It sings a song of pain and death.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
PureX said:
I don't tell lies, dude. This really did happen.
IF he did say words that were similar to what you record here, then the context was different and what was meant is not what you are conveying. And secondly, it's still my opinion that he didn't even say what you are claiming he said. But again, we'll have to wait at best. I cannot prove you wrong.
Yorzhik said:
But the vast majority of child abuse comes from parents that don't believe in spanking.
PureX said:
That's ridiculous.
You're wrong. If you are right that most child abusers are parents that love their children, and those that do have children that rebel even in the face of reason or grounding or removal of privileges, then those children will eventually drive the parent/parents to rage. What else are they supposed to do? They cannot give the children away, and if you think the children will suddenly become "good" out of the blue then you don't know how children generally act.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Oh, and BTW PureX, we know that parents that abuse their chilren don't think it is normal discipline because they hide it as best they can.

Nathon Detroit

Mr. 5020 said:
I agree. I just said it was a good place to hide, which apparently makes me a dork, right Knight?
Did I misunderstand your post?

It seemed to me you were stating that homeschool families were "hiding" their abuse of their children by homeschooling. Is that not what you were saying?


Well-known member
Yorzhik said:
IF he did say words that were similar to what you record here, then the context was different and what was meant is not what you are conveying. And secondly, it's still my opinion that he didn't even say what you are claiming he said. But again, we'll have to wait at best. I cannot prove you wrong.
He was hurt, and he was angry, and he was feeling humiliated, and he was reacting the way a lot of people react in that situation - he was looking for someone to punish. He was feeling that if he could make someone else suffer, then his own dignity would be restored. He didn't know he was feeling all of this, though, he was just a kid. But he was feeling it, and he did say what he said - several times. And he did grow up to be just like his father: angry, red-faced, humorless, hyper-controlling and very unhappy.

I can tell you another story about abuse, too, and this one also is true.

I joined the army on the "buddy plan" with a friend named Jim. The army promissed that if you join as buddies, they will let you serve together, so we went to basic training in the same company, though Jim was put in a different squad, and was in a different section of the barracks.

One evening I heard a ruckus going on in the hallway, and stepped out to see what was going on. What I saw was a group of guys from Jim's squad pushing another guy down the hall. They were hitting him and kicking him and shouting that they were going to take him into the showers because he stinks. The truth, though, was that this guy was a little bit chubby and they had all ganged up on him to abuse him, to make themselves feel better (remember that the drill sargents had been abusing and humiliating all of us all day long - that's what they do in basic training). And the guy at the head of this pack of bullies was my buddy Jim.

So I stepped in front of the whole group, and in front of my friend Jim, and just looked at him in surprise and said, "Jim, what the hell are you doing?" He looked at me with his face all red and said; "Get the f___ out of the way, or your next!" And I beleived he meant it. I stepped aside and he and this pack of dogs took that guy into the showes and they scrubbed the skin off his back with steel wool. He had to be taken to the hospital and later he was dismissed from the army. You think he's still carying those scars?

Jim and I were never really friends after that. And I got myself purposely thrown out of the army a while later for going a.w.o.l. and Jim ended up cutting his wrists, so they threw him out, too.

The point is that this is how some people react when they are abused - they look for someone else to abuse in turn, so that they can "restore" their own sense of empowerment. And that's what John was feeling that day when he said that he couldn't wait to have kids of his own so he could beat the sh__ out of them.

These things really happened. And my life is not unusual. Open your eyes, and use the brain God gave you, and you'll see what I've seen. I don't hate John, or Jim, or anyone else. But this is what happens to people when they're abused. And this is what they do to other people, in turn. God bless 'Lighthouse's' dad for having the courage to break the chain of abuse that he suffered from as a kid.

Mr. 5020

New member
Knight said:
Did I misunderstand your post?

It seemed to me you were stating that homeschool families were "hiding" their abuse of their children by homeschooling. Is that not what you were saying?
No, that is not what I was saying. I was saying (as has been shown in several news articles posted here) that a place that child abusers hide is in the homeschool system, because some states (including my own) pay no attention to children outside the public school system.
Last edited:


New member
Mr. 5020 said:
No, that is not what I was saying. I was saying (as has been shown in several news articles posted here) that a place that child abusers hide is in the homeschool system because some states (including my own) pay no attention to children outside the public school system.

Far more child abusers send their kids off to school every day, than those who keep them home under the lie of "homeschooling." Most parents who say they are "homeschooling" who just happen to be child abusers often aren't homeschooling legally and are teaching their children very little if any acedemic subjects.

The government has no place poking their noise in homeschooling or child rearing. Children aren't abused because the "government didn't do enough." Often neighbors, extended family, and friends know about abuse but don't report it, therefore, they are the one's at fault.


Well-known member
Mr. 5020 said:
No, that is not what I was saying. I was saying (as has been shown in several news articles posted here) that a place that child abusers hide is in the homeschool system, because some states (including my own) pay no attention to children outside the public school system.
My fear with home-schooling wouldn't be so much that it's a way to hide physical abuse, though I'm sure that does happen. It would be abuse through over control. Some parents abuse their children by completely controlling them, and dominating them to the point where they never learn to think for themselves, and they're scaired to death to even try. That's the form of abuse and the kind of person I could see being very attracted to home-schooling.

Nathon Detroit

Mr. 5020 said:
No, that is not what I was saying. I was saying (as has been shown in several news articles posted here) that a place that child abusers hide is in the homeschool system, because some states (including my own) pay no attention to children outside the public school system.
OK... I think I get your point. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Nathon Detroit

Christine said:
Far more child abusers send their kids off to school every day, than those who keep them home under the lie of "homeschooling." Most parents who say they are "homeschooling" who just happen to be child abusers often aren't homeschooling legally and are teaching their children very little if any acedemic subjects.

The government has no place poking their noise in homeschooling or child rearing. Children aren't abused because the "government didn't do enough." Often neighbors, extended family, and friends know about abuse but don't report it, therefore, they are the one's at fault.
Although I did misunderstand Mr. 5020's point, Christine makes a far more accurate analysis in my opinion. :up:

Mr. 5020

New member
Christine said:
Far more child abusers send their kids off to school every day, than those who keep them home under the lie of "homeschooling." Most parents who say they are "homeschooling" who just happen to be child abusers often aren't homeschooling legally and are teaching their children very little if any acedemic subjects.
What study are you using for these statistics?
Christine said:
The government has no place poking their noise in homeschooling or child rearing. Children aren't abused because the "government didn't do enough." Often neighbors, extended family, and friends know about abuse but don't report it, therefore, they are the one's at fault.
What study are you using for these statistics?