Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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Patron Saint of SMACK
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beanieboy said:
What I find curious is that it really comes down to my sexuality.

I don't believe in the bible. I don't accept JC as my PL&S.

But that's kind of a back burner kind of thing, apparently.

Heterosexuality, and not accepting Jesus, will get me into heaven.

who knew?
No Christian has suggested to you that becoming straight will save you! You knew it was a lie when you said it!


The Dark Knight
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Jabez said:
I see what your saying now we are getting into english lessons,Gay as a noun means "A person whose sexual orientation is to persons of the same sex." So i couldnt agree with you there.Another point is for example white people being called honkies or the same for a black person though i wont use the "N" word.I think you can see my point.
Fags are not born that way, Jabez.


The Dark Knight
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beanieboy said:
I'm actually a very happy person.
Do you actually expect us to beleive that?

I will repeat, you can choose to call me whatever you wish. I've been called worse.
And I will continue to try my best to return curse with blessing, as is my beliefs.
I encourage you to call me on this when ever I stumble, and thank you in advance.
Well, I honestly think damned is the worst thing anyone could ever be called, and God will surely call you such on judgment day, if you have never submited to Him.

I'm unclear why "faggot" is singled out as well, but it is usually said to indicate that you are saying that someone is beneath you. I still hold to the truth that all have fallen short of the glory of God, and whenever I think myself better, I repeat that to myself, and then know to pray, rather to only condemn and put others beneath me.
So you're that "catcher" then?

However, the bible uses "homosexual", and does not use faggot. Faggot is a relatively new word, and used to sound more derogatory, and is meant to demean the person. I imagine that is why people choose to single out that word and use it in place of homosexual - because it exhalts themself, and makes them seem better than the other.
Now this is funny. Usually the queers are telling us how the original language doesn't mean the same as hiomosexual, but here, in an effort to discount our usage of faggot, that doesn't matter...:ha:

The Pharisees (while they were sinners) referred to the prostitutes and tax collectors as "sinners."
The said to the disciples, "why does your master eat with the sinners?" They weren't including themselves.
Because they beleived themselves to be righteous. Of course, they were self-righteous, as Jesus clearly showed many times. And those who Christ has made righteous are not sinners anymore. They have been freed from sin. Read Romans 5-8 sometime.

Even in this thread, someone quotes that Jesus called the sinners Vipers.
He did call the sinners vipers - the Vipers who referred to the prostitutes and tax collectors "sinners."
The vipers were the self-righteous ones who were telling Him He was wrong for attempting to convert the whores and thieves.

He who exhalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exhalted.
Looks like you should prepare yourself to be humbled.


The Dark Knight
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Agape4Robin said:
I consider the term faggot to be demeaning and derogatory.
How can we as christians hope to reach someone when we resort to name calling? :confused:

Not only that, but it's completely juvenile! :baby:

IMHO it has no place in the christian vocabulary.
If one is not demeaned, then how do they know they need Christ?


New member
Agape4Robin said:
I consider the term faggot to be demeaning and derogatory.
How can we as christians hope to reach someone when we resort to name calling? :confused:

Not only that, but it's completely juvenile! :baby:

Does this sound better...........

You're a perverted homo & you desperately need God to make you new again.
If you accept Christ & repent, you will be saved.
If you don't repent, you will burn in hell for eternity.


Chileice said:
Name calling serves no earthly good. It is done by small people unable to express themselves in an intelligent way.

Saying someone is "small" in this context isn't name calling?

One Eyed Jack

New member
Wamba the Fool said:
Then the homos stole it. Just like the rainbow. They stole that too.

No they didn't. A real rainbow is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. They left out indigo for some reason or another.

On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
I'm actually a very happy person.
I'm unclear why "faggot" is singled out as well,
Because YOU single it out as an example of un-Christ like behavior. YOU beanie boy. YOU!!!

On Fire

New member
Freak said:
If you come across a homosexual who is struggling and perhaps looking for some answers (and even on the verge of repentance) then it would be wise not to use this kind of language. Bring them to repentance as God's Word tells us..
Beanie says he is happy and not struggling but how do we know for sure?


emohaslove said:
Does this sound better...........

You're a perverted homo & you desperately need God to make you new again.
If you accept Christ & repent, you will be saved.
If you don't repent, you will burn in hell for eternity.
Can't disagree with that!
Like my grandma used to say, "you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar." Metaphorically speaking of course!


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God_Is_Truth said:
and the more you grow to love yourself, the harder it is to love your neigbhor as yourself.

But Jesus said, "love your neighbor as yourself."

If you hate yourself, you will probably not love your neighbor either.