Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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New member
Nineveh said:
I know what my God has to say. He wrote it down in a Book you often mock. Why do I need to ask questions I have the answers to?

"God, should I be silent while a sodimte slaughters the Bible in defence of his homosexuality?"

I cannot say any more than what I have.

May your God bless you.



Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
I will follow my own advice, and will seek God's understanding, and have him review my words and actions.

I can tell you now the buddha-path doesn't care if you trash your life, that's why you honor it. You have chosen a god that doesn't really care, a "non judgemental" god, so to speak. The Creator God would have better for you, even if it makes you uncomfortable to see how very much you need Christ.


Justin (Wiccan) said:
Every single Christian who voted "Yes" on this poll is a hypocrite, and On Fire--whom I commend, for he did not vote yes--points to your hypocracy. Of his fellow Christians, On Fire said "They're sinners. We're all sinners." If each and every one of you is a sinner drawn to repentance by God's kindness, yet you are willing to cast derision onother sinners, then you "show contempt the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance."

This I know, Christians: if, indeed, your Bible is true and I am sent to hell, before I go, I will stand as witness to your hypocracy. You are greedy, cowardly thieves, who have accepted the grace of God yet use the maliciousness of your hearts to drive others away from that grace, as if it were in short supply and you were hoarding it for yourselves.

It is not the skeptics and Pagans who take God's words and make it into a lie, but yourselves.

Dear Justin-
While I agree with your points about how the love of Christ, through christians, is what should be what draws others to Him, I must disagree with the end of your statement. In the end, when we are all judged, we are judged according to our own works. We will not be able to say it was anyone else's fault. And those malicious, cowardly thieves will have to face God as well and give an account for their actions. But you will not be telling God anything He doesn't already know.
That is why christianity must be about a personal relationship with Christ.
I hope that your view of hypocritical christians is not what is keeping you away.

Take care Justin!


New member
Nineveh said:
I can tell you now the buddha-path doesn't care if you trash your life, that's why you honor it. You have chosen a god that doesn't really care, a "non judgemental" god, so to speak. The Creator God would have better for you, even if it makes you uncomfortable to see how very much you need Christ.

Thank you for that advice.
I will weigh it with solemn meditation and thought.



Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
Thank you for that advice.
I will weigh it with solemn meditation and thought.


Better yet add the Bible to that, read what God has to say to you :)


New member
Nineveh said:
Better yet add the Bible to that, read what God has to say to you :)

I have read a lot of the bible to day, and quoted it to you.

You ignored the majority of Romans 12.

I would encourage you to do the same.

Peace be with you.


New member
beanieboy said:
I have read a lot of the bible to day, and quoted it to you.

You ignored the majority of Romans 12.

I would encourage you to do the same.

Peace be with you.

They ignore Romans 2 also.

Come to think of it, they ignore most of what Jesus Christ said in the gospels.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
I have read a lot of the bible to day, and quoted it to you.

Yet you won't allow God to speak to you.

You ignored the majority of Romans 12.

You ingore a majority of the Bible in general. Except the parts you think you can use to either convict a Christian for witnessing to you or the parts you think you can twist to make God agree with your sodomy.

I would encourage you to do the same.

I do, but thanks for the encouragement :)

Peace be with you.

I serve the Prince of Peace, I hope you get to know Him soon.


Merely Christian
Dave Miller said:
They ignore Romans 2 also.

Come to think of it, they ignore most of what Jesus Christ said in the gospels.

And you don't? The one who claims all things to be sin but what God calls sin?


New member
On Fire said:
Beanieboy continues to complain that the so-called Christians here are not very Christ-like when they call him names like "faggot". I think he's right. I also think he asks for it by continuing to claim that homosexuality is not a sin. Maybe if we agree with him about the name calling we could get him to stop complaingin about the SYMPTOMS and look at the CAUSE.

Ridiculing someone is not the way Jesus behaved toward others. It is not a Christ-like response.

On the other hand, his taunting us can get to be tedious. I would say the best way to handle him is to tell him outright his behavior is child-like, demanding a child-like response -- and tell him if he expects to communicate in a Christ-like way, in love toward his fellow board members, then he best respect our values and beliefs--else he's not likely to find anyone here who's interested in talking with him.

:wave: Ya'nar