I'm Not Anti-Christian - I'm anti-theocracy

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Tens of millions of people over period of thousands of years, people of all races, of all ranks and status, whether high or low, rich or poor, ignorant or well educated all agree the Bhagavad Gita is a source from higher knowledge

Are these not the Billions who languish in dire poverty, starvation, natural disaster, generation after weary generation?...they know not the true God. You would find if you were to make just a little study of church history that wherever the church has gone and the gospel been given free rein those nations have prospered.

Civil society has sprung up.


New member
Are these not the Billions who languish in dire poverty, starvation, natural disaster, generation after weary generation?...they know not the true God. You would find if you were to make just a little study of church history that wherever the church has gone and the gospel been given free rein those nations have prospered.

Civil society has sprung up.


Otherwise you really missed my point there

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
All laws are an enforcement of morality. Everyone wants to enforce some morality, and nobody wants to enforce all morality. All political debates come down to what kind of morality should be enforced and how much morality should be enforced.

If everyone could agree on this really obvious point, we'd be a lot better off. But way too many people, conservatives, liberals, AND libertarians, are too stupid to do so.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's pretty simple. Any civilized society (or something resembling) has laws against murder, rape, child molestation, abuse, violent assault, torture, kidnapping and theft.

Any "state" that wants to impose laws infringing on the human rights of adults where it comes to consenting relations is an oppressive dictatorship and doesn't fly in the West, nor should it. Don't like it? Then keep whining or move to somewhere more suited.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
It's pretty simple. Any civilized society

Define "civilized" and explain why I should accept your standard.

(or something resembling)

See above.

has laws against murder,

Well, except for the unborn, you're allowed to murder them with impunity. But again, why should murder be illegal? You need a foundational reason.

rape, child molestation, abuse, violent assault

Why should any of these things be illegal? What's your basis?

[And if some idiot reads this as advocating legalizing these things rather than challenging the underlying presuppositions, please go listen to Sye Ten Bruggencate before you waste my time with it :p

Well, except the US and Guantanamo Bay (its a shame that most conservatives don't care about this blatant hypocrisy.) But then, my worldview gives me a basis to challenge the legitimacy of such. Yours does not.

kidnapping and theft.

Well, unless the government is the perpetrator, but again, why do you object? What's your presupposition?

Any "state" that wants to impose laws infringing on the human rights

Are you sure "rights" exist? How? Many philosophers deny the idea of rights. do you have a presuppositional ground from which to disagree? I do.

of adults where it comes to consenting relations is an oppressive dictatorship

First off, this doesn't even logically make sense. "dictatorship" is something that deals with the form of government, not the content. Theoretically a dictatorship could protect every human right except the right to elections (if you believe that's an inherent right.) Theoretically a Republic could implement Biblical law (which is my preferred method of doing so, BTW.)

Second of all, why is "consensual" the standard? And, are you consistent here? Should incestuous polygamous marriages be allowed as long as all parties consent? Group marriages? Either way, what's yuor presupposition?

and doesn't fly in the West, nor should it.

But you have only your personal standards by which to claim this. Why shouldn't everyone just ignore them?

Don't like it? Then keep whining or move to somewhere more suited.


#1: God exists

#2: You Know God Exists

#3: You hate him

#4: You thus lack any philosophical foundation for truth, which leaves you in a position where you cannot do anything but whine about your opponents "whining" and telling them to either love things as they are or leave.

#5: The very few intelligent people in the world laugh at you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Define "civilized" and explain why I should accept your standard.

A society that doesn't tolerate petty bigoted prejudice based on race, creed, orientation and the 'desire' to harm those that don't fall under the desired remit - aka executing gay folk for a start.

See above.


Well, except for the unborn, you're allowed to murder them with impunity. But again, why should murder be illegal? You need a foundational reason.

The foundational reason being ethics and common sense.

Why should any of these things be illegal? What's your basis?

Plywood, else see the above.

[And if some idiot reads this as advocating legalizing these things rather than challenging the underlying presuppositions, please go listen to Sye Ten Bruggencate before you waste my time with it :p

Oh, I'm sure you consider most people to be idiots in relation to yourself as it is already.

Well, except the US and Guantanamo Bay (its a shame that most conservatives don't care about this blatant hypocrisy.) But then, my worldview gives me a basis to challenge the legitimacy of such. Yours does not.

What exactly do you know about 'my worldview'? Please do share your telepathy here.

Well, unless the government is the perpetrator, but again, why do you object? What's your presupposition?

Conscience? Morality? Ethics? Then again it's all okay with you if people starve to death if they can't work and can't get help outside of charity so what's your 'presupposition' exactly?

Are you sure "rights" exist? How? Many philosophers deny the idea of rights. do you have a presuppositional ground from which to disagree? I do.

I have the right to disagree with you without being carted off in an unmarked car so yeah, I have rights. :rolleyes:

First off, this doesn't even logically make sense. "dictatorship" is something that deals with the form of government, not the content. Theoretically a dictatorship could protect every human right except the right to elections (if you believe that's an inherent right.) Theoretically a Republic could implement Biblical law (which is my preferred method of doing so, BTW.)

So you don't see any correlation with a dictatorship and authoritarianism?

Second of all, why is "consensual" the standard? And, are you consistent here? Should incestuous polygamous marriages be allowed as long as all parties consent? Group marriages? Either way, what's yuor presupposition?

Incest has been addressed a myriad times on this forum already. Heck, even you've seen the responses to aCW enough times on that very topic. It wouldn't appeal to me whatsoever to have polygamous relations but then it doesn't appeal to me to see folk 'swiftly and publicly executed' for such either.

But you have only your personal standards by which to claim this. Why shouldn't everyone just ignore them?

Why shouldn't everyone just ignore yours by the same token? Your political positions seem to fluctuate like a leaf on the wind as it is so what gives you any credence? A belief?


#1: God exists

#2: You Know God Exists

#3: You hate him

#4: You thus lack any philosophical foundation for truth, which leaves you in a position where you cannot do anything but whine about your opponents "whining" and telling them to either love things as they are or leave.

#5: The very few intelligent people in the world laugh at you.

I'm not an atheist so these varying options are irrelevant and your fifth one only goes to underline that precocious arrogance you've exhibited monotonously as it is, whereby you're really referring to yourself with an exaggerated air of pomp and grandeur as per bloody usual.


New member
No, the government is the force, forcing people to carry insurance that covers it. Loads of lawsuits happening right now over it.
I can't see many of those lawsuits sticking, I really don't know much about it though. I will need to read into it.