Is the Holy Spirit Female?


New member
I don't understand really what you are saying in this post.

I have only said that I do not say whether or not I am male or female. I do not say either way.

Now stop trying to get out of answering the questions.

You are debating me about the Bible and the Qur'an.

So you should be prepared to give an account.
I am.....just have enough mutual respect to do me a solid and not propogate lies which I do not hold true as if things I do hold to.....

I have answered you....but let's go over it. says GOD has no Son and the Bible says Jesus is the Son of GOD/ Christ/ Messiah.

Oh wait.....the Quran plainly says Jesus is the Messiah and judge of all.... must be some other anti Christ.... yeah, that's it.....

But the Quran teaches mercy and to not hold the material as dear and to give what you love to GOD....those things the biblical Christ teaches and exemplifies in all He does.....

But salvation is of the Jew....

Indeed; Jew being the faithful to GOD almighty through Christ/ Messiah/ Holy Spirit...furthermore Jew can go back to essenes which have ties to both the Druze and Islam.....and Ishmeel was not damned but promised a great nation.....I ask you what is great in contrast to GOD?..... nothing.....

But no further messenger was to come after Christ and no testimony accepted.....

Outlandish.....who are you to limit the extent of the working of the Spirit or the manifestation of the Word of if Christ doesn't live in the believer.....pshhht...


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God's Truth

New member
I am.....just have enough mutual respect to do me a solid and not propogate lies which I do not hold true as if things I do hold to.....
Stop accusing me of lying and you wouldn’t be called a liar. Could you think of another word when you think I have misunderstood something about your beliefs?

I have answered you....but let's go over it.
Evidently not all your answers are clear, or they are found by me to be contradictory to what you have said before. says GOD has no Son and the Bible says Jesus is the Son of GOD/ Christ/ Messiah.

Oh wait.....the Quran plainly says Jesus is the Messiah and judge of all.... must be some other anti Christ.... yeah, that's it.....

The Holy Bible says God’s has a Son and it is Jesus.
If someone says you do not have a son but you do, is someone teaching falseness about you; or maybe they are teaching things about a different popsthebuilder?

But the Quran teaches mercy and to not hold the material as dear and to give what you love to GOD....those things the biblical Christ teaches and exemplifies in all He does.....

But salvation is of the Jew....

Indeed; Jew being the faithful to GOD almighty through Christ/ Messiah/ Holy Spirit...furthermore Jew can go back to essenes which have ties to both the Druze and Islam.....and Ishmeel was not damned but promised a great nation.....I ask you what is great in contrast to GOD?..... nothing.....

No one is damned if they go through Jesus, as the Word of God as written in the Holy Bible.

But no further messenger was to come after Christ and no testimony accepted.....

Outlandish.....who are you to limit the extent of the working of the Spirit or the manifestation of the Word of if Christ doesn't live in the believer.....pshhht...

God says no other gospel. If you have things taught about Jesus that are contrary or different than what is in the Holy Bible, then it is another gospel.

Notice that you did not give me answers to my questions.

When we gain knowledge, we have more peace.

2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

You are not going to get more knowledge if you go to other books that speak contradictions to the Holy Bible.

God's Truth

New member
Did God command animal sacrifices?

Did Jesus have to be killed?

Is Jesus the Son of God, or just a citizen from God, or a kind of God, or just a follower of God?

Does the Bible say God is a 'Father' and a 'He'? Or does it say God is a female, or female and male, or merely an "It", as you have claimed?

Did Jesus tell us of another prophet to come later that is Muhammad?

What does the Qur'an teach about the Holy Spirit?

How about you clarify some things?


New member
Stop accusing me of lying and you wouldn’t be called a liar. Could you think of another word when you think I have misunderstood something about your beliefs?

Evidently not all your answers are clear, or they are found by me to be contradictory to what you have said before.

The Holy Bible says God’s has a Son and it is Jesus.
If someone says you do not have a son but you do, is someone teaching falseness about you; or maybe they are teaching things about a different popsthebuilder?

No one is damned if they go through Jesus, as the Word of God as written in the Holy Bible.

God says no other gospel. If you have things taught about Jesus that are contrary or different than what is in the Holy Bible, then it is another gospel.

Notice that you did not give me answers to my questions.

When we gain knowledge, we have more peace.

2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

You are not going to get more knowledge if you go to other books that speak contradictions to the Holy Bible.
They do not speak contradictions to the bible.

It repeatedly mentions the bible and the fact that it is a book from GOD. It teaches the same things.

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New member
Did God command animal sacrifices?

Did Jesus have to be killed?

Is Jesus the Son of God, or just a citizen from God, or a kind of God, or just a follower of God?

Does the Bible say God is a 'Father' and a 'He'? Or does it say God is a female, or female and male, or merely an "It", as you have claimed?

Did Jesus tell us of another prophet to come later that is Muhammad?

What does the Qur'an teach about the Holy Spirit?

How about you clarify some things?
Which of those do you deem salvific.....of any?

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God's Truth

New member
Which of those do you deem salvific.....of any?

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Jesus is Truth. Truth matters.

1 John 5:10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.


New member
Then why don't you just answer the questions?
You only focus on what you think may be differences as opposed to focusing on the salvific issues such as believing in the Messiah/ GOD and that belief and faith being causal of works according to those of which the Christ taught and Jesus sacrificed himself; GOD'S Holy Temple.

These things that are in both the Quran and Bible you don't won't to speak about.

I have gone over all your points in a thread dedicated to it, and here. Why continue to go over the same stuff.

Your opinion differs from mine on this particular topic. You can show scripture, as can i. Nothing you have shown has refuted the validity of the Quran or substanciated any extrabiblical claim you have made. It's okay to preach the Bible, but not condemn another book the does not deny Christ or refute His teachings. The Quran does neither. All this back and forth is not for the sake of salvation because none of the topics are salvific. And this isn't even the right thread and multiple people have insisted we get back to the topic of this actual thread. So how bout we do that and save the other stuff for the other thread.

Why not comment more on the other thread that we aren't divided against one another on that is pertinent to salvation.....?

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God's Truth

New member
What do you mean?

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You said: "Which of those do you deem salvific.....of any?

You said that to my post which one of the questions is:

What does the Qur'an teach about the Holy Spirit?

Is that why you write strangely sometimes and don't make sense and falsely accuse? Is it because you aren't really into any discussions here and aren't paying attention?

God's Truth

New member
You only focus on what you think may be differences as opposed to focusing on the salvific issues such as believing in the Messiah/ GOD and that belief and faith being causal of works according to those of which the Christ taught and Jesus sacrificed himself; GOD'S Holy Temple.

Oh be quiet.

God's Truth

New member
Popsthebuilder proves he is a false accuser with ignorant opinions and he doesn't know enough about many things he proclaims.


Well-known member
I think for a JW and some other Unitarians, the holy spirit as the 'active force' of God holds, even is one properly grants both masculine and feminine qualities to the divine nature. Since God is Spirit, and God is one, all gender is inherent in and expressed thru Spirit.

As mentioned earlier, it matters not how God is personified in any way or not,.....the concept of Deity as a 'Father-Mother-God' is a complete comprehension of Deity, in its parental function wherever the synergy of gender exists in creation.

While spirit is neuter in Greek, convention has it to refer to 'it' as 'he' as such a masculine pronoun usually has priority unless the word has feminine nuance. Since the spirit of truth also seems to function as a personality or can relate personally, 'he' is applied. It has been indicated as well that the word 'paraclete' (helper) is in the masculine, but would need confirmation on that.

In any case, this still does not diminish the feminine nature inherent to and originating from Deity, and if one holds an orthodox model of the Trinity, the holy spirit would naturally fit as the divine Mother (in a father-mother-son) triad.

No dogma or creed necessarily has to be made on these points, but only the recognition and respect due to our divine Parent who fathers and mothers all souls and the whole of creation. Again the mandate to honor both father and mother reflects the higher heavenly principles as forms on earth reflect their heavenly counterparts. Gender originates from God in its co-creative expression, as the natural world mirrors the spiritual.

Yes but I still prefer to focus on what scripture says in its plainest form and that is the OT calls the Holy Spirit 'She' while the NT says 'It'. This is the leading point. We must go by scripture. No one one has successfully explained this away on this thread. Nor can they IMO. Tiger2 came close but couldn't deliver the 'killer' blow. I am still waiting while some fools here discuss off topic subjects and clutter up the thread and debate. Thanks for keeping to the OP.

patrick jane

Yes but I still prefer to focus on what scripture says in its plainest form and that is the OT calls the Holy Spirit 'She' while the NT says 'It'. This is the leading point. We must go by scripture. No one one has successfully explained this away on this thread. Nor can they IMO. Tiger2 came close but couldn't deliver the 'killer' blow. I am still waiting while some fools here discuss off topic subjects and clutter up the thread and debate. Thanks for keeping to the OP.
Did I post a video about the OP in this thread? If not, I have one.

God's Truth

New member
Yes but I still prefer to focus on what scripture says in its plainest form and that is the OT calls the Holy Spirit 'She' while the NT says 'It'. This is the leading point. We must go by scripture. No one one has successfully explained this away on this thread. Nor can they IMO. Tiger2 came close but couldn't deliver the 'killer' blow. I am still waiting while some fools here discuss off topic subjects and clutter up the thread and debate. Thanks for keeping to the OP.

Your opinion means NOTHING, and you prove, according to the words of God that you are destined for Hell, since you like to tell untruths about the Bible calling the Holy Spirit and 'It' and a 'She' and tell believers of God that they are fools.

God's Truth

New member
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God THE FATHER and Jesus Christ the man.

Those are males and the Bible says 'Father' and 'He' when speaking of the three.


Well-known member
Your opinion means NOTHING, and you prove, according to the words of God that you are destined for Hell, since you like to tell untruths about the Bible calling the Holy Spirit and 'It' and a 'She' and tell believers of God that they are fools.

It's just what it says, why don't you believe the OT?:

Numbers 11:26 and SHE is resting on them the spirit and they in ones being written

Numbers 24:2 And Balaam lifted up his eyes and he saw Israel abiding according to their tribes and the spirit of God came upon him to tribes of him and SHE is becoming on him spirit of Elohim

Judges 3:10 and SHE is becoming on him spirit of Yahweh and he is judging Israel

Judges 6:34 and spirit of Yahweh SHE clothed Gideon

Judges 11:29 and SHE is becoming on Jephthah spirit of Yahweh

Judges 13:25 and SHE is starting spirit of Yahweh to agitate him in Camp of Dan

Judges 14:6 and SHE is prospering on him spirit of Yahweh

Judges 14:19 and SHE is prospering on him spirit of Yahweh and he is going down Ashkelon

1 Samuel 10:6 and SHE prospers over you spirit of Yahweh and you prophesy with them

1 Samuel 10:10 and behold line of prophets to meet of him and SHE is prospering on him spirit of Elohim and he is prophesying in midst of them

1 Samuel 11:6 and SHE is prospering spirit of Elohim over Saul to hear of him

1 Samuel 16:13 and SHE is prospering spirit of Yahweh to David from the day he and on ward and he is rising Samuel and he is going the Ramah ward 14 and spirit of Yahweh SHE withdrew from with Saul and SHE frightened him spirit evil from with Yahweh

1 Samuel 19:20 and SHE is becoming on messengers of Saul spirit of Elohim

1 Samuel 19:23 and he [Saul] is going there to Naioth in the Ramah and SHE is becoming on him moreover he spirit of Elohim and he is going to go and he is prophesying

1 Chronicles 12:18 and spirit SHE clothed Amasai head of the thirty

2 Chronicles 24:20 and spirit of Elohim SHE was put on Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest

Job 26:13 in spirit of him heavens seemly SHE travailed hand of him serpent fugitive

Job 33:4 spirit of El SHE made me and breath of Who Suffices SHE is keeping alive me

Psalm143:10 teach you me to do of approval of you that you Elohim of me spirit of you good SHE shall guide me in land of upright

Isaiah 11:2 and SHE rests on him spirit Yahweh spirit of wisdom and understanding spirit of counsel

Isaiah 40:7 he dries up grass he decays blossom that spirit of Yahweh SHE reverses in him surely grass the people

Isaiah 59:19 and from sunrise of sun glory of him that he shall come as the stream foe spirit of Yahweh SHE makes flee

Ezekiel 2:2 and SHE is coming in me spirit as which he speaks to me and SHE is standing me on feet of me and I am hearing one speaking to me

Ezekiel 3:12 and SHE is lifting me spirit and I am hearing behind me sound of quaking great being glory of Yahweh place of him

Ezekiel 3:14 and spirit SHE lifts up me and she is taking me and I am going bitter in fury spirit of me and hand of Yahweh on me unyielding

Ezekiel 3:22 and SHE is becoming on me there hand of Yahweh and he is saying to me rise you

Ezekiel 3:24 and SHE is coming in me spirit and SHE is standing me on feet of me

Ezekiel 8:3 and SHE is lifting me spirit between the earth and between the heavens and SHE is bringing me Jerusalem ward

Ezekiel 11:1 and SHE is lifting up me spirit and SHE is bringing me gate of house of Yahweh

Ezekiel 11:5 and SHE is falling on me spirit Yahweh

Ezekiel 11:24 and spirit SHE lifts up me and SHE is bringing me Chaldea ward

Ezekiel 37:1 SHE becomes on me hand of Yahweh and he is bringing forth me in spirit of Yahweh

Ezekiel 43:5 and SHE is lifting me spirit and she is bringing me to the court the inner and behold he fills glory of Yahweh the house

God's Truth

New member
It's just what it says, why don't you believe the OT?:

Numbers 11:26 and SHE is resting on them the spirit and they in ones being written

Numbers 24:2 And Balaam lifted up his eyes and he saw Israel abiding according to their tribes and the spirit of God came upon him to tribes of him and SHE is becoming on him spirit of Elohim

Judges 3:10 and SHE is becoming on him spirit of Yahweh and he is judging Israel

Judges 6:34 and spirit of Yahweh SHE clothed Gideon

Judges 11:29 and SHE is becoming on Jephthah spirit of Yahweh

Judges 13:25 and SHE is starting spirit of Yahweh to agitate him in Camp of Dan

Judges 14:6 and SHE is prospering on him spirit of Yahweh

Judges 14:19 and SHE is prospering on him spirit of Yahweh and he is going down Ashkelon

1 Samuel 10:6 and SHE prospers over you spirit of Yahweh and you prophesy with them

1 Samuel 10:10 and behold line of prophets to meet of him and SHE is prospering on him spirit of Elohim and he is prophesying in midst of them

1 Samuel 11:6 and SHE is prospering spirit of Elohim over Saul to hear of him

1 Samuel 16:13 and SHE is prospering spirit of Yahweh to David from the day he and on ward and he is rising Samuel and he is going the Ramah ward 14 and spirit of Yahweh SHE withdrew from with Saul and SHE frightened him spirit evil from with Yahweh

1 Samuel 19:20 and SHE is becoming on messengers of Saul spirit of Elohim

1 Samuel 19:23 and he [Saul] is going there to Naioth in the Ramah and SHE is becoming on him moreover he spirit of Elohim and he is going to go and he is prophesying

1 Chronicles 12:18 and spirit SHE clothed Amasai head of the thirty

2 Chronicles 24:20 and spirit of Elohim SHE was put on Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest

Job 26:13 in spirit of him heavens seemly SHE travailed hand of him serpent fugitive

Job 33:4 spirit of El SHE made me and breath of Who Suffices SHE is keeping alive me

Psalm143:10 teach you me to do of approval of you that you Elohim of me spirit of you good SHE shall guide me in land of upright

Isaiah 11:2 and SHE rests on him spirit Yahweh spirit of wisdom and understanding spirit of counsel

Isaiah 40:7 he dries up grass he decays blossom that spirit of Yahweh SHE reverses in him surely grass the people

Isaiah 59:19 and from sunrise of sun glory of him that he shall come as the stream foe spirit of Yahweh SHE makes flee

Ezekiel 2:2 and SHE is coming in me spirit as which he speaks to me and SHE is standing me on feet of me and I am hearing one speaking to me

Ezekiel 3:12 and SHE is lifting me spirit and I am hearing behind me sound of quaking great being glory of Yahweh place of him

Ezekiel 3:14 and spirit SHE lifts up me and she is taking me and I am going bitter in fury spirit of me and hand of Yahweh on me unyielding

Ezekiel 3:22 and SHE is becoming on me there hand of Yahweh and he is saying to me rise you

Ezekiel 3:24 and SHE is coming in me spirit and SHE is standing me on feet of me

Ezekiel 8:3 and SHE is lifting me spirit between the earth and between the heavens and SHE is bringing me Jerusalem ward

Ezekiel 11:1 and SHE is lifting up me spirit and SHE is bringing me gate of house of Yahweh

Ezekiel 11:5 and SHE is falling on me spirit Yahweh

Ezekiel 11:24 and spirit SHE lifts up me and SHE is bringing me Chaldea ward

Ezekiel 37:1 SHE becomes on me hand of Yahweh and he is bringing forth me in spirit of Yahweh

Ezekiel 43:5 and SHE is lifting me spirit and she is bringing me to the court the inner and behold he fills glory of Yahweh the house

None of those scriptures say 'she'. Stop trying to be a Hebrew teacher.