Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Nineveh said:

Really now... that's the last thing beanieboy wants is to be "left alone". He even turned Justin (Wiccan)'s thread into a thread about himself :)

Perhaps because he knows that, unlike some (not all) Christians, Wiccans don't tend to shoot the wounded.


Edited to add: Mods, if this has to be moved or deleted, I understand. But this has got to be the most un-Christian thread I have seen since "Wasted Pearls"--especially in the light of Col 4:6.



New member
Nineveh said:

Really now... that's the last thing beanieboy wants is to be "left alone". He even turned Justin (Wiccan)'s thread into a thread about himself :)

I did?
Which thread?

If so, I'll go change that. I'm a leo. oops.


Merely Christian
Justin (Wiccan) said:
Perhaps because he knows that, unlike some (not all) Christians, Wiccans don't tend to shoot the wounded.


:) You can believe that, no harm. But the longer you are here, the more threads you will see beanieboy turn to himself. He likes talking about his favorite thing.

Edited to add: Mods, if this has to be moved or deleted, I understand. But this has got to be the most un-Christian thread I have seen since "Wasted Pearls"--especially in the light of Col 4:6.


I think Poly covered this a page back or so...
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Merely Christian
Caledvwlch said:
Well, of course he doesn't want to be left alone. We all come here to argue. Maybe learn something new, maybe not. But I think that perhaps treating him with respect regardless of his beliefs would be a courtesy easily imparted by the rest of us.

beanieboy isn't willing to give respect. Please don't assume this is the first time I've talked to him. There are a few of us that still try, but it usually ends the same way, as Poly pointed out. I won't sit by while he tries to butcher the Bible to justify himself, however. I guess this is a case of getting as you give.


New member
Nineveh said:
:) You can believe that, no harm. But the longer you are here, the more threads you will see beanieboy turn to himself. He likes talking about his favorite thing.

If I start discussing something, even if I debate homosexuality, and then someone says, "when will YOU accept Jesus and turn", then, yes, I will talk about me. But I don't purposefully turn something to me.

I will try to be more mindful to not do so in the future. Thank you for point this out.


New member
fag·got[size=-1]1[/size] ([font=verdana, sans-serif] P [/font]) Pronunciation Key (f
n. Slang

Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man.

fag·ot also fag·got ([font=verdana, sans-serif] P [/font]) Pronunciation Key (f
  1. A bundle of twigs, sticks, or branches bound together.
  2. A bundle of pieces of iron or steel to be welded or hammered into bars.

Since beanieboy fits the description of definition 2, I'd say it's perfectly applicable. I believe disparaging terms to the wicked are perfectly fine when used correctly.
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Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Dread Helm said:

Since beanieboy fits the description of definition 2, I'd say it's perfectly applicable.

Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man

In omitting the word, you demonstrate dishonesty. Or is honesty no longer required for Christians...?



New member
Nineveh said:
beanieboy isn't willing to give respect. Please don't assume this is the first time I've talked to him. There are a few of us that still try, but it usually ends the same way, as Poly pointed out. I won't sit by while he tries to butcher the Bible to justify himself, however. I guess this is a case of getting as you give.

You are making this about me.
You have asked not to make it about me, so I will open it up to the big picture.

The topic is the behavior of christians towards the unsaved.
Is name calling appropriate, when it is meant to be derogatory?

Why are the majority of the terms that Poly referred to addressed to the Pharisees and not the "sinners"?
Why aren't there passages in the bible where Jesus mocks the tax collectors, etc., while the diciples look on and say, "yeah" and make :kookoo: gestures, and walk away in a huff.

There is one passage where the disciples rebuke a women for anointing his head with oil and washing his feet, saying that her efforts were wasted, and Jesus rebuked his own disciples.

There is a passage where Jesus says to a Gentile that the master does not take food from the table and give it to the dogs (her), and she responded, "yes, but even the dogs eat the crumbs." He then exhalted her over those who were following him, showing that she even be pushed away from Jesus, even when he himself discouraged her, and showed that this was an example of faith.

When calling someone "faggot", is it truly done in the name of love, or in the name of hatred?
Is Fred Phelp in the right when he uses such terms? Are his intentions to edify? Are his ways appropriate? Is he truly helping anyone in protesting churches and funerals? Has he made any converts?

And of those who reject Jesus, should they be allowed to post?
If it is truly that much of a burden on posters that they can't see the growth of the seeds they plant, should there be a rejection limit - a number of postings, length of time, etc?


New member
beanieboy said:
Is Fred Phelp in the right when he uses such terms? Are his intentions to edify? Are his ways appropriate? Is he truly helping anyone in protesting churches and funerals? Has he made any converts?
Fred Phelps is a blithering idiot.


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*Note to the reader*

beanieboy uses the bible to back up his arguments but does not believe in it.


New member
Dread Helm said:
Fred Phelps is a blithering idiot.

Some posters say that they are "loving people by mocking them."
They claim that they are warning homosexuals of hell.
They are using the word "faggot" not to dehumanize, but to love.

How is this different?


New member
Poly said:
*Note to the reader*

beanieboy uses the bible to back up his arguments but does not believe in it.

You are making this thread about me.

I will answer this, and then ask that you stay on topic.

I use the bible, and then say, "if you say you believe, why do you not observe this passage?"
That's all.


Poly said:
*Note to the reader*

beanieboy uses the bible to back up his arguments but does not believe in it.
Sometimes God works on the heart when we are least aware.
I trust God that, if beanieboy uses scripture to argue.....that God's Word will not come back void.

Don't be so haughty... :nono:


New member
Dread Helm said:
:darwinsm: Haha! I think Caledvwlch took a good 5 points from me! :crackup:
Hehehe. It was the least and the most I could do. Watch out, or I'll slap you for five more in a few days! :chuckle:


New member

The word "fag" is a contraction of the word "faggot" (or, "fagot"). When traced through its etymological history, the word "faggot" simply means "a bundle of sticks used as fuel." See and (where such words as "fuel" and "brimstone" are used as synonyms). "Scholars" can't decide when such a word began to be used in reference to homosexuals, so we'll give the answer here: "I have overthrown some of you, as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord." Amos 4:11. The word translated "firebrand" is the Hebrew word "uwd," which comes from a Hebrew verb meaning "to rake together" (or, "to gather together"). In short, the Hebrew word "uwd" is talking about burning sticks of wood that are gathered together. That is what the English word "faggot" means. Amos 4:11 could just as easily be translated " were as a faggot plucked out of the burning..."

For those geniuses out there who are asking, "are you saying that God hates burning pieces of wood?", the answer is "no, we're using it as a figure of speech, just like the Bible uses it." It is an excellent metaphor to describe sodomites because they fuel God's wrath, they burn in lust, and they will burn in hell. In Amos 4:11, the "fag" is the person who is sinning after the manner of Sodom and Gomorrah, has seen other "fags" overthrown by God, and still refuses to repent. So, the word "fag" refers to people who sin like the Sodomites did. It not only refers to homosexuals, but also refers to people who support homosexuals (see Romans 1:32), and people who engage in all other relatively "lesser" perversions (like impenitent premarital sex and adultery, including the adultery of all of you divorced-and-remarried "born again Christians"). On this web site, we use the word "fag" in accordance with Amos 4:11.

For those of you who have deluded yourselves into thinking that the story of Sodom isn't really talking about homosexuals, read the following: the people of Sodom and Gomorrah had completely turned away from God, and whenever that happens, homosexuality abounds. Paul described this in Romans 1, and you can read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19. Conditions in Sodom were so bad that it had become acceptable for men to surround Lot's house and ask to have sex with the men inside. Anybody who thinks that today is any different than those days needs to attend San Francisco's annual gay rights parade, stand along the parade route, and hold a sign that says "GOD HATES FAGS." You'll see and hear evidence of all of the sins of Sodom in just a few short hours (sodomy, violence, fornication, adultery, pride, sinful treatment of the servants of God, etc.) The same mob mentality that ruled the unlawful fags in the days of Sodom rules the unlawful fags today.

Is Fred acting Christ-like?