Is the Holy Spirit Female?

God's Truth

New member
It was simply a retort in like kind to your own insults.

Let your rebuttal be towards your own insulting tongue.

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You are confusing and contradictive.

You say the Holy Bible does not mean God has a Son but rather has a follower called Jesus Christ.

You say the Qur'an does not have mistakes.

So why would you speak against me for speaking the truth?

Why would you ever get that I should not call you out for going against God?


New member
You are confusing and contradictive.

You say the Holy Bible does not mean God has a Son but rather has a follower called Jesus Christ.

You say the Qur'an does not have mistakes.

So why would you speak against me for speaking the truth?

Why would you ever get that I should not call you out for going against God?

You calling me an idiodic foolish follower of Satan and denier of Christ is not you speaking the truth, but espousing your vitriolic opinion.

Your negative misrepresenting of my words and defamation of my character coupled with your asinine insults is no defence for the truth.

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God's Truth

New member
You calling me an idiodic foolish follower of Satan and denier of Christ is not you speaking the truth, but espousing your vitriolic opinion.

Your negative misrepresenting of my words and defamation of my character coupled with your asinine insults is no defence for the truth.

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You need to be exposed and you have said foul things to me and worse about the Holy Bible.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
At least she knows there is only one God.
Once again, foolish woman, you cannot stay on point.
Her premise is faulty for confirmation of what Jesus is.
She is asserting that only a confirmation from the lips of Jesus Himself can confirm if He is GOD.
With that logic, she cannot say that Jesus is her Savior, because Jesus Himself never said He was from His own lips.

God's Truth

New member
Once again, foolish woman, you cannot stay on point.
Her premise is faulty for confirmation of what Jesus is.
She is asserting that only a confirmation from the lips of Jesus Himself can confirm if He is GOD.
With that logic, she cannot say that Jesus is her Savior, because Jesus Himself never said He was from His own lips.

I go against Meshak too. Do you really think the words 'at least' makes her right?

Look at you calling someone foolish.

God's Truth

New member
[Thank God your here protecting everyone against Satan! thanks.

Hi Zeke, I am glad I said something that touched you to make you reply.

I'll remember how to move you next time.

I already know what gets Tambora, GM, and Glorydazed riled up (give scripture about obeying).

It helps to know that I am on the right track to get you going too.

God's Truth

New member
It. is. never. ever. wrong. to. obey. Jesus.

Those are the words that I have to remember to post to get a funny video from Zeke.

Oh and, "You are entrapped by Satan".

2 Timothy 2:26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

1 Timothy 3:7
Furthermore, he must have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the snare of the devil.


Well-known member
You sure do say that. You're the bozo. You go against me for preaching against obeying Jesus.

God forbid anyone should "go against" God's UNTRUTH. :rotfl:

People go against you for claiming your obedience has ANYTHING to do with salvation. :dunce:

God's Truth

New member
God forbid anyone should "go against" God's UNTRUTH. :rotfl:

People go against you for claiming your obedience has ANYTHING to do with salvation. :dunce:

You think Jesus told Paul to preach a new covenant called Obeying is not obeying Jesus; or, Not obeying is obeying Jesus.


New member
Titus 1:13 This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith
Don't confuse rebuking someone with postulating lies about them based on partial observations/ understandings of that person or their words.

Running around saying everyone is of satan without being able to provide evidence for your claims is not rebuking them but falsly accusing them.

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Well-known member
The bible states there will be no marriage in heaven. The Lord created Adam and Eve and gave to them the ability to pro-create here on earth. In the end .... the saved will be in heaven and there will be no reason for pro-creation. After resurrection the saved will have different bodies perhaps we will be angels, it does not specifically say.

It would seem logical that heavily beings are neither male nor female ... they are just "beings". God being neither male nor female. Created in our image ... that is "likeness" .... that does not necessarily mean alike in physical appearance .... it could very well mean likeness in character.

No way of really knowing biblically what kind of "beings" we will be transformed into.... it is not clearly stated but it does state there will be no marriage.

Matthew 22

29 But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven

Mark 12

25 For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven

Thanks for the reply but I'm currently considering this reply:
I'm still waiting for @Tiger2 to respond to my last post #201 on page 14!:

If you can answer this it would be helpful. Thanks


Well-known member
It is a salvation issue if you are a preacher of falseness and lead others away from what is written in the Holy Bible.

You are trying to bring n the teachings of false religions and things taught by demons.

You try to bring all religions together in a way that should not be. The Bible says Jesus brought division. The Bible says not to share in the table of demons with the table of the Lord.

You have a pretty low opinion of your deities ability to protect his offspring from the false religions boogeyman, the idol and demon has no power except what you give them from being indoctrinated with fundy superstition.

God's Truth

New member
Don't confuse rebuking someone with postulating lies about them based on partial observations/ understandings of that person or their words.

Running around saying everyone is of satan without being able to provide evidence for your claims is not rebuking them but falsly accusing them.

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You have to obey Jesus. Jesus' teachings are in the Holy Bible. You must stop yourself from saying not to trust it and that it does not really mean what it says.

The truth is written in the Holy Bible. Jesus is the only Son of God and we are not to go to other prophets. Jesus is the last prophet. No other books of other prophets are to be accepted.

God's Truth

New member
You have a pretty low opinion of your deities ability to protect his offspring from the false religions boogeyman, the idol and demon has no power except what you give them from being indoctrinated with fundy superstition.

You don't believe the scriptures.

You don't believe that God had much to do with the Holy Bible as it is written and that He knew exactly what would be in it; and, that it would be exactly how He wanted it to be.

Bizarre isn't it? How you just contradicted your whole self.


New member
You have to obey Jesus. Jesus' teachings are in the Holy Bible. You must stop yourself from saying not to trust it and that it does not really mean what it says.

The truth is written in the Holy Bible. Jesus is the only Son of God and we are not to go to other prophets. Jesus is the last prophet. No other books of other prophets are to be accepted.'ll have to reference scripture for that claim, sorry.

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