat..she has admitted we are guilty before God because of our sins.


Merely Christian
Freak said:
Yes He is the God-man. But's God essential essence is maleness but rather spirit. Would you consider the Holy Spirit as a male?

Why would I not? Do I have a male spirit in a female body? Is that even possible. Is that rational? Yes I believe the Father refers to Himself as male.

Now back to jade's gospel. You don't see anything wrong with:

"We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.
So the outcome is still basically the same."

Or are you so hot to find fault with a mod you will agree with any manner of thing, even to the point of promoting the above as the Gospel?


Merely Christian
Freak said:
You're acting like a brat..she has admitted we are guilty before God because of our sins.

This is coming from someone who needs to interpret the Bible in an "esoteric spiritual" way. Geewiz freak, I didn't know you were part of dave's congregation too. Sad.

While we are at it, did jade misspeak about homos leading the churches? Or are you all for that too?


New member
Nineveh said:
Why would I not? Do I have a male spirit in a female body? Is that even possible. Is that rational? Yes I believe the Father refers to Himself as male.
Apparently you didn't read my question. Is The Father's essence male? Or is is Spirit?

When we speak of one being male we speak of them having male biological parts. Does God the Holy Spirit have male parts?

Christ is not two persons but one, one, not by changing the deity into flesh, but by taking the humanity into God; one, indeed, not by mixture of the natures, but by unity in one person.

Or are you so hot to find fault with a mod you will agree with any manner of thing, even to the point of promoting the above as the Gospel?
Desperate tactic. I do not promote anything close to that & you know that. You're feeling the heat in that I'm challenging you on your understanding of God.

Is the Holy Spirit, in his essential essence, male?


New member
Nineveh said:
This is coming from someone who needs to interpret the Bible in an "esoteric spiritual" way. Geewiz freak, I didn't know you were part of dave's congregation too. Sad.
Another desperate tactic. I don't even know Dave.

While we are at it, did jade misspeak about homos leading the churches? Or are you all for that too?
I'm all for homosexuals repenting of their sins and becoming new creations through Jesus. Don't you agree when they do that they can serve God?


New member
Nineveh said:
Right. Your esoteric spiritualization interpretation VS God's statements.

Then don't act as if we could never possibly understand what is being said.
Not acting. Disagreeing with you.

You take nothing literally in the Bible. Except the parts about Christ, but we haven't even gotten into that yet have we? Freak opened the box though, so feel free to set the record straight on your esoteric spiritualization of Christ. Or do you take all that literally?
We haven't yet talked about the whole Bible. ;)

I'll say it one more time, hope you read and retain it this time, I left denominational dogma when I read the Bible because it didn't agree with God.
Yes I know. You left because it didn't agree with how you were reading it.
I got it and commented about it.

Fair enough.

You may not be aware of it, but that's what you are being taught. Dave took the classes and sounds just like you, cut and paste for cut and paste.
So Dave is the expert in this theology? Do you know for sure that what he is saying i s exactly what he was taught or read? Do you know exactly what it is so you cna say for absoulte sureness?
Does just taking a class or reading a book mean that you automatically accept and regurgitate it because it comes from some authority figure?
Is that how you learn?


Merely Christian
You can think of God however you wish, be He refers to Himself as a He. And I see no need to dispute Him on the matter.

Of course I think homos should come out of their sin and turn to Christ, but jade believes they are fine shepherds. Now, did she misspeak?

Again: You see nothing wrong with this?

"We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.
So the outcome is still basically the same."


Merely Christian
Jadespring said:
Not acting. Disagreeing with you.

Nothing to disagree about. Hebrew is not a dead language, therfore we can know what is being said.

We haven't yet talked about the whole Bible. ;)

No use until we hammer out the God it's talking about.

Yes I know. You left because it didn't agree with how you were reading it. I got it and commented about it.

I'm sorry, but it's pretty simple. I know what the denom taught and I read the Bible, they didn't agree.

So Dave is the expert in this theology? Do you know for sure that what he is saying i s exactly what he was taught or read? Do you know exactly what it is so you cna say for absoulte sureness?

Seems like the same cut and paste stuff, so I guess that makes him as much an expert on it as you are.

Does just taking a class or reading a book mean that you automatically accept and regurgitate it because it comes from some authority figure?
Is that how you learn?

Personally, I like to be a Berean.


New member
Nineveh said:
You can think of God however you wish, be He refers to Himself as a He. And I see no need to dispute Him on the matter.
It's a simple question. It proves you do not understand basic biblical theology.

God the Father is not a male like I'm a male. His essential essence is spirit. He does not have a gender. This is quite basic. But yet you have a hard time acknowledging this.

"Joseph revealed that the Father and the Son each have a "body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's" (D&C 130:22)."--That's Mormon theology.

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."--Biblical theology.

Let's try this again, does the Father have a body like a male would????


New member
Freak said:
I'm all for homosexuals repenting of their sins and becoming new creations through Jesus. Don't you agree when they do that they can serve God?

I am of different intial belief surrounding the nature of homosexuality and sin. On this I have been quite clear about in other posts.
This is a point of debate, which I will gladly continue on with if people wish, though I really disagree that it is a deciding point on whether someone is Christian or not.

However for the purposes of this thread, homosexuals just as with any other people who sin, have the ability to repent of their sins and serve God.


Merely Christian
Freak said:
It's a simple question. It proves you do not understand basic biblical theology. Let's try this again,

"We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.
So the outcome is still basically the same."

You don't see anything wrong with the above gospel?


New member
Nineveh, please clarify...

1. Do you believe the Father has a body like a male?

2. Do you believe the Holy Spirit is male?
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