I'm Not Anti-Christian - I'm anti-theocracy

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Murder objectively violates the rights of others. Same with stealing. Same with abiding by deuteronomy chapter 13. That's why we don't allow these things. My standard is respect for the basic human rights laid out in the constitution. If you want a theocracy, might I suggest Uganda or Pakistan or Iran? Basically just get in a plane and find a horrible hell hole. Chances are, it'll turn out to be exactly what you're looking for. Somehow though, I doubt you'll be happy when you get it.

Thankfully, religion is on the decline. Especially your religion. Senseless murder of innocent people just isn't as popular as it used to be. Tough for you. Just take a look at the next generation. They're already digging a grave to unceremoniously dump your dream of a theocracy into.

Our theocracy is the kingdom of heaven...Jesus Christ is our King, it is just our hard lot that while we await our Master we have to dwell among His enemies.


New member
Murder objectively violates the rights of others. Same with stealing. Same with abiding by deuteronomy chapter 13. That's why we don't allow these things. My standard is respect for the basic human rights laid out in the constitution.
Where do you think they come from, these so-called "rights" you are claiming to have?
Why do you even think you have any of those so-called "rights"?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Only for people like you who must, for some reason, view everything in right/wrong terms.

Murder is not illegal because it is wrong. It is illegal because it is prohibitive to the survival of the society. Morality has nothing to do with it.

What a mess:

"It is illegal because it is prohibitive to the survival of the society."-you

So, you assert that the survival of the society is "good"/right, and the "un survival" of it is "bad"/wrong.

That's a moral judgment on your part, deceiver, despite any spin to the contrary.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Exactly what "morality" was the guiding element for the Missouri Extermination Order of 1838? Was that a legitimate example of Biblical based jurisprudence?

Misdirection. Pay attention:

How do you decide what laws should be made? Let me guess: Feelings? What you think is right? What's your standard? Ours is the bible.

Laws, by definition, are an imposition of morality. Dig?

Your "argument" is not with having a standard. No, your issue is that you don't like mine.

Tough. Sit down.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The bible is mostly about psychotic mass murder of innocent men women and children. deuteronomy chapter 13.

So, you just don't like the standard, do you, punk?

That is the issue, despite your "smoke screen."

Tough. What is your standard?


New member
What a mess:

"It is illegal because it is prohibitive to the survival of the society."-you


So, you assert that the survival of the society is "good"/right, and the "un survival" of it is "bad"/wrong.

No. Good and right are not always synonyms. This is the biggest struggle I have when talking with religious people.

For example, if I stole the 10,000 dollars from you, it would be good for me, but not right.

Laws are, or should be, set up to protect what is best for the survival of the people, not what is right for them. Sometimes good and right match, but not always.

That's a moral judgment on your part, deceiver, despite any spin to the contrary.


Survival is not a moral judgment. Are you suggesting that when elephants herd tightly together when a predator is near, they are doing so out of some moral obligation to protect eachother? No. They are doing it because it is how they survive the best as a whole.



New member
I do. And what I see gives you people zero to complain about.
Then you aren't really looking, are you?

You guys have had the run of the place for an extremely long time. And for the first time, really, in decades--if not ever--people aren't buying what you're selling and are free to say so. They're even free to openly mock you, which is something many believers loathe. This turn of events unnerves evangelicals because they're not used to open, actual disagreement. You confuse this with "persecution" when really it's just an expression of the pluralistic society you live in.
America was founded under Christian laws, you know.
Agreement of the Settlers at Exeter in New Hampshire, 1639

Whereas it hath pleased the Lord to move the Heart of our dread Sovereigns Charles by the Grace of God King &c. to grant Licence and Libertye to sundry of his subjects to plant themselves in the Westerlle parts of America. We his loyal Subjects Brethern of the Church in Exeter situate and lying upon the River Pascataqua with other Inhabitants there, considering with ourselves the holy Will of God and o'er own Necessity that we should not live without wholesomne Lawes and Civil Government among us of which we are altogether destitute; do in the name of Christ and in the sight of God combine ourselves together to erect and set up among us such Government as shall be to our best discerning agreeable to the Will of God professing ourselves Subjects to our Sovereign Lord King Charles according to the Libertyes of our English Colony of Massachusetts, and binding of ourselves solemnly by the Grace and Help of Christ and in His Name and fear to submit ourselves to such Godly and Christian Lawes as are established in the realm of England to our best Knowledge, and to all other such Lawes which shall upon good grounds be made and enacted among us according to God that we may live quietly and peaceably together in all godliness and honesty. Mo. 8. D. 4. 1639 as attests our Hands.​

Explains why so many of you hate this country so much: You don't want a seat at the table, you want the only seat.
You have it backwards. It is the liberal anti-Christians that hate this country and want the only seat at the table.


New member
Hall of Fame
Then you aren't really looking, are you?

Sure I have. I see a predominantly Christian nation soaked in Christian ritual and symbolism filled with Christians who whine because they're being "persecuted." Rod Sterling would've had a field day.

America was founded under Christian laws, you know.

No, it was not. Idiocy.

You have it backwards. It is the liberal anti-Christians that hate this country and want the only seat at the table.

Duckspeak. Do you have a single original thought in your head? Serious question.


Well-known member
Misdirection. Pay attention:

How do you decide what laws should be made? Let me guess: Feelings? What you think is right? What's your standard? Ours is the bible.
Total conjecture (feelings) on your part.

Laws, by definition, are an imposition of morality. Dig?
Your definition. Merriam-Webster makes no such distinction.

Again, exactly WHAT "morality" was the guiding principal upon which the MEO of 1838 was based?

CRICKETS (no pun intended)

Your "argument" is not with having a standard. No, your issue is that you don't like mine.
Misdirection. Non sequitur. Answer the question.
Tough. Sit down.
Pfffft muahahahahaha! :rotfl:


New member
Sure I have. I see a predominantly Christian nation soaked in Christian ritual and symbolism filled with Christians who whine because they're being "persecuted." Rod Sterling would've had a field day.
So, you are not just blind, you are a complete idiot as well?
You see a nation founded by Christians that fled to America so they would have a place they could live according to their religious beliefs without oppression, and now this same nation is forcing Christians out of their businesses in order to cater to the desires of sexual perverts.

No, it was not. Idiocy.
There was a time when schools taught American History instead of the fiction they are teaching now.

Duckspeak. Do you have a single original thought in your head? Serious question.

Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors - it's how you combine them that sets you apart.

~Wolfgang Puck


New member
Gay people should have the right to a speedy fair trial with two or three eye witnesses and a swift public execution, as should any other person that commits such a horrendous violation of the rules needed for a strong society.
You are denying them those rights, just as you are denying the 97% of America that is not "gay" the right to live in a stable society.
any society that engages in the mass murder and genocide you fantasize about isn't stable.

Isn't it amazing how great America became as a nation when there was Christian prayer in school and the Bible was used as a textbook?
Isn't it appalling how despicable American has become since Christianity was outlawed in school?

So what?
Christianity is not outlawed in schools. religious indoctrination however is


New member
Hall of Fame
You see a nation founded by Christians that fled to America so they would have a place they could live according to their religious beliefs without oppression, and now this same nation is forcing Christians out of their businesses in order to cater to the desires of sexual perverts.

What is this, the McDisney version of American history peddled within the Christian Bubble these days?

There was a time when schools taught American History instead of the fiction they are teaching now.

Although I see the fiction taught by Christians to other Christians to reinforce their fantasies remains unchanged since my days in a private school.


New member
Thanks for conceding that your an actress/fraud.

I do not need a 12 year old, who is a little kid, to tell me anything.
I was thinking the same thing about you

Translated: Emotionalism....Pouting...Kicking your feet....Tantrum....as the tike thinks that everyone is trying to gyp him out of his Blow Pops.
again - what a coincidence


Hall of Fame
I think there is FAR more persecution of christians going on in the US than anyone will admit. Certainly ahteists do not like to admit that they are perseucting christians.. (and liberals ditto)

My life situation is NOT good right now and i know 4 a FACT it is b/c I am being persecuted by liberals, whether they call themselves that or not

long, bizarre story but i know what i am talking about. You don't... so you can't criticize me or say i am screaming Persecution when i am not being persecuted

how exactly are atheists persecuting you?

i dont get into my private business on the internet

Then of course, your explanation is that we simply have to take your word for it, eh?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Total conjecture (feelings) on your part.

Your definition. Merriam-Webster makes no such distinction.

Again, exactly WHAT "morality" was the guiding principal upon which the MEO of 1838 was based?

CRICKETS (no pun intended)

Misdirection. Non sequitur. Answer the question.

Pfffft muahahahahaha! :rotfl:

Did our hero answer the question?:
How do you decide what laws should be made? Let me guess: Feelings? What you think is right? What's your standard? Ours is the bible.

Nope-punt.No, you are to answer mine, as I am the director here, and you are the dancer. Sit, until you do.

A law is an imposition of morality(right/wrong), restriction or prescription on what you cannot do, or what you must do . Agreement with it is irrelevant, as you are compelled to obey it, i.e., to behave as if you believe the law is right, and good.