Isn't it reasonable to doubt Young Earth Creationism?


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We will judge unbelievers by Jesus' word.

We are being judged by Jesus' word.

There is no difference.
Jamie, what happens to people who die rejecting God or who die outside of a relationship with Him?


New member
You said "ALL THINGS", and even emphasized that it meant, literally, everything. Therefore you must include the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

So either you must include the Trinity, or "all things" doesn't woodenly literally mean "all things."

Good point. Context is not important if you are just wanting to argue.

"And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death to present you holy and blameless and above reproach in His sight." (Colossians 1:21-22)

It looks like we are done.

Jose Fly

New member
Ah, yes. In a philosophical discussion--this thread isn't about answering all of your questions.
I understand. Like I said, this has been a pretty stereotypical exchange with a creationist.

If I were advocating creationism, I'd probably dodge and evade too. After all, you really have no choice.


Well-known member
Then by all means, you and your fellow Christians should "discuss" the age and shape of the earth as much, and as loudly, as you can.

Source please.
I believe it was Pew Research.

My atheism science? What in the world are you talking about?
There is a difference between 'atheistic' science and 'creation' science. The odd thing? One of them leaves something in that 'might' be true from your perspective. Again, dogma driven 'science' isn't. It doesn't matter what dogma.

I see like 6days you enjoy accusing others of your own faults.
:chuckle: You might want to look first at your sig and then at the other two fingers. Why? I never accused :chuckle:

Then it's a good thing I haven't done that.
GREAT! Then you agree with my assessment that discussion is more important than indoctrination!

You and Greg Jennings were having a bit of an agreement over the YEC's expense prior. :up:

Not sure where you're getting your info from, but support for creationism in the US is at an all-time low.
You are a little TOO excited about small numbers AND misinformed of what those numbers actually point to. "Creationism?" :nono: YEC? Sure.
Read it again. It isn't quite what you think it is.


Well-known member
Exactly. When the baby boomer generation dies off, there won't be many YECs remaining. Not compared to now or in the past, anyway. More children are highly educated than in the past, and with that comes the ability to understand the reasons WHY Genesis isn't literally true

Completely unrelated side-note: too many kids go to college now. So so many of them would be better off apprenticing a trade rather than wasting 4 years of time and money getting a degree that won't help them in their career

Same correction to you as to Jose. It is not 'creationism' lest you become an atheist as well.


New member
What happens to those who die rejecting God, or who die outside of a relationship with Him?

The second resurrection is the primary resurrection.

It's described in Revelation 20.

Few are chosen for the first resurrection.


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The second resurrection is the primary resurrection.

It's described in Revelation 20.

Few are chosen for the first resurrection.

That doesn't answer my question, Jamie.

I asked: what happens to those who die rejecting God, or who die outside of a relationship with Him?


New member
That doesn't answer my question, Jamie.

I asked: what happens to those who die rejecting God, or who die outside of a relationship with Him?

"And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works by the things which were written in the books." (Revelation 20:12)

The same as we are judged by the things written in the Books.

Everyone will have an equal opportunity for salvation.


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"And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works by the things which were written in the books." (Revelation 20:12)

The same as we are judged by the things written in the Books.

Everyone will have an equal opportunity for salvation.
So what happens to the ones who reject God?


Well-known member
In the US, 65% of 18-29 year olds ('kids') believe in either evolution with no god involvement (30%) or evolution with god involvement (35%). 28% have a creationist view. The rate of creationist belief increases progressively in higher age brackets. So that's a much higher, and faster increase in acceptance of evolution than it is a reduction in christianity, although the drop in christianity in that same age group has been quite dramatic too.

I realize less than 10% is 'dramatic' to a few of you if even that "very little change" isn't encouraging for such hopefulness. To me? :nono:


New member
jamie said:
6days said:
And you think that suggests demonic beings will be reconciled to God? That is a heretical belief.
That's what Paul said. Paul was not a heretic.
Jamie ...Paul does NOT say angels will be reconciled to God. You are attempting to build doctrine on a single verse you are taking out of context.

Even the JW translation / paraphrase tells you that demonic beings will never be reconciled... Jesus said, "Then he will say to those on his left: ‘Go away from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels." Matt. 25:41

(Universalism is heretical destroys the purpose of the cross)