Jadespring and 's/he-is-all-in-all'

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Nineveh said:
"We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.
So the outcome is still basically the same."

You don't see anything wrong with the above gospel?
That's not a gospel. The gospel is found in 1 Corinthians 15.

Now, have the courtsey to answer my question...

It's a simple question. It proves you do not understand basic biblical theology.

God the Father is not a male like I'm a male. His essential essence is spirit. He does not have a gender. This is quite basic. But yet you have a hard time acknowledging this.

"Joseph revealed that the Father and the Son each have a "body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's" (D&C 130:22)."--That's Mormon theology.

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."--Biblical theology.

Let's try this again, does the Father have a body like a male would????


Merely Christian
Jadespring said:
I am of different intial belief surrounding the nature of homosexuality and sin. On this I have been quite clear about in other posts.
This is a point of debate, which I will gladly continue on with if people wish, though I really disagree that it is a deciding point on whether someone is Christian or not.

However for the purposes of this thread, homosexuals just as with any other people who sin, have the ability to repent of their sins and serve God.

If you want to take that debate up again, pick up the thread on it. You said you didn't want to talk about it anymore, twice. But let's not drag this thread onto that topic. Did you need the link to it? If so I'll endeavor to look it up.

This thread is still about your view of God.


Merely Christian
Freak said:
That's not a gospel. The gospel is found in 1 Corinthians 15.

"We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.
So the outcome is still basically the same."

The Gospel of Grace is we are free of the penalty of our sins through Christ. The above says that sin is a figment of our imaginiation. Now, Freak, do you or do you not see anything wrong with jade's gospel?

Now, have the courtsey to answer my question...

Have the courtesy of accepting the answer I gave you.


New member
Nineveh said:
Nothing to disagree about. Hebrew is not a dead language, therfore we can know what is being said.
It's got nothing to do with anything being dead or not. Of course it's not dead.
Language is always spoken about and communcated in a cultural context.

Let me give you an simple example:
What do I mean when I say? Man he's so crazy he's like right out in left field.

Seems like the same cut and paste stuff, so I guess that makes him as much an expert on it as you are.
Okay. So you don't know what it is.

Personally, I like to be a Berean.
And Personally I prefer not too.
So we're at a choice of personal preference. :)


New member
Nineveh said:
Have the courtesy of accepting the answer I gave you.
You never answered the questions:

1. Do you believe the Father has a body like a male?

2. Do you believe the Holy Spirit is male?

If you don't know then tell us you don't know. I can help you understand through Scripture.

God the Father tells us:

I will not carry out my fierce anger,
nor will I turn and devastate Ephraim.
For I am God, and not man—
the Holy One among you.
I will not come in wrath.

N, what does this tell you?


New member
Nineveh said:
If you want to take that debate up again, pick up the thread on it. You said you didn't want to talk about it anymore, twice. But let's not drag this thread onto that topic. Did you need the link to it? If so I'll endeavor to look it up.

This thread is still about your view of God.

I was answering Freaks question. It's on this thread.


Merely Christian
Jadespring said:
It's got nothing to do with anything being dead or not. Of course it's not dead.
Language is always spoken about and communcated in a cultural context.

You can't use cultural context to make God agree with you either, jade.

Okay. So you don't know what it is.

Dave called his brand homosexual and feminist theology.

And Personally I prefer not too.
So we're at a choice of personal preference. :)

Right, I can tell you aren't like the more noble Bereans. (Do you know who they are?)


New member
Nineveh said:
The Gospel of Grace is we are free of the penalty of our sins through Christ.
It's much more then that..it is having the very life of Jesus Christ. Do you understand this or not????

Now, Freak, do you or do you not see anything wrong with jade's gospel?
I already answered you: That's not a gospel. The gospel is found in 1 Corinthians 15.


New member

You never answered the questions:

1. Do you believe the Father has a body like a male?

2. Do you believe the Holy Spirit is male?


Merely Christian
Jadespring said:
I was answering Freaks question. It's on this thread.

And this isn't the place to take that debate back up. If you and freak wanna go into it any further, bring the other thread up or make a new one, please :)


New member
Nineveh said:
You can't use cultural context to make God agree with you either, jade.
And I'd say you can't fully understand God and his words if you don't look at least take some cultural context into consideration, Nin.


Merely Christian
Freak said:
It's much more then that..it is having the very life of Jesus Christ. Do you understand this or not????

Is it:

"We never fell. We only think that we did and created a whole story to do with that idea. It was our mistake. We have always been holy . We never 'fell' so to speak. We only think we did. Jesus came to liberate us from a 'guilt' and a primitive way of thinking that should have never happened.
So the outcome is still basically the same."

Is that part of the Gospel, freak?

I already answered you: That's not a gospel. The gospel is found in 1 Corinthians 15.

Are you missing the "we never fell" part? Please explain to me how jade misspoke on that account.


New member
Nineveh said:
And this isn't the place to take that debate back up. If you and freak wanna go into it any further, bring the other thread up or make a new one, please :)

I wasn't planning too. I was answering his question and giving him info about my views on another thread. :)
No worries. I'm not getting back into it here.


New member
It's an "aspect" that is not Biblically based. It's pagan.

Not pagan, Thomist. Thomas Aquinas is is the most articulate but possibly not the earliest proponent of God as a pure spirit. He sees sexual idenity as an aspect of body. No body means no sex. It is part of his answer to the medievil arguement about how many angel can sit on the head of a pin. He answered that the question was meaningless because, "Angels have not the where withal to sit." This being because they like God are pure spirits and have no body.

As to where God says He is all-in-all. "I Am Who Am" He is all that is.

Because He has given to those aspects of His universal self that are sentient beings, the freedom and responsiblity to make choices, in no way makes Him responsible for those choices. He is not a child rapist just because every atom of the child rapist's flesh is part of God. Neither is God Albert Schwietzer even though every atom of the famous Dr's flesh was part of God. We are free creatures, because God wants us to be. Our sins and our few virtuos acts, are our own.

This is not pantheisim. The essentially incorrect idea in Pantheisim is its limitation of God to just being the universe. God is the universe, it is made out of His substance because there is nothing else for it to be made out of. But the universe is not God. God is greater than that portion of Himself that He has turned into the universe. He exists beyond time and space. There can be nothing that is truely outside God. Hell even is God. A part of God's creation that He has cut off from the Light of His grace.

Jade's assertion that Jesus is God because God is everything is therefore not particularly meaningful. Jesus is clearly "more God" than a tree or a rock or I am .


Merely Christian
Jadespring said:
And I'd say you can't fully understand God and his words if you don't look at least take some cultural context into consideration, Nin.

You were saying:

Because I discern the meaning of what God was trying to tell us as more then what it appears to be. I don't assume that the literal words on the page always convey the same meaning as they would have thousands of years ago because our world views are very different.

The meaning has not been lost. That's why we have more than just the NASB to read in English. Especially when it comes down to things like Who God claims to be and fallen man. Even hiding behind "lost culture" won't make God agree with you.


Merely Christian
Sealeaf said:
Not pagan, Thomist. Thomas Aquinas

That would explain jade using the book of wisdom and sirach (?). Makes me puzzle over why chose protestantism though...


New member
Sealeaf said:
Not pagan, Thomist. Thomas Aquinas is is the most articulate but possibly not the earliest proponent of God as a pure spirit. He sees sexual idenity as an aspect of body. No body means no sex. It is part of his answer to the medievil arguement about how many angel can sit on the head of a pin. He answered that the question was meaningless because, "Angels have not the where withal to sit." This being because they like God are pure spirits and have no body.

As to where God says He is all-in-all. "I Am Who Am" He is all that is.

Because He has given to those aspects of His universal self that are sentient beings, the freedom and responsiblity to make choices, in no way makes Him responsible for those choices. He is not a child rapist just because every atom of the child rapist's flesh is part of God. Neither is God Albert Schwietzer even though every atom of the famous Dr's flesh was part of God. We are free creatures, because God wants us to be. Our sins and our few virtuos acts, are our own.

This is not pantheisim. The essentially incorrect idea in Pantheisim is its limitation of God to just being the universe. God is the universe, it is made out of His substance because there is nothing else for it to be made out of. But the universe is not God. God is greater than that portion of Himself that He has turned into the universe. He exists beyond time and space. There can be nothing that is truely outside God. Hell even is God. A part of God's creation that He has cut off from the Light of His grace.

Jade's assertion that Jesus is God because God is everything is therefore not particularly meaningful. Jesus is clearly "more God" than a tree or a rock or I am .


You have spoken 100X better about the concept that I was trying to convey.

That wording that I used in no way was meant to convey that Jesus is God just because he God is everything. In reading it that way I fully agree that it is not meaningful way of expressing this idea.

You do it much more beautifully.

Thank you.


New member
Nineveh said:
That would explain jade using the book of wisdom and sirach (?). Makes me puzzle over why chose protestantism though...

Nin is there some sort of overriding rule that Prostestants cannot look at now or ever and ever and use books that are common in other Christian groups that are active today?

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