I'm Not Anti-Christian - I'm anti-theocracy

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You? a saint? :rotfl:

Yes. Memorize that word.


Learned that from "Teen Magazine," or "Seventeen," did you? You're a teen? ROFLMAO! You taught me that.

Translation: I can't actually respond so I will toss around insults and 40 year old cultural references and hope no one notices my insecurities

Thanks for the psychobabble, Dr. Laura/Phil. The hit parades of cliches marches on...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I have twenty bucks that says John W can't post one single post that makes any sort of sense. It is like reading an essay from a 2nd grader about what they did on summer vacation.

Stock cliche. You're starting to bore me.

The Ernie Douglas, Jr. "classic:"

Y"ep, murder is wrong because I say so.."-Quetzal


New member
A law is an imposition of morality(right/wrong), restriction or prescription on what you cannot do't do. Agreement with it is irrelevant, as you , are compelled to obey it, i.e., to behave as if you believe the law is right, and good.

"Not my thing. Legally speaking, my standard starts with the US constitution. Of course, you're no different than al-Qaida saying you need to fallow their religious standards. At least my standards are based on objective reality."-you

That is my point, sport, in addressing the issue/topic:

"Your issue is not having a standard, but you don't dig our standard.

Identify yours.Name your standard, by which you assess right/wrong(morals). " -the great saint John W

"Of course, you're no different than al-Qaida saying you need to fallow their religious standards. At least my standards are based on objective reality."-you

My standards, as contained in the bible, are objective reality. You can debate that, but that's not the OP.

See how that works?

Misdirection on your part. My argument is that it's disingenous to criticize my/our standard, the bible, and misdirection. Everyone has a standard-you just don't like mine/ours.

Now, sit down.

So, your point is I can't criticize your standard? Your standard is the murder of innocent men women and children. Your standard is the lowest of standards. Your standard is without merritt and without honor. Your standard lacks love and compassion. Your standard lacks concern for your fellow man. That is genuine criticism of your standard. Thus, I have proven that I can criticize your standard.

An invisible man in the sky is not objective reality. It is not observable. It is also arbitrary as one could just as easily go with Ra, Shiva, Zeus or Thor. These imaginary sky daddies are equally not observable and there is equal evidence of their existence as for your imaginary sky daddy. If your standard is objective reality, so is the standard of all the other imaginary sky daddies.

So if your point is I can't criticize your standard, well I just did.



New member
"We impose it because we don't like being murdered, raped, stolen from. We have standards just like you have standards."-you

That's my point, punk, i.e., that everyone has standards. Pay attention to Horn's "argument."

And you lied, when you said:

"Yep, murder is wrong because I say so.."-Quetzal


Knock off imitating me. I'm flattered, but you can't pull it off, as I can, as you don't have the flare, power, and authority/clout, that I have. Dig? good.

Sure we all have standards. Difference is mine isn't psychotic.

You think you have power and authority? You want a psychotic theocracy. If you have so much power, why haven't you turned the world into a psychotic theocracy? So far all you've managed to do is talk while the world and the US more specifically ignores you and your imaginary sky daddy. Some power you have.

You're irrelevant. Just look at the pew study, grand pa. The next generation is going to bury your dream of a theocracy right next to you. Sit down.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There's a reason that chucklehead's been on the ignore list for a while. The entertainment value peters out once you realize he's...not joking.:noway:

Corkie the clown muzes," ignore?"

The great saint John W's page:

This page has had 15,148 visits


Corkie's "ignored" "page:"

This page has had 2,698 visits


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So, your point is I can't criticize your standard?

No. Pay attention. Read my first point, where Horn "argues" against Christians using our standard, by which we make moral judgments.

Slower: The issue is not having a standard, as everyone has one. The issue is that you don't like mine/ours.

Your standard is the murder of innocent men women and children. Your standard is the lowest of standards. Your standard is without merritt and without honor. Your standard lacks love and compassion. Your standard lacks concern for your fellow man. That is genuine criticism of your standard. Thus, I have proven that I can criticize your standard.

Quite irrelevant.

Slower: The issue is not having a standard, or themerits of any particular standard, as everyone has one. The issue is that you don't like mine/ours. My argument against Horn's "argument."

Your disagreement with our standard, phrased in emotional pinings, is quite besides my/the point.

An invisible man in the sky is not objective reality. It is not observable. It is also arbitrary as one could just as easily go with Ra, Shiva, Zeus or Thor. These imaginary sky daddies are equally not observable and there is equal evidence of their existence as for your imaginary sky daddy. If your standard is objective reality, so is the standard of all the other imaginary sky daddies.

Quite irrelevant.

Slower: The issue is not having a standard, or themerits of any particular standard, as everyone has one. The issue is that you don't like mine/ours. My argument against Horn's "argument."

Your disagreement with our standard, phrased in emotional pinings, is quite besides my/the point.

It is not observable/"invisible."


By that "argument:"

-You are not observable/visible
-Electricity, wind, love, hate, fear, ............are not "observable."

In law, contracts are "invisible."

"Motive" in law, is also.


But, that's quite besides the point-off topic. Nice rabbit trail, Bunny Rabbit.

So if your point is I can't criticize your standard, well I just did.

I never said that. Knock yourself out, on another thread. It's called debating....arguing...persuasion.....points of view.

Quite irrelevant.

Slower: The issue is not having a standard, or themerits of any particular standard, as everyone has one. The issue is that you don't like mine/ours. My argument against Horn's "argument."

Your disagreement with our standard, phrased in emotional pinings, is quite besides my/the point.

I understand, and again, I'm flattered. Many attempt to imitate the great saint John W.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Sure we all have standards. Difference is mine isn't psychotic.

You think you have power and authority? You want a psychotic theocracy. If you have so much power, why haven't you turned the world into a psychotic theocracy? So far all you've managed to do is talk while the world and the US more specifically ignores you and your imaginary sky daddy. Some power you have.

You're irrelevant. Just look at the pew study, grand pa. The next generation is going to bury your dream of a theocracy right next to you. Sit down.


That's my point, punk, i.e., that everyone has standards. Pay attention to Horn's "argument."

And you(Quetzal) lied, when you said:

"Yep, murder is wrong because I say so.."-Quetzal

Nice emotional rant. Weighty.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Sure we all have standards. Difference is mine isn't psychotic.

I stay on topic. Quite irrelevant.

Slower: The issue is not having a standard, or the merits of any particular standard, as everyone has one. The issue is that you don't like mine/ours. My argument against Horn's "argument."

Your disagreement with our standard, phrased in emotional pinings, is quite besides my/the point.


New member
I stay on topic. Quite irrelevant.

Slower: The issue is not having a standard, or the merits of any particular standard, as everyone has one. The issue is that you don't like mine/ours. My argument against Horn's "argument."

Your disagreement with our standard, phrased in emotional pinings, is quite besides my/the point.
I don't even know who horn is. This whole discussion is irrelevant because your standard is irrelevant because it's based on religion so the constitution bars it from becoming law. I don't really care about what argument you're having with horn. Have fun.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't even know who horn is. This whole discussion is irrelevant because your standard is irrelevant because it's based on religion so the constitution bars it from becoming law. I don't really care about what argument you're having with horn. Have fun.

There you go, folks. The droid is engaging in a "debate," and does not even know that "Horn" started the thread, which means, if we are sane, that he did not read the thread starter, Horn's "argument," and he is here, spamming his point of view, that is quite irrelevant, because he does not know the respective arguments, or he's on pot.

The thread-
"The Horn... I'm Not Anti-Christian - I'm anti-theocracy - May 13th, 2015, 03:21 PM

"Christians cannot and must not have "special rights ". They cannot use their religious beliefs as an excuse to demand that our government make laws based on THEIR religious beliefs ."-Horn

Sit down, Little Joe, until I decide to recognize you. Am I clear? Good.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yep, murder is wrong because I say so.."-Quetzal

=Log in, losen up, and, kaboom........ lose your mind...

patrick jane

There you go, folks. The droid is engaging in a "debate," and does not even know that "Horn" started the thread, which means, if we are sane, that he did not read the thread starter, Horn's "argument," and he is here, spamming his point of view, that is quite irrelevant, because he does not know the respective arguments, or he's on pot.

The thread-
"The Horn... I'm Not Anti-Christian - I'm anti-theocracy - May 13th, 2015, 03:21 PM

"Christians cannot and must not have "special rights ". They cannot use their religious beliefs as an excuse to demand that our government make laws based on THEIR religious beliefs ."-Horn

Sit down, Little Joe, until I decide to recognize you. Am I clear? Good.

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame

"Oh, Meester Cawtwright....."

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Sure we all have standards. Difference is mine isn't psychotic.

You think you have power and authority? You want a psychotic theocracy. If you have so much power, why haven't you turned the world into a psychotic theocracy? So far all you've managed to do is talk while the world and the US more specifically ignores you and your imaginary sky daddy. Some power you have.

You're irrelevant. Just look at the pew study, grand pa. The next generation is going to bury your dream of a theocracy right next to you. Sit down.

I agree with you the coming Antichrist will set out to and will practically succeed in trampling down ALL religion, everything called God.

God told us that when the church was young and in conquering going forth to conquer...there seemed no end in the church's multiplying.

After the church has all but been destroyed and this coming world king [whose prophet you are] has himself sat down and declared that he the Man of sin is God.

Everyone will cheer and applaud, they will celebrate the death of religion as the cause [according to their crooked minds] of all the troubles in the world.

Then will come our Lord Jesus in the clouds of glory and we will come with Him or if any are still alive and remain they will rise to meet the Lord and His saints in the clouds.