Isn't it reasonable to doubt Young Earth Creationism?


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Vulcan Logician said:
I'm interested in design arguments.
Interested as in, you are open to the Creator God of the Bible? Or, interested simply to make counter arguments?

Vulcan Logician said:
At the biological level, much has been explained by science.
*Would you agree that much of that science has helped confirm the Biblical account of a perfect creation that has been subjected to entropy?

* Would you agree that much of that scientific evidence has proven many evolutionary conclusions were shoddy... and not based on Science? And, that those shoddy conclusions were used to sell a belief system? (vestigial organs, junk DNA, poor design arguments / vertebrate eye, psuedogenes, speciation = Uphill evolution, useless organs / appendix)

Vulcan Logician said:
The problem is that it is god of the gaps reasoning.
I see that argument at takkorigins and other sites. I always think it is a dishonest / straw man argument. Better if you can present, argue against real arguments, rather than hypothetical straw man arguments.


New member
Paul does NOT say angels will be reconciled to God.

That's your mistaken opinion.

"v. 20. He is the Mediator of reconciliation, who procures peace as well as pardon for sinners, who brings them into a state of friendship and favour at present, and will bring all holy creatures, angels as well as men, into one glorious and blessed society at last: things in earth, or things in heaven. So Eph. 1:10, He will gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth. The word is anakephalaioµsasthai-he will bring them all under one head." (Matthew Henry Commentary)

Jose Fly

New member
I believe it was Pew Research.
Pew does a lot of research. You're going to have to be much more specific.

There is a difference between 'atheistic' science and 'creation' science.
I still don't know what you're referring to by "atheistic science". Can you give an example?

Again, dogma driven 'science' isn't. It doesn't matter what dogma.
Then I would expect you to agree that anything like....

By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record.

...isn't at all scientific.

You might want to look first at your sig and then at the other two fingers.
You have no idea how funny it is to me that you've never been able to get past that quote. It obviously struck a nerve.

You are a little TOO excited about small numbers AND misinformed of what those numbers actually point to. "Creationism?" :nono: YEC? Sure.

Read it again. It isn't quite what you think it is.
It looks like you're trying to put theistic evolutionists in the category of creationists, while excluding them from the category of evolutionists. Do I have that right?


New member
That's your mistaken opinion.
"v. 20. He is the Mediator of reconciliation, who procures peace as well as pardon for sinners, who brings them into a state of friendship and favour at present, and will bring all holy creatures, angels as well as men, into one glorious and blessed society at last: things in earth, or things in heaven. So Eph. 1:10, He will gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth. The word is anakephalaioµsasthai-he will bring them all under one head." (Matthew Henry Commentary)
You can keep taking that one verse out of context Jamie, but the rest of Scripture shows you are promoting heretical beliefs. (Yes, everything will be restored in the new Heaven and New Earth...prepared for those who love Him 1 Cor. 2:9, James 2:5)

Those who reject salvation have a different eternity... Jesus said at the judgement they will hear "Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matt. 25:41).
Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life (Matt. 25:46).

Universalism is heresy... a false 'gospel'. Rev. 20:10 says "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever"

Repeatedely, Jesus Words expose universalism as Heresy..."This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" Matt. 13: 49,50

Last Adam died to save the descendants of first Adam 1 Cor. 15 Some are saved... some are not. Demonic beings can not be reconciled... Their fate is sealed, as is the fate of all who die having rejected salvation.


New member
At least until you find out it's false. But isn't that the nature of that type of Kool Aid. It is sweet to the taste, but eventually it kills. No thanks!

I'm just using their caveat to make my point. When you link of twigs on both the forking end (origin) and the free end, it's not much of a tree anymore.

Nothing to offer? Au contraire. We have life to offer--an offer from the author of life.

And it is death to reject it!
Get back to us when you have something relevant to say.



New member
I realize less than 10% is 'dramatic' to a few of you if even that "very little change" isn't encouraging for such hopefulness. To me? :nono:
Sorry,not sure what the 10% is referring to.

What I see in those data is a radical change in the youngest demographic group, one that shows that christianity and creationism are dying in the US, literally. 50% of the population overall accept some version of evolution, even if it is a god-directed version, whatever they mean by that, but that's what they believe. Add together the figures for the youngest group, and it is 65% for some kind of evolution.

I'm not complaining of course, the promotion of creationism is a form of child abuse when it is promoted in school boards, there is no question about that. In my opinion, the death of christianity is also something to be encouraged, for the sake of humanity.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Sorry,not sure what the 10% is referring to.

What I see in those data is a radical change in the youngest demographic group, one that shows that christianity and creationism are dying in the US, literally. 50% of the population overall accept some version of evolution, even if it is a god-directed version, whatever they mean by that, but that's what they believe. Add together the figures for the youngest group, and it is 65% for some kind of evolution.

I'm not complaining of course, the promotion of creationism is a form of child abuse when it is promoted in school boards, there is no question about that. In my opinion, the death of christianity is also something to be encouraged, for the sake of humanity.


Darwinists hate ideas.
Interested as in, you are open to the Creator God of the Bible? Or, interested simply to make counter arguments?

I am interested in having a rational discussion about it. It is not a belief I hold, so if someone wants to make the point to me they will have to face my counterarguments. Why? Because these are reasons why I don't believe in a designed cosmos. If you can't show me that my reasons for holding this position is invalid, then those are good reasons NOT to accept your claims.

I won't be making counterarguments just to win the argument. And if the person I'm discussing with isn't trying to get to the truth, (ie if it looks like they will say anything just because it promotes their side) then I will not consider it an honest discussion. In summary: I'm interested in having an HONEST discussion about cosmic design. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I'm NOT interested in having discussions about flat earth, big foot, or alien visitation. I don't do conspiracy theories. Cosmic design is different. I've had honest intellectual exchanges about it. As it stands now the case for it is weak. But it isn't just a bunch of made up crap and circle squaring like flat earth.

*Would you agree that much of that science has helped confirm the Biblical account of a perfect creation that has been subjected to entropy?

No. Nothing has come close to demonstrating that. I've opened my mind to the possibility and found nothing compelling. If you think there is something I'm not considering, let's hear it.

* Would you agree that much of that scientific evidence has proven many evolutionary conclusions were shoddy... and not based on Science? And, that those shoddy conclusions were used to sell a belief system? (vestigial organs, junk DNA, poor design arguments / vertebrate eye, psuedogenes, speciation = Uphill evolution, useless organs / appendix)

Absolutely not. Science is not a belief system. It is an enterprise that collects empirical data and formulates conclusions from that data. Some people may develop their beliefs according to scientific conclusions, but science cannot and does not promote belief.

One way of seeing the world is to only rely on facts that can be (yet have not been) falsified. See here: This philosophical approach is how people turn scientific data into beliefs about the world. Some people have found problems with it (most notably Thomas Kuhn) but by and large it's a pretty grounded and realistic way to approach knowledge. Your problem seems to be with logical positivism (and not science) if your problem is with people's beliefs. If your problem is with science, then your problem is with God (since, according to the Bible, he's the one who put things in the world to be observed).

So which is your problem? Science collecting data, or people forming conclusions about the world based on that data?

I see that argument at takkorigins and other sites. I always think it is a dishonest / straw man argument. Better if you can present, argue against real arguments, rather than hypothetical straw man arguments.

If you think at any time that I have used fallacious reasoning, let's stop the discussion right there and address it before moving on. I will do the same for you. The only thing I ask is that you show me exactly where my logic went wrong. For instance, if you believe that I've strawmanned, show me exactly where and how I've misrepresented your position. I will return the favor.

patrick jane

The odds that the cosmos happened from a big bang are higher than shredding a set of encyclopedias and tossing them out of a plane from 40,000 feet then the whole set assembling itself again perfectly. But yeah, cosmic DESIGN and a creator has "weak" arguments. Do. The. Math.
You don't see it, but you saw it.

Gee, for a guy who calls himself Logician, you're a bundle of contradictions. :chuckle:

I was more referring to the noise.

That's a bit of a sore spot actually. Do you think "Vulcan Logician" is just some online handle I use? Let me fill you in. You know how hippies name their kids Moon and Cloudshine and stuff like that? Well my parents were Trekkies. They actually named me Vulcan Logician. My sister got it worse. Her name is Iw Nach which is Klingon for "bloody head."

High school was hell for us both. Not many people know this, but incredibly attractive women find guys named Vulcan irresistible. It sounds like a blessing, and it was enjoyable for a while, but it's taken a toll on me long term. Day and night, keeping all manner of gorgeous bombshells at bay. Believe me when I say: I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

So don't give me grief about my name. I've had enough grief over it already.

Argument? :AMR:

You asked a question. I answered it.


Suit yourself. :idunno:

Evidence. Rock solid evidence.

Literally. :)

Look. I can have a serious conversation with you, or we can both just goof around with each other. I'm partial to either way (I don't take myself to seriously). But I don't like to mix the two. I'll take our discussion as seriously as you take it. So you can reply with more goofball stuff and half-baked accusations (to which I will reply similarly), you can put your money where your mouth is and put down some rock solid evidence (which I will take a good honest look at), or you can go on your merry way.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
That's a bit of a sore spot actually. Do you think "Vulcan Logician" is just some online handle I use? Let me fill you in. You know how hippies name their kids Moon and Cloudshine and stuff like that? Well my parents were Trekkies. They actually named me Vulcan Logician. My sister got it worse. Her name is Iw Nach which is Klingon for "bloody head."

High school was hell for us both. Not many people know this, but incredibly attractive women find guys named Vulcan irresistible. It sounds like a blessing, and it was enjoyable for a while, but it's taken a toll on me long term. Day and night, keeping all manner of gorgeous bombshells at bay. Believe me when I say: I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

So don't give me grief about my name. I've had enough grief over it already.

Look. I can have a serious conversation with you, or we can both just goof around with each other. I'm partial to either way (I don't take myself to seriously). But I don't like to mix the two. I'll take our discussion as seriously as you take it. So you can reply with more goofball stuff and half-baked accusations (to which I will reply similarly), you can put your money where your mouth is and put down some rock solid evidence (which I will take a good honest look at), or you can go on your merry way.

I've been on this board for a fair few years now. In all that time I have found it impossible to have a serious conversation with Stripe.


New member
Yes, everything will be restored in the new Heaven and New Earth...prepared for those who love Him 1 Cor. 2:9, James 2:5)

Those who reject salvation have a different eternity... Jesus said at the judgement they will hear "Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matt. 25:41).

The new heaven and earth is after the earth is destroyed.

The rebellious angels are no longer cursed. Jesus took their curse.

Paul said those in heaven and earth have been reconciled.

You promote your own ideas instead of scripture.


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"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
(Matthew 10:28)
Jamie, I asked for you to define "destroyed." Telling me where the word is used in Scripture does not define it.

So please, what does the word "destroyed" mean?


New member
Jamie, I asked for you to define "destroyed." Telling me where the word is used in Scripture does not define it.

So please, what does the word "destroyed" mean?

From G575 and the base of G3639; to destroy fully (reflexively to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: - destroy, die, lose, mar, perish. (Strong's dictionary)


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From G575 and the base of G3639; to destroy fully (reflexively to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: - destroy, die, lose, mar, perish. (Strong's dictionary)
Do you think it means that they will cease to exist?