Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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Merely Christian
allsmiles said:
I think the bulk of you are dangerous, mean spirited people with absolutely no place in a civilized world. I'm ashamed for you, very, VERY ashamed. You know who you are. Some of the hate that I find here amazes and disgusts me. You discredit yourselves on a constant basis and some the filth I've found on this thread stands as a case in point.

Everyone have a great night and a wonderful weekend.

Well that was really hateful, judgemental and intolerant LOL Are you merely leading by example or are you being a hypocrite?

Sold Out

New member
Lovejoy said:
I have not read this whole thread, and likely I never will. My heart is much too soft for me to take much angry language, and my soul gets to aching. However, I know in my heart that there are times in which our language must be formed to both cause grief and to express warning. To say that Christians must always be "nice" in their talk is nothing more than an attempt to muzzle them, to make them ineffective. We must be able to warn people away from sin and false leaders, and we must be able, occasionaly, to shock people to make them see the falseness of their beliefs. As well, I must be prepared to receive it in return. Love almost always calls for gentleness, however, sometimes love also calls for us to do things that hurt. Even in medicine we recognize this (otherwise no one would ever get an enema).

BTW, Christianity can never be judged by Christians we know or their actions, as we can never know all Christians or the actions of them all. The value of "being" Chrisitian can only be judged by the value of Christ Himself, and His efficacy. And that is unquestionable.


Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Lovejoy said:
I have not read this whole thread, and likely I never will. My heart is much too soft for me to take much angry language, and my soul gets to aching.

Lovejoy, I can certainly understand that, and I greatly respect it.

However, I know in my heart that there are times in which our language must be formed to both cause grief and to express warning. To say that Christians must always be "nice" in their talk is nothing more than an attempt to muzzle them, to make them ineffective. We must be able to warn people away from sin and false leaders, and we must be able, occasionaly, to shock people to make them see the falseness of their beliefs. As well, I must be prepared to receive it in return. Love almost always calls for gentleness, however, sometimes love also calls for us to do things that hurt. Even in medicine we recognize this (otherwise no one would ever get an enema).

And who said you always have to be "nice?" Not me. If someone is stepping in front of a truck, I tend to speak sharply and loudly--it's a warning, and I understand warnings need to capture the attention. But the same time, telling that person who is about to step in front of a truck that he's a [censored] moron (or whatever insult you choose to put in that sentence), not only is he likely to reject my warning, my insult may very well distract him to the point that he walks right out in front of the truck.

That's my point here. There are at least seventeen people on this website who are telling sinners that they are [censored] morons, and taking a risk that the anger that such words cause will drive people to walk out into traffic.

BTW, Christianity can never be judged by Christians we know or their actions, as we can never know all Christians or the actions of them all. The value of "being" Chrisitian can only be judged by the value of Christ Himself, and His efficacy. And that is unquestionable.

Unquestionable? Look around you! If this is Christ's "efficacy," then I repeat: Christians do far more to blaspheme Christ and refute the Bible than pagans, agnostics, and atheists ever can.



New member
Nineveh said:
Christians are to judge with righteous judgement. No one on here has judged beanie as a womanizer or a drug addict, have they? No. What you label "name calling" I call harshness. You have no way of knowing what sort of witnessing may be needed at any given point.

Grabbing a child harshly by the arm may appear to be "unkind" or "rude", until you take a step back and see the Mack truck a few feet away.

Ok. Let me grab your arm because a Mack Truck is headed your way.

You have a very hard heart. You are full of anger and spite.
You return blessing with curse, you claim to love God yet ignore many verses calling for you sinful actions towards others, and even mock it. You have had other christians so disgusted that they are actually embarrassed.

I have been truthful and sharp, because you this is the only way that you accept.

I have called you no foul names, but have observed your words, your statements, and your constact attack on me specifically.

You have a plank in your eye, a plank of pride and arrogance. And no matter how much you point the other way, it still shows. You never answer any of the faults pointed out to you, but deflect blame by blaming another. You accuse others of false hypocracy.

Now think about it, and thank me the Mack Truck didn't kill you.

God Bless.

Justin (Wiccan)

New member
Nineveh said:
Christians are to judge with righteous judgement. No one on here has judged beanie as a womanizer or a drug addict, have they? No. What you label "name calling" I call harshness. You have no way of knowing what sort of witnessing may be needed at any given point.

Grabbing a child harshly by the arm may appear to be "unkind" or "rude", until you take a step back and see the Mack truck a few feet away.

So, "faggot" is a righteous judgement? Don't be so sure that you and Phelps are all that far apart.



Active member
Justin (Wiccan) said:
Lovejoy, I can certainly understand that, and I greatly respect it.

And who said you always have to be "nice?" Not me. If someone is stepping in front of a truck, I tend to speak sharply and loudly--it's a warning, and I understand warnings need to capture the attention. But the same time, telling that person who is about to step in front of a truck that he's a [censored] moron (or whatever insult you choose to put in that sentence), not only is he likely to reject my warning, my insult may very well distract him to the point that he walks right out in front of the truck.

That's my point here. There are at least seventeen people on this website who are telling sinners that they are [censored] morons, and taking a risk that the anger that such words cause will drive people to walk out into traffic.

Unquestionable? Look around you! If this is Christ's "efficacy," then I repeat: Christians do far more to blaspheme Christ and refute the Bible than pagans, agnostics, and atheists ever can.

You did not tell anyone to be nice, I know. I grabbed your post simply because you were leaning towards a condemnation of Christians in general, and I wanted a place to take a stand for how I, and I alone, approach the use of language. Some go far to one side of nice, some to the other. I don't see calm and friendly language as an end unto itself, but just a means of facilitating communication. Unfriendly language is a way of facilitating something else entirely.

As to the efficacy of Christ, it is not realized in those that are not His. Some people who claim the name are not His, and His efficacy is not to be judged by them. In fact, His salvational power cannot be judged by anything but salvation itself, not in the tone of voice in the saved. Frankly, some peoples behavior is not a fully "cleaned up" as others, but that does not make them anyless cleansed of sin. You have to look to the source to see the value, I can't show it to you. Neither can a few heated words or nasty names show you a lack in that value. But most importantly, don't let the gentle manners of some of the others dictate the value of their words or beliefs. A lie can be told with a sweet voice and a friendly pat on the back.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
Ok. Let me grab your arm because a Mack Truck is headed your way.

Ok, let's see if you are using righteous judgement, or beanieboy judgement.

You have a very hard heart. You are full of anger and spite.

And you judge this how?

You return blessing with curse

A blessing from buddha is a curse :)

you claim to love God yet ignore many verses calling for you sinful actions towards others,

It's not sinful to call you to Christ and away from your distructive deathstyle. Looks like a "wordly love beanieboy judgement". That's what happens when you try to lop off the "Love God with your whole being" before you glom onto the "love your neighbor as yourself".

and even mock it.

This coming from a buddhist prone to quote a foriegn God rather than buddha. Talk about mocking.

You have had other christians so disgusted that they are actually embarrassed.

Like who? Dave Miller? I will assume you are using the term "Christian" very loosely.

I have acted as you wish to be treated.

But you have forgotten to love God with your whole being first, haven't you? And no, I don't whine at you like you are prone to do.

I have called you no foul names, but have observed your words, your statements, and your constact attack on me specifically.

That's sorta funny. I post news stories about homos and it's you that attacks me for it. I don't hunt you down on TOL to judge you. In fact, your blood hasn't been on my head since before you left the time before last.

You have a plank in your eye, a plank of pride and arrogance.

I'm not a homosexual, nor am I proud of being a homosexual. It appears those two specks belong to you and that is why you can not see clearly.

And no matter how much you point the other way, it still shows. You never answer any of the faults pointed out to you, but deflect blame by blaming another. You accuse others of false hypocracy.

This whole post seems to be you pointing fingers beanieboy.

Now think about it, and thank me the Mack Truck didn't kill you.

It's still you who wants to continue standing in the middle of the road and mock all those shouting ( and those quietly telling you ) to move.

I pray one day you will love God more than your sin.


Merely Christian
Justin (Wiccan) said:
So, "faggot" is a righteous judgement? Don't be so sure that you and Phelps are all that far apart.


I don't know who "Phelps" is. Have you seen me call anyone at all a faggot? To be quite honest with you, I haven't seen the term around here much but on this thread and one other that was discussing the term itself.

But unless we aren't sure what "faggot" refers to, I'd have to say yes, in context it could be used in righteous judgement. Personally, I perfer other terms, such as sodomite, and homo'.


New member
Nineveh said:
I pray one day you will love God more than your sin.

I pray the same for you :(
I know you can't see it, nor do you agree, but I still pray for it, and hope that the joy and love of God will one day come into your heart.


New member
Nineveh said:
I don't know who "Phelps" is. Have you seen me call anyone at all a faggot? To be quite honest with you, I haven't seen the term around here much but on this thread and one other that was discussing the term itself.

But unless we aren't sure what "faggot" refers to, I'd have to say yes, in context it could be used in righteous judgement. Personally, I perfer other terms, such as sodomite, and homo'.

go to

He has a dancing head of Mattew Shephard and a Days In Hell counter.
It's all done in love, he says.
He's trying to yank them out of the way of a Mack Truck (hell) by protesting at their funerals, churches, etc.


New member
Seriously, Nin - go home and just sit and ask God about what i said.
If I'm wrong, he'll say nothing.
If I'm right, you will be edified by being corrected.

But I would suggest that you truly seek God and find out if you are truly following as he commands.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
I pray the same for you :(
I know you can't see it, nor do you agree, but I still pray for it, and hope that the joy and love of God will one day come into your heart.

Thanks but I left my pagan idols behind when I repented. I was blessed by God with peace like a river when I repented, the same can be true for you, but you have to love God more than yourself.


Well-known member
# "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13. "Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." Romans 1:32.
# See also Leviticus 18:22, Genesis 19, Romans 1:18-32, I Corinthians 6:9-11, I Timothy 1:10, and Jude 7.

Is this a wrong intereppation?


New member
I asked you to go to your God.
I notice that you are resisted.

What could possibly be wrong with saying to God, "so, how am I doing at TOL. I've been questioned. Please search my heart and tell me how I should go forward. Am I being a good steward" And then, be silent for a long time, and listen.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
Seriously, Nin - go home

um... I am :)

and just sit and ask God about what i said.

God still says sodomy is a sin and you need to acept Christ.

If I'm wrong, he'll say nothing.

Your god, the one that condones your behavior doesn't say anything, it's an idol.

If I'm right, you will be edified by being corrected.

And if God is right, you are still seperated from Him.

But I would suggest that you truly seek God and find out if you are truly following as he commands.

Perhaps you should follow your own advice?


New member
drbrumley said:
So what does Phelps say that in unbiblical about sodomy?

Go to the site.
He speaks about it a lot.

The topic of the thread: Is that behavior in keeping with what Christ taught?


New member
Nineveh said:
um... I am :)
God still says sodomy is a sin and you need to acept Christ.
Your god, the one that condones your behavior doesn't say anything, it's an idol.
And if God is right, you are still seperated from Him.
Perhaps you should follow your own advice?

I made a statement about you.
You made it about me.

I will follow my own advice, and will seek God's understanding, and have him review my words and actions.
I encourage you to do the same.



Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
I asked you to go to your God.
I notice that you are resisted.

What could possibly be wrong with saying to God, "so, how am I doing at TOL. I've been questioned. Please search my heart and tell me how I should go forward. Am I being a good steward" And then, be silent for a long time, and listen.

I know what my God has to say. He wrote it down in a Book you often mock. Why do I need to ask questions I have the answers to?

"God, should I be silent while a sodimte slaughters the Bible in defence of his homosexuality?"


Well-known member
I am aware of Phelps. I find nothing wrong. Of course you would find Phelps in the wrong when he is speaking to you.