It sings a song of pain and death.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
ShadowMaid said:
I think the point Dad is trying to make is that yes, we should use a paddle on the mother, teacher, etc. etc.
ShadowMaid is indirectly correct. That is the point I was making by mocking PureX.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Dread Helm said:
Yeah that'll solve the problem. Put her on some ritalin and some psychotropic dope.

The Parents should be ashamed for at least three reasons:
1. They're kid is a brat and they obviously haven't been very good parents.
2. They're kid was arrested at 5 years old.
3. There was a video tape of it that was shown on Fox News.

The Policemen/women should be ashamed for at least 3 reasons:
1. They arrested a 5 year old for throwing a temper tantrum.
2. Their station had to give the excuse that they are new recruits.
3. There was a video tape of it that was shown on Fox News.

The Teacher should be ashamed for at lest 3 reasons:
1. A little 5 year old girl was being aggressive and she couldn't defend herself.
2. She is the brat's teacher.
3. There was a video tape of it that was shown on Fox News.

The Videographer should be ashmed because:
1. A little 5 year old girl was throwing a temper tantrum (eg. screaming, jumping on table, hitting teacher, flagrantly disobeying) and all the videographer could do was tape.
2. The videographer's video tape was shown on Fox News.

I think there should be some shame for all of those involved.