Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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Nineveh said:
Worldly love would have you use your neighbor for vile reasons, and be used in return. Godly Love would have better for you.
Yeah, like putting all homosexuals in the gas chamber?


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Poly said:
No it sure wouldn't since I have accepted Christ as my righteousness and the perfect Son of God, realizing that He is my only hope in salvation since there is nothing good in me that could save me.

I suppose He said the following in order be buddies with people.

Matthew 23:17
Ye fools and blind...

Luke 11:39
And the Lord said to him, "Now do ye Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter; but your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness.

Jesus is addressing the Pharissees - those called rabbi - those who are believers. He's talking to Pastor Bob, Father O'Malley, not the commoners, or those the Pharisees refer to as "sinners."
Luke 11:40 "But God said to him "Thou fool..."

Jesus is addressing the Pharissees - those called rabbi - those who are believers.
Matthew 15:14.."They are blind leaders of the blind....."

ohhhh, look. Again, talking about the holy ones, the Pharissees.
Matthew 12:34 "O generation of vipers....."
24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, "It is only by Beelzebub,[d] the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons."

Oh, look. Again, the pharisees. Hmm. It seems that you are pointing out that there is more evil within the church, that Christ was more critical of leaders of the church who were holy on the outside, and rotten on the inside - those who talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.
Matthew 15:7 "Ye hypocrites..."

Anyone? Guess who he was talking to.
Luke 13:32 "Go tell that fox...."

31At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, "Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you."

32He replied, "Go tell that fox (, 'I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.' 33In any case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day—for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem!

Wow. Now he's talking about Herod, not the taxcollectors, not the prostitutes... He's talking about King Herod.

So why misrepresent the bible, unless you don't actually believe in it, and misuse it only to harm others and burden them, rather than free them?

If anything, you have shown me that a) Jesus was highly critical of the teachers of the law and name calling them, and not the sinners, and b) you misuse the bible at will to support your position or have never actually read the verses in context.


New member
Freak said:
The Pharisees and homosexuals are all in the same boat. You're going to eternal hell with the demons that inhabit you liked the Pharisees . :vomit:

But the good news is you're still alive thus the opportunity to renounce your homosexuality.

Aren't all sinners in the same boat ?


Blessed beyond measure
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Beanie claims that I misrepresent the bible cause I use verses that were only applied to Pharisees.

Now who around here would compare to a Pharisee? Well, what was it that the pharisees believed that caused Christ to get really irritated? That they didn't need Him or believe in Him and were good enough in themselves to be saved.

Anybody know of somebody who fits this description? I'll give you a hint.

His name starts with a "b" and ends in hell!! :flamer:
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New member
Poly said:
Beanie claims that I misrepresent the bible cause I use verses that were only applied to Pharisees.

Now who around here would compare to a Pharisee. What did the pharisees believe? That they didn't need Christ and were good in themselves to be saved.

Anybody know of anybody who fits this description? I'll give you a hint.

His name starts with a "b" and ends in hell!! :flamer:

Pharisees were the ones who were busy interpreting scripture in ways that shackled
God, and forced others to their interpretation. Christ came to put a stop to that. But
in the end, Christ was shackled and murdered, just like they had done with
Scripture. Christ was and is the Word, in many many ways.



New member
Poly said:
God doesn't put up with the wicked. I'm not talking the unsaved who are genuinely asking questions and seeking answers. If this is the case then of course we should earnestly be willing to give them those answers just as Christ did. I'm talking those who blatently disprespect God, slapping Him in the face by thinking they have no need of Him. This is offensive. This is what God does not tolerate. This is beanieboy.

Thomas walked with Jesus, talked with Jesus, asked questions to Jesus, ate and slept with Jesus, yet, when Jesus rose from the grave, Thomas needed to not only see Jesus, but also touch the wound in the side and hands.

Why would God not show me at least the mercy and patience that he showed his own diciples that often questioned?

I am not one who is blown by the wind, agreeing with whatever someone tells me. I am a critical thinker. I weigh what I believe carefully, and consider it with seriousness.

But I think it is you who won't tolerate that. You want instant gratification, and I'm not sure why. You want me to convert for whatever reason, and I think it is more selfish reasoning than anything else.

Do you, for example, go to work, and say to your Hindu, or Muslim or Jewish coworker "when will you turn to Jesus? Now? Now?? How about nnnnow? "
And just repeat it over and over, growing increasingly more and more angry?

I would rather walk a bit of the walk - the "love your neighbor" part, and see if that leads me to God.
I pray often that I be led to the truth of God. Your bible says, "Seek and ye shall find."
Can you really ask any more of me? And if your God is Truth, that is where the path will lead, right?


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Dave Miller said:
Pharisees were the ones who were busy interpreting scripture in ways that shackled
God, and forced others to their interpretation.
Yep, that's beanieboy alright.

Christ came to put a stop to that.
And one day he's going to shut beanieboy up once and for all for rejecting Him.


New member
Nineveh said:
And the rest of the story goes:

He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' ; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' " "You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live."

Worldly love would have you use your neighbor for vile reasons, and be used in return. Godly Love would have better for you.

Not my point.

Someone said that if you love yourself, you cannot love others.
Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself (love your neighbor as much as you do yourself.)

Answer this: Can you love others if you do not love yourself?
That was my point.


New member
Poly said:
Beanie claims that I misrepresent the bible cause I use verses that were only applied to Pharisees.

Now who around here would compare to a Pharisee? Well, what was it that the pharisees believed that caused Christ to get really irritated? That they didn't need Him or believe in Him and were good enough in themselves to be saved.

Anybody know of somebody who fits this description? I'll give you a hint.

His name starts with a "b" and ends in hell!! :flamer:

On the contrary - they preached the Law of Moses. They were Jewish. They were considered holy, as a preacher is. They were not looked down upon, yet, looked down on the "sinners." They exhalted themselves, and thought lowly of others. They enjoyed being called "rabbi" by others, being looked up to for being of the faith. They held places of power and status.

And Jesus told them they were way off base.

Kind of like TOL, in my opinion. Anyone who even suggests that christians should be humble, gentle, kind, etc, gets their head bit off.


New member
Dave Miller said:
Pharisees were the ones who were busy interpreting scripture in ways that shackled
God, and forced others to their interpretation. Christ came to put a stop to that. But
in the end, Christ was shackled and murdered, just like they had done with
Scripture. Christ was and is the Word, in many many ways.



Dude!!, that is really deep!
I've never looked at it that way.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
Not my point.

Right, you want to leave off the first part about Loving God first. He defines love, and without Him, you are free to define love as you see fit.

Someone said that if you love yourself, you cannot love others.
Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself (love your neighbor as much as you do yourself.)

It wasn't Jesus that said it, but let's not bother with the facts. The man was aksed what the Law meant, and that was his answer to which Christ agreed. Love God with your whole being, and love your neighbor as yourself. Without the former the latter becomes self serving.

Answer this: Can you love others if you do not love yourself?
That was my point.

I can't love others without loving God. When I tried, I wound up using people, not in the same way you do, but to the same degree.


New member
Poly said:
Yep, that's beanieboy alright.
And one day he's going to shut beanieboy up once and for all for rejecting Him.

Wow. I thought we were still playing the game, but Poly's already decided my fate.

Thank Buddha you aren't God.


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beanieboy said:
I would rather walk a bit of the walk - the "love your neighbor" part, and see if that leads me to God.
I pray often that I be led to the truth of God. Your bible says, "Seek and ye shall find."
Can you really ask any more of me? And if your God is Truth, that is where the path will lead, right?

You're such a fool. You say over and over, "I'm looking for answers". Your so full of it! You're not looking for answers, you're looking for excuses to keep doing the disgusting things you do. You have no intention whatsoever of accepting Christ, the only one good enough to cleanse you from your filth as He has those who've asked Him to forgive them. You're a hypocrite....

beanieboy said:
Freak said:
Beanieboy, you can change. This is a fact, don't believe the lie that somehow you're stuck as a homosexual. God does and can change the hearts of homosexuals. You need to renounce your lifestyle and repent of your ugly sin.

This has been said many times.
Thank you Freak.
I have to agree to disagree.


New member
You know what makes me sick? This thread. Would you primates grow up and leave the man alone? I've never read anything that leads me to believe that Beanieboy is anything less than honest, well-meaning and well-studied.


Merely Christian

Really now... that's the last thing beanieboy wants is to be "left alone". He even turned Justin (Wiccan)'s thread into a thread about himself :)


New member
Nineveh said:
I can't love others without loving God. When I tried, I wound up using people, not in the same way you do, but to the same degree.

I believe that loving God IS loving your neighbor. That is why Jesus says, "when you have done this for the lowliest of people, you have done so for me."

But you seem to suggest that no one but christians can love.
I find it hard to believe. I know very loving Hindus and Muslims, and they have showed me pictures of their children. They are not "using each other", despite the fact that are not Christian.


New member
Nineveh said:

Really now... that's the last thing beanieboy wants is to be "left alone". He even turned Justin (Wiccan)'s thread into a thread about himself :)
Well, of course he doesn't want to be left alone. We all come here to argue. Maybe learn something new, maybe not. But I think that perhaps treating him with respect regardless of his beliefs would be a courtesy easily imparted by the rest of us.


New member
Poly said:
You're such a fool. You say over and over, "I'm looking for answers". Your so full of it! You're not looking for answers, you're looking for excuses to keep doing the disgusting things you do. You have no intention whatsoever of accepting Christ, the only one good enough to cleanse you from your filth as He has those who've asked Him to forgive them. You're a hypocrite....

I'm sorry you feel that way.

May God shine his face upon you, and may you feel his mercy.