Is the Holy Spirit Female?

God's Truth

New member
Job 33:4
עָ שָׂ תְ נִ י
SHE made me

God the FATHER/JESUS are MALE/MASCULINE and they created the world.

תְּ חַ יֵּנִ י
SHE is keeping alive me

God/Jesus is keeping us alive, and Jesus is a male/masculine.

The jodh (') pronounced as 'ni' must denote the Spirit as female. It is clearly there in the Hebrew text. If I am wrong please prove evidence. No one has manage to so far.

People have already proved you wrong, but people such as popsthebuilder and yourself are off the road of truth because you are not grounded in the truth and get carried away easily.


New member
God the FATHER/JESUS are MALE/MASCULINE and they created the world.

God/Jesus is keeping us alive, and Jesus is a male/masculine.

People have already proved you wrong, but people such as popsthebuilder and yourself are off the road of truth because you are not grounded in the truth and get carried away easily.
Well good afternoon to you too...

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New member
I see you were up early giving 'thanks' to other posters going against was a good morning hello from you to me?

I didn't give thank to any because of anything that had to do with you that I can recall.

And it was good afternoon, but yes.

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God's Truth

New member
I didn't give thank to any because of anything that had to do with you that I can recall.

And it was good afternoon, but yes.

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It had to do with me though, and you really did know it.

You don't recognize that the post was to me?

Never mind, don't answer, it was an educated question not meant to be answered.


New member
It had to do with me though, and you really did know it.

You don't recognize that the post was to me?

Never mind, don't answer, it was an educated question not meant to be answered.
How is your day going?

What thread do you think deserves your attention the most right now?

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God's Truth

New member
We are our spirit.

God is a male/masculine called 'Father', 'He', and 'Him'.

He came as a MAN.

His Spirit is Him.

Anyone who goes against that has no understanding


Eclectic Theosophist
Education and universal science is key...................

Education and universal science is key...................

Did I post a video about the OP in this thread? If not, I have one.

I already fully addressed the video and its content here, - are you not following?

My former articles on the subject of 'God and gender' hold :) - you cannot deny the principle of gender in creation, which mirrors the nature and character of the Creator in quality, attributes and creative function, as masculine and feminine work together in synergy.


Eclectic Theosophist
Our Mother...................

Our Mother...................

Yes but I still prefer to focus on what scripture says in its plainest form and that is the OT calls the Holy Spirit 'She' while the NT says 'It'. This is the leading point. We must go by scripture. No one one has successfully explained this away on this thread. Nor can they IMO. Tiger2 came close but couldn't deliver the 'killer' blow. I am still waiting while some fools here discuss off topic subjects and clutter up the thread and debate. Thanks for keeping to the OP.

You're welcome.

The yip yapping about the Trinity, the usual rants on confusing 'persons' in that assumed 'trio' do not belong on this thread, unless on topic of the feminine nature of the holy spirit. There are plenty of 'Trinity' threads to spout and sputter on.

Our recognition of Deity as the Father and Mother of all, deserves respect, because of this being a fact of Nature and a principle within universal science (knowledge) that Spirit/Soul exists in substance and form in the pairing of 'male/masculine' and 'female/feminine'. Man is the expression of 'God' in substance and form, however finite and embodied, - their relationship and function in procreation, mirrors the spiritual, above, so below.

'God' as MOTHER is certainly, logically and rationally just as valid an affectionate description of Deity, as is God the FATHER, since 'God' is BOTH in relation to creation. Many other religious traditions recognize this in their culture, mythology and spiritual teaching, in different forms, personified or not (God/Goddess). A true renaissance of Spirit would definitely include the resurgence of the divine FEMININE back to the fore, and in equal honor in synergistic union and glory with the MASCULINE.

View attachment 26306


Eclectic Theosophist
A mind-blower for GT.........

A mind-blower for GT.........

We are our spirit.

Thats one element, but we are a constitution of many elements :)

God is a male/masculine called 'Father', 'He', and 'Him'.

'God' is not limited to one 'gender', but the matrix and conflux of all qualities and characteristics. In fact, in one aspect 'God' is first 'Mother' (MA-trix), the Mother of infinity, the Mother from which all things spring, even your 'god' concepts. Since the 'mother' springs from the Father's own being, actual co-eternal together, the emergence of the feminine in creative love and fellowship is enhanced, as the Man gives his life and all of himself for the sake of the wo-man, his beloved. We can take this further on deeper allegorical levels, multi-dimensionally.

He came as a MAN.

Spirit may incarnate and does apparently incarnate in both gender forms, since both masculine and feminine pervade and interpenetrate the whole of existence (CREATION). If Jesus is so great a 'God-Man' and 'divine mystery', then he must include a full and perfect MARRIAGE of both genders in his being, no matter what form the 'Christ' appears in. Infinite Spirit transcends all, but includes all. - a secret teaching of Jesus clearly speaks of uniting both male and female, and trascending them in divine marriage of the two,....the 'making the two one', a very important esoteric principle.

His Spirit is Him.

A 'personality' contains many different elements, back to square 1 :)

Spirit may embody various gender qualities and characteristics, the wedding of both is actually 'making the two one', a spiritual truth and divine mystery, a key to the kingdom. This wholeness, union, oneness, is 'salvation'. 'Sin' is but a continued fragmentation and division of what needs to come together in divine surrender to the holy (whole) spirit.

Anyone who goes against that has no understanding

It might be advantageous to expand our understanding to include all levels and dimensions of the subject at hand. None can put the infinite in a 'box', much less any one 'gender'. Both genders share co-equally in the divine nature, glory and the 'new creation'. (every bridegroom has a bride). Spirit may transcend such denominations, but it also fully includes and embodies difference, relativity, potentialities of gender in their related domains, and ultimately in their fusion back into the INFINITE.


Eclectic Theosophist
The translation on the side, as with all translations, omit she or he but the Hebrew word עָ שָׂ תְ נִ י pronounced oshth·ni means she-made as shown on the opposite side:

This is the same for every time the Holy Spirit is mentioned in the OT (over 80 times). For example:

Job 33:4
עָ שָׂ תְ נִ י
SHE made me

תְּ חַ יֵּנִ י
SHE is keeping alive me

The jodh (') pronounced as 'ni' must denote the Spirit as female. It is clearly there in the Hebrew text. If I am wrong please prove evidence. No one has manage to so far.

Let us also NOTE in my former posts here, the accounts where the Holy Spirit is the one saying "This is my beloved son", "today I have begotten thee" at his baptism, the whole FOUNT of the Holy Spirit pouring down upon him,...and Jesus also calling the Holy Spirit his mother. We cannot deny the motherly and feminine aspect of the Holy Spirit who is the nurturing spirit by which we are 'reborn' into the kingdom, and to be born from above, is being born from within the New Jerusalem, after all...she is our mother from above. But this mothering spirit also abides upon us (as in the chrism/anointing) and within us, as the seal and teacher. This goes way beyond putting 'God' in a box, and expands his nature and character making our worship of the divine more profound and all-inclusive.

God's Truth

New member
I know your beliefs well enough and they are not mind blowing.

Thats one element, but we are a constitution of many elements

We are flesh and spirit.

'God' is not limited to one 'gender', but the matrix and conflux of all qualities and characteristics. In fact, in one aspect 'God' is first 'Mother' (MA-trix), the Mother of infinity, the Mother from which all things spring, even your 'god' concepts. Since the 'mother' springs from the Father's own being, actual co-eternal together, the emergence of the feminine in creative love and fellowship is enhanced, as the Man gives his life and all of himself for the sake of the wo-man, his beloved. We can take this further on deeper allegorical levels, multi-dimensionally.

Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
Spirit may incarnate and does apparently incarnate in both gender forms, since both masculine and feminine pervade and interpenetrate the whole of existence (CREATION). If Jesus is so great a 'God-Man' and 'divine mystery', then he must include a full and perfect MARRIAGE of both genders in his being, no matter what form the 'Christ' appears in. Infinite Spirit transcends all, but includes all. - a secret teaching of Jesus clearly speaks of uniting both male and female, and trascending them in divine marriage of the two,....the 'making the two one', a very important esoteric principle.

For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.
A 'personality' contains many different elements, back to square 1

Spirit may embody various gender qualities and characteristics, the wedding of both is actually 'making the two one', a spiritual truth and divine mystery, a key to the kingdom. This wholeness, union, oneness, is 'salvation'. 'Sin' is but a continued fragmentation and division of what needs to come together in divine surrender to the holy (whole) spirit.

It might be advantageous to expand our understanding to include all levels and dimensions of the subject at hand. None can put the infinite in a 'box', much less any one 'gender'. Both genders share co-equally in the divine nature, glory and the 'new creation'. (every bridegroom has a bride). Spirit may transcend such denominations, but it also fully includes and embodies difference, relativity, potentialities of gender in their related domains, and ultimately in their fusion back into the INFINITE.

God overthrows the learning of the wise and turns it into nonsense,

Your so called wisdom and learning is really ridiculous.


Well-known member
Go study Hebrew like the translators did because you are not experienced enough with it.

The Spirit referred to as 'She' or 'It' does not denote the gender or non gender of a thing.

Go study some more with a Hebrew or Aramaic teacher; but as for knowing about God and understanding HIM, believe the scriptures that say the Father is a He and it is His Spirit.
You say all this but have no further understanding in Hebrew yourself. You're laughable. If you had any understanding of the original Hebrew then you could explain what you pretend to know but you can't because you have no understanding of Hebrew to do so but you seem quite deluded in thinking you do? You obviouly can't understand this otherwise you would not have made such a contradictory and nonsensical statement.
Answer this question: Do you believe you have your own spirit within you? Are you a male or a female? Would you call your spirit a male or female?

That's not what the text says and I think this is where your confusion begins and ends.

Job 33:4
עָ שָׂ תְ נִ י
SHE made me

תְּ חַ יֵּנִ י
SHE is keeping alive me

Or do you not believe in the Trinity being one God in three Divine Persons?


Well-known member
You're welcome.

The yip yapping about the Trinity, the usual rants on confusing 'persons' in that assumed 'trio' do not belong on this thread, unless on topic of the feminine nature of the holy spirit. There are plenty of 'Trinity' threads to spout and sputter on.

Our recognition of Deity as the Father and Mother of all, deserves respect, because of this being a fact of Nature and a principle within universal science (knowledge) that Spirit/Soul exists in substance and form in the pairing of 'male/masculine' and 'female/feminine'. Man is the expression of 'God' in substance and form, however finite and embodied, - their relationship and function in procreation, mirrors the spiritual, above, so below.

'God' as MOTHER is certainly, logically and rationally just as valid an affectionate description of Deity, as is God the FATHER, since 'God' is BOTH in relation to creation. Many other religious traditions recognize this in their culture, mythology and spiritual teaching, in different forms, personified or not (God/Goddess). A true renaissance of Spirit would definitely include the resurgence of the divine FEMININE back to the fore, and in equal honor in synergistic union and glory with the MASCULINE.

View attachment 26306

To be clear I believe there is one God in three Divine Persons which is the Trinitarian stand point/belief.

God's Truth

New member
You say all this but have no further understanding in Hebrew yourself. You're laughable. If you had any understanding of the original Hebrew then you could explain what you pretend to know but you can't because you have no understanding of Hebrew to do so but you seem quite deluded in thinking you do? You obviouly can't understand this otherwise you would not have made such a contradictory and nonsensical statement.

That's not what the text says and I think this is where your confusion begins and ends.

Job 33:4
עָ שָׂ תְ נִ י
SHE made me

תְּ חַ יֵּנִ י
SHE is keeping alive me

Or do you not believe in the Trinity being one God in three Divine Persons?

It is God the FATHER's SPIRIT.

You will not ever be able to get around that.


New member
Galatians 3: 28. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

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Well-known member
It is God the FATHER's SPIRIT.

You will not ever be able to get around that.

You can't believe in the Christian doctrine of the Trinity which is that God is three consubstantial persons or hypostases: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit; as one God in three Divine Persons.

Unless you explain what you believe then you are law unto yourself, perhaps if you put your position forward it may help the debate?