Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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New member
Nineveh said:
And you don't? The one who claims all things to be sin but what God calls sin?

I keep coming back to this thread, but I don't know why. It hurts like hell to see so many
who call themselves Christians so judgemental, so hateful.

I was wondering about Logos this morning, wondering if even he had hope that God could turn
the hardest rock hearts, hearts wrapped in false righteousness, into hearts of flesh. If such jaded,
blatant, awful hatred could ever, ever be turned into love by the Lord.

I fear not. I fear for all of you, who have been beguiled by this demon wrapped in righteous

Beanie hurts no one. My friends downtown hurt no one. Wick's niece hurts no one. These are among
the most peaceful, gentle people on the earth. Why would anyone want them dead? Why would
anyone want to harm them? Just leave them alone, please.

Be a harsh judge, fine, but be so against sins that bring hurt and harm. Get all fire and brimstone about
alcohol and drugs, about gambling, about child molestation, about adultery, about pornography, about
promiscuity, there are a billion things to take a righteous stand against. But not this, not these people,
they hurt no one.



Well-known member
Dave Miller said:
I keep coming back to this thread, but I don't know why. It hurts like hell to see so many
who call themselves Christians so judgemental, so hateful.


Isn't that rather judgemental of you?


Well-known member

Again, I ask you:

Is Phelps intrepertation wrong on this.
# "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13. "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." Romans 1:32.
# See also Leviticus 18:22, Genesis 19, Romans 1:18-32, I Corinthians 6:9-11, I Timothy 1:10, and Jude 7.


New member
Dave Miller said:
I keep coming back to this thread, but I don't know why. It hurts like hell to see so many
who call themselves Christians so judgemental, so hateful.

Be a harsh judge, fine, but be so against sins that bring hurt and harm. Get all fire and brimstone about
alcohol and drugs, about gambling, about child molestation, about adultery, about pornography, about
promiscuity, there are a billion things to take a righteous stand against. But not this, not these people,
they hurt no one.


As I read my own thread, I realized something. I would never, never feel hatred towards alcoholics,
drug addicts, gamblers, child molesters, adulterers, or even pornographers. I'm deeply saddened that
they live lives which harm themselves and others, and I pray for them, and I even chaplain some of them,
but I never ever judge the person, because I know underneath every person is beloved by Christ. I also
know that except by the Grace of God, it could be me playing any one of these roles.

All this mercy and hope for those who harm others, yet no sympathy, in fact personal personal hatred
and ridicule towards those who harm no one. Its not what Christ had in mind for those who choose to
follow Him, this I know.



Well-known member
It is the solemn duty of all mankind to make a sharp distinction, every day, between right and wrong, and to do what’s
right. That, is a form of discrimination. It is obviously impossible to do what’s right without first performing the holy
duty to discriminate between right and wrong. The alternative is anarchy.


New member
I think any name calling is inappropriate.! As christians we are to be good examples like christ. I don't think he is acting christ like in this situation! But that's just my oppinion... :doh:


New member
drbrumley said:

Again, I ask you:

Is Phelps intrepertation wrong on this.
# "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13. "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." Romans 1:32.
# See also Leviticus 18:22, Genesis 19, Romans 1:18-32, I Corinthians 6:9-11, I Timothy 1:10, and Jude 7.

For the 400th time:

Romans 2:1

Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for passing judgement on
another you condemn yourself...

v4 ... Do you not realize that its God's kindness that leads to repentence?


New member
drbrumley said:
It is the solemn duty of all mankind to make a sharp distinction, every day, between right and wrong, and to do what’s
right. That, is a form of discrimination. It is obviously impossible to do what’s right without first performing the holy
duty to discriminate between right and wrong. The alternative is anarchy.

We are called to discern right from wrong according to our own behaviors. To judge others is wrong.

WE are called to discern right from wrong by knowing a tree by the fruit it bears. And the good fruits are
love, kindness, gentleness, humility, self control...


Well-known member
Maybe Dave, you like the homosexual agenda rammed down your throat. I don't. These rabble-rousers don’t want to concede or admit
that their conduct is sinful. They want you Dave to pass a law or shut up, declaring that their conduct is NOT sinful. That
is ultra vires – out side your powers. It is blasphemous for you to pretend that you can do so. You blaspheme God when you LET THEM without as much as a whimper.!

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Dread Helm said:
Dave you are a blithering Idiot. You're nicer than God.

And is there no possibility that you are wrong?

DH, the last I heard, far more important than being "Christ-like" is being obedient. And neither you nor anyone else has demonstrated how your use of deliberately derogative terms is "obedient" to passages such as Romans 2:1-4, or Col 4:6.



New member
drbrumley said:
Maybe Dave, you like the homosexual agenda rammed down your throat. I don't. These rabble-rousers don’t want to concede or admit
that their conduct is sinful. They want you Dave to pass a law or shut up, declaring that their conduct is NOT sinful. That
is ultra vires – out side your powers. It is blasphemous for you to pretend that you can do so. You blaspheme God when you LET THEM without as much as a whimper.!

These people are driven to such measures out of pure self defense, just as black people were
driven to riot in protest to the abuse they suffered.


New member
Justin (Wiccan) said:
And is there no possibility that you are wrong?

DH, the last I heard, far more important than being "Christ-like" is being obedient. And neither you nor anyone else has demonstrated how your use of deliberately derogative terms is "obedient" to passages such as Romans 2:1-4, or Col 4:6.


What sweet irony that Wiccans, Buddhists, and athiests know and live the Words of Christ better
than those who consider themselves righteous Christians.


Well-known member
Two different issues Dave. Slavery IS wrong. They were right to fight for thier rights. Homos are NOT! Dave , did it ever occur to you for 3500 plus years, Homosexuality was a crime till a few decades?


Well-known member
Dave Miller said:
What sweet irony that Wiccans, Buddhists, and athiests know and live the Words of Christ better
than those who consider themselves righteous Christians.

And your full of crap too Dave...


New member
drbrumley said:
Two different issues Dave. Slavery IS wrong. They were right to fight for thier rights. Homos are NOT! Dave , did it ever occur to you for 3500 plus years, Homosexuality was a crime till a few decades?

For 2000 years Jewish people have been persecuted, tortured, and murdered as well, by good