Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

Is calling Beanieboy a . . .

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Okay...I have sat back reading this thread for some time, and will now make my statement on what I think about using the term "faggot" for any homosexual, which will be in agreeance with some, but not others, as will always be the case in this thing we cal 'life'.
I do not agree with using this derogatory remark for homosexuals...the Bible uses the word 'homosexuals' within its pages and nowhere is the term 'faggot' used. If the Lord Jesus had used the term' faggot', then I would maybe condone its useage. His use of the words ' brood of vipers' and 'hypoctites' I do condone. The term 'faggot' in my opinion, which is purely my personal opinion and does not therefore need to be adhered to by others, is not going to make any homosexual sit there and listen to the rest of your preaching the Gospel message of love and reconciliation to the Father, but rather look at you as a hypocrite in your not exemplifying the love of Christ.
Sure...that is not 'Truthsmacking' them, and is sugar coating the message of eternal damnation for being homosexual as stated in the Bible. But did Jesus Truthsmack the woman caught in adultery? Didn't he just nicely say to her, "Go and sin no more."..and because of His kinder, loving attitude to her, I believe she went away and did repent of her sins. He did not call her a "whore" or a "slut" or any other derogatory names. If He had, it makes me wonder what path she would have indeed taken? I know which one I maybe would have probably taken...

I am not defending is not what the Lord wants, but then again, as you would know too, I do not believe that execution for homosexuals is right [ and I am not going to argue on that point. I stand on what I believe and it is up to the Lord if I am to be judged wrong and convicted on that point]. I just believe that homosexuals are going to be more open to conversion to the will of God, if the Gospel is delivered from a kind word, rather than having a mouthful of derogatory terms thrown at them. I have a very close relative, someone near and dear to me and whom I have and always will love, who was a lesbian for many years. She came to the Lord through hearing how much He loved her and wanted her to live in His light. The message was delivered with love, not flaming arrows of hate, and was therefore effective. She now works diligently for His cause though remaining single, as she cannot still have a 'normal' relationship due to issues from the past .
That's my slant on this topic...somewhere in there, I think that I did say that Christ did not use the term 'faggot' so for that reason and the others mentioned, I do not believe that using that term for BeanieBoy is Christ like.


julie21 said:
If the Lord Jesus had used the term' faggot', then I would maybe condone its useage.

What words did Jesus use that you would "maybe" condone? In other words, do you not condone some of His words?


New member
wholearmor said:
What words did Jesus use that you would "maybe" condone? In other words, do you not condone some of His words?
Read the post again...'brood of vipers'....'hypocrite'.
If He had used 'faggot' then that, but He did not.


But the 'Freddy Mercury' joke wouldn't have worked very well during the 1st Century, neither would the automobile jokes.....


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BillyBob said:
He didn't use the term 'gay', either.
You are 100% correct there as well. And neither did I use that term.
I do believe though that as pointed out in another thread re 'name calling', that the terms used can carry different tones...' faggot' is generally taken within today's society as a derogatory term, 'name calling' in fact, whereas the term ' gay' is looked upon as not being used to be antagonistic; merely a socially accepted term for 'homosexual' with no antagonistic tone attached.


I call straight guys gay and mean it in a derogatory fashion. Now what do you think of that word?

Point being, I am not going to limit the words I use based on the words Jesus used. He never used the words 'Hypocrites' or 'vipers' either. As far as I know, neither of those words are Aramaic. :think:
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beanieboy said:
My belief is that one should return cursing with blessing. The reason is that if someone curses you, you curse them, and it doesn't stop. So, you return blessing. You turn the other cheek. You break the chain.

Perhaps. Do I think it is always necessary to name call? No. Should name calling be the preferred method of communication when conversing with someone? No, it shouldn't, however, name calling can serve a purpose. While I agree that derogatory remarks serve no purpose other than to harm the person the remark is aimed at, sometimes it's necessary to harm someone. Jesus' use of derogatory remarks in the Bible is case in point. I believe His intention was to show these people that they were in harm's way. He wanted to wake them up! Sometimes a person needs to be woke up. Don't you think?


julie21 said:
Read the post again...'brood of vipers'....'hypocrite'.
If He had used 'faggot' then that, but He did not.

You read your post again. You said if Jesus used the term, faggot, then "maybe" you would condone it.


wholearmor said:
You read your post again. You said if Jesus used the term, faggot, then "maybe" you would condone it.

That's how I interpreted that post too, WA.

[FYI. Julie is a favored poster and any disagreement I may have with her does not extend beyond this topic]


julie21 said:
I have a very close relative, someone near and dear to me and whom I have and always will love, who was a lesbian for many years. She came to the Lord through hearing how much He loved her and wanted her to live in His light. The message was delivered with love, not flaming arrows of hate, and was therefore effective. She now works diligently for His cause though remaining single, as she cannot still have a 'normal' relationship due to issues from the past .
That's my slant on this topic...somewhere in there, I think that I did say that Christ did not use the term 'faggot' so for that reason and the others mentioned, I do not believe that using that term for BeanieBoy is Christ like.

How was your relative confronted with her sin? What exact words were used? Was she told she was a sinner?
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The Dark Knight
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On Fire said:
Wow. How sad is this statement?
Okay, I admit, that came out wrong.

What I mean is that if we think we're okay, and don't realize how worthless we are, then why would we think we need Christ? beanieboy doesn't think he needs to change. He thinks he's perfectly okay the way he is. And that's wrong. And just telling him he needs to change isn't working. And nothing will work until he realizes just how disgusting, worthless, vile, etc. he is. And how Christ wants to change all that. He has to want change, and patting him on th back and saying, "You're okay, it's just that you're a sinner... we all are, and God wants to save you. But it's okay," isn't going to do squat. Because it's a lie.


New member
BillyBob...hypocrite = Matthew 7:5 re taking out the 'plank from thine eye ' for the 'brood of vipers' I will stand corrected, as I am sure others who believed this will also take note.
I am not a student of Aramaic, therefore can only use the translatins I have here.