Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
How am I hypocritical.

I am Buddhist. I believe in Buddhist writings and philosophy.

I believe in taking naps on the weekend. So what?! Do you believe that Buddha is God? Or the Christ? Or do you just like the idea that there are no consequences in Buddhism?


New member
God_Is_Truth said:
sin is that which is contrary to the character of God. thus, since God is love, sin would be anything not loving. if heterosexuality is good (which the bible says it is, adam and eve were told to multiply), then homosexuality is not good because it is a perversion of that which God said is good. since it is not good, it is not loving towards God to follow it. since it's not loving, it's a sin.

That would mean that priests live in sin, because they do not produce. That would mean that people who have sex when they are not reproducing are not loving.
Sex is more complicated than that. Old people have sex. People have sex who do not love each other. People have sex to reproduce, and at other times, to sexually satisfy one another with no intention for children.

And coupling has more to do with sex. It's about supporting another, comforting another, inspiring another, encouraging another... sex is a tiny, tiny part of a relationship.

Even male/female is more complicated. (There are those who are born with both sex organs - it happens...So, before modern medicine, which would that person be with to be "heterosexual"?

how can God be concerned with only that which is loving and not be concerned at all with that which is not loving (sin) ?

I never said that.
Does God care about someone who commits adultery? Sure. But if God is weighing on the heart of that person to love their spouse, the love will lead them away from adultery, which harms the spouse.

and the more you grow to love yourself, the harder it is to love your neigbhor as yourself.

I am not saying to be self serving, nor conceited.

Often, people who are suicidal, or abusing drugs, or prostitutes, are so convinced that they are not worthy of love that they don't love themselves, or care for themselves. The suicide person, therefore, truly believes that the world is better without them, but the truth is, they hurt everyone that loved them.

I don't see homosexuality as the same thing.
I see no negative repercussions that can't be said of heterosexuals.

But as for loving oneself, I must wholey disagree. Those who are happy, love themselves, and because they love themselves, they love other people. Their loves comes genuinely from within.

Those who harm others are generally unhappy. They delight in mocking others, bullying others, harming others, have no compassion or sympathy for their vicitims... That's why I question so many users here. I feel depressed when I'm here. No, not because I am looking for approval, but becasue I see people who are supposed to be the light of the world, as I as taught, acting like poisinous snakes, ready to bite and devour anyone that dare disagree, and anyone that dare knock them off of the pedastal that they have exhalted themselves to.

That's how I imagine the end days.


New member
On Fire said:
I believe in taking naps on the weekend. So what?! Do you believe that Buddha is God? Or the Christ? Or do you just like the idea that there are no consequences in Buddhism?

You are talking semantics.

I'm unsure what I think of Christ. I don't understand the blood, death stuff.

Do I believe that Buddha is God? Of course not. Buddha didn't claim to be anything other than a man.

I have taken the time to learn of your religion, you may want to take time to understand mine.

There are consequences in Buddhism, which are pretty self evident.
If you lie to others, your karma is that others will not trust you.
If you are abusive to others, your will find yourself alone.
Of the kindness you give out, so shall you be rewarded.

I believe that your Christ said, "Cast your bread upon the water, and it will come back to you." He also said that you will get back 3 times what you give.

Same idea.

Buddhism doesn't believe in a hell/heaven. You reach Nirvana, or you remain in illusion.
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On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
That would mean that priests live in sin, because they do not produce. That would mean that people who have sex when they are not reproducing are not loving.
Sex is more .......aught, acting like poisinous snakes, ready to bite and devour anyone that dare disagree, and anyone that dare knock them off of the pedastal that they have exhalted themselves to.

That's how I imagine the end days.
Good Lord! You go on and on about sexual sins as if homosexuality is justified because of adultery.

God created man and woman to be together, to become one flesh, period.

What do you tell the police officer when he stops you for speeding? "Sorry, officer, I don't believe in the traffic laws."

On Fire

New member
beanieboy said:
You are talking semantics.

I'm unsure what I think of Christ. I don't understand the blood, death stuff.

Do I believe that Buddha is God? Of course not. Buddha didn't claim to be anything other than a man.

I have taken the time to learn of your religion, you may want to take time to understand mine.
You don't understand the blood, death stuff or you don't want to because it's too close for comfort?

So Buddhism is a religion without a God? Ben Franklin had a lot of good sayings and ideas....why not worship him?

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
On Fire said:
What do you tell the police officer when he stops you for speeding? "Sorry, officer, I don't believe in the traffic laws."

The actual disagreement here is not whether or not laws should be followed, but whether or not your particular set of laws have jurisdiction.


On Fire

New member
Justin (Wiccan) said:
The actual disagreement here is not whether or not laws should be followed, but whether or not your particular set of laws have jurisdiction.

Exactly. God claims jurisdiction, Buddha doesn't.


New member
On Fire said:
Good Lord! You go on and on about sexual sins as if homosexuality is justified because of adultery.

God created man and woman to be together, to become one flesh, period.

What do you tell the police officer when he stops you for speeding? "Sorry, officer, I don't believe in the traffic laws."

I'm not saying that homosexuality is justified because of adultery.
Adultery involves lying, and hurts the person you are cheating on.

Homosexuality doesn't have that effect.

I would liken it more to premarital sex. A lot of people have premarital sex, but that isn't talked about, and rarely questioned, because most people don't see it as harmful to anyone, and their own business.

I don't believe that men and women were created to procreate.

Otherwise, why would the priests, nuns, and Pope, who are all very religious, forgo sex?

But if it was only for procreation, everyone would have hundreds of children.

I think it is much more complicated, and a relationship can't be built on sex alone.


New member
Poly said:
Those that didn't accept Christ, thinking that they didn't need Him and disrespected Him were called names by Him. This fits beanieboy to a T. He has been told in all sincerity many many times by various people on here that he needs Christ. He claims that He doesn't believe in the bible yet continually uses it against the people of God. This is some big time hypocrisy. If you remember right, Christ didn't think very highly of hypocrites. beanieboy has also said to those that are harsh, "well, if you were just a little nicer and more considerate, maybe it would help me but I don't want to have anything to do with mean people". So what happens? People are nice and throw their precious pearls to him. They have time and again and does this change anything? No. He still says, just as he did to Freak earlier that he'll agree to disagree. God, as well as Godly men in the bible, sometimes mocked people as well as called them names. Christ didn't pull any punches when it came to telling it like it is. When he offended those that were self-righteous, not seeing their need for him, His disciples said..."hey don't you know you offended them?" Christ didn't say...."oh man, guys, we need to go apologize. Hurry, go catch them." No He said..." Leave them alone. They're blind leaders of the blind and they'll both end up falling in the ditch." Matthew 15:12-14.

We need to make sure we are patterning our behavior after Christs toward those who refuse to accept Him.

POTD! :first:


New member
On Fire said:
You don't understand the blood, death stuff or you don't want to because it's too close for comfort?

So Buddhism is a religion without a God? Ben Franklin had a lot of good sayings and ideas....why not worship him?

Do you ignore what Ben Franklin said, simply because they aren't in the bible?
Or do you believe that they are an extension of the Creator?

Does Buddhism have a God? Not really. It follows the same Golden Rule, and if you choose to believe in a higher power, that is your choice, your path.

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
On Fire said:
Exactly. God claims jurisdiction, Buddha doesn't.

That's the actual question that brings it back to the actual topic of the thread. Does God claim jurisdiction, or are people trying to sell me a bill of goods in His name?

If a Christian states that God claims jurisdiction over sexual sin (citing Romans 1), yet that same Christian has forgotten that God also claims jurisdiction over their speech (Col 4:6), then why should I, as a non-Christian, believe the first claim?



New member
On Fire said:
Exactly. God claims jurisdiction, Buddha doesn't.

Buddha (the figure) doesn't.
But yes, you are accountable for your own actions.
If you are unhappy, you look at your life and figure out why.
If you are lonely, you can't blame other people, and have to self reflect on how you have managed to push people away.

A friend of mine is a Zen Buddhist, and said that living a Zen Buddhist life is far harder than the Catholic life that he was brought up in. You don't store up your sins for a week, then get them erased at confession. You live each moment being conscious not only of your actions and words, but even your very thoughts. Am I edifying another? If not, take it out of your head, out of your mouth, refrain from the action.

On Fire

New member
Justin (Wiccan) said:
That's the actual question that brings it back to the actual topic of the thread. Does God claim jurisdiction, or are people trying to sell me a bill of goods in His name?

If a Christian states that God claims jurisdiction over sexual sin (citing Romans 1), yet that same Christian has forgotten that God also claims jurisdiction over their speech (Col 4:6), then why should I, as a non-Christian, believe the first claim?

Why are you willing to bet eternity on a person's forgetfulness?


New member
On Fire said:
Why are you willing to bet eternity on a person's forgetfulness?

You dodged the question.

Why should he believe that what you say is true, if you refuse to adhere to it yourself.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Justin (Wiccan) said:
That's the actual question that brings it back to the actual topic of the thread. Does God claim jurisdiction, or are people trying to sell me a bill of goods in His name?

If a Christian states that God claims jurisdiction over sexual sin (citing Romans 1), yet that same Christian has forgotten that God also claims jurisdiction over their speech (Col 4:6), then why should I, as a non-Christian, believe the first claim?

This post barely makes any sense. What do you mean by God claiming jurisdiction? God has jurisdiction over the whole shooting match you silly fool. He has authority to end this whole little drama we call life and send you and your homo buddies right straight to Hell any time He wants. The only reason you're alive is because of the patience and mercy of God. Every breath you draw is drawn because God has delayed His judgement upon you.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

You presume upon the patience and mercy of the living God and thereby store up judgment for yourself.

Resting in Him,

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
On Fire said:
Why are you willing to bet eternity on a person's forgetfulness?

Look around you, On Fire. Read the posts in this thread. This is not "forgetfullness": this is either willful disobedience to an actual standard, or touting a false standard to others that those who proclaim the standard do not even recognize.

Willful disobedience or false standards ... either way, I have to wonder who the "white-washed sepulchers" are.
