I'm Not Anti-Christian - I'm anti-theocracy


New member
There you go, folks. The droid is engaging in a "debate," and does not even know that "Horn" started the thread, which means, if we are sane, that he did not read the thread starter, Horn's "argument," and he is here, spamming his point of view, that is quite irrelevant, because he does not know the respective arguments, or he's on pot.

The thread-
"The Horn... I'm Not Anti-Christian - I'm anti-theocracy - May 13th, 2015, 03:21 PM

"Christians cannot and must not have "special rights ". They cannot use their religious beliefs as an excuse to demand that our government make laws based on THEIR religious beliefs ."-Horn

Sit down, Little Joe, until I decide to recognize you. Am I clear? Good.

The US constitution says Horn is right and you're wrong. Sorry, that ends it because you can't do much about. You want special rights to enforce your religion? US military stands with the constitution. You can't beat the military so you lose, you don't get special privileges and gay people get to marry and there's nothing you can do about it. Now bark out meaningless less. I don't care, because you can't do anything to gain power over me and all the other godless heathens.


New member
I agree with you the coming Antichrist will set out to and will practically succeed in trampling down ALL religion, everything called God.

God told us that when the church was young and in conquering going forth to conquer...there seemed no end in the church's multiplying.

After the church has all but been destroyed and this coming world king [whose prophet you are] has himself sat down and declared that he the Man of sin is God.

Everyone will cheer and applaud, they will celebrate the death of religion as the cause [according to their crooked minds] of all the troubles in the world.

Then will come our Lord Jesus in the clouds of glory and we will come with Him or if any are still alive and remain they will rise to meet the Lord and His saints in the clouds.
Great, I understand your claims, now if you could just provide solid scientific evidence...

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Great, I understand your claims, now if you could just provide solid scientific evidence...

We have revelation which is a higher science, the proof is that what God says has always and will always come to pass.

In the last days will come perilous times for men will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, loud boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents. unthankful, unholy....is this you?


New member
We have revelation which is a higher science, the proof is that what God says has always and will always come to pass.

In the last days will come perilous times for men will be lovers of their own selves, covetous, loud boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents. unthankful, unholy....is this you?

How can literature be considered science?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
How can literature be considered science?

It can if it's source is from a higher knowledge. It is no good saying it doesn't, not if tens of millions of people over period of thousands of years, people of all races, of all ranks and status, whether high or low, rich or poor, ignorant or well educated all agree.

There have been more Christian scientists than atheist.


New member
I have twenty bucks that says John W can't post one single post that makes any sort of sense. It is like reading an essay from a 2nd grader about what they did on summer vacation.

I've got forty bucks that says he's making more sense than you.

I'll donate it to the KJVOnly cause.


New member
You are amusing, nothing more than a side-show clown.

I'm having trouble spotting the difference: Can you help me out?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The US constitution says Horn is right and you're wrong. Sorry, that ends it because you can't do much about.

The bible says the great saint John W, speaking as the ambassador for the LORD God, Jesus Christ, is right and you're wrong. Sorry, that ends it because you can't do much about.

So there. See how that works, Frank Burns?

The issue:
Everyone has a standard.

Mine/members of the Body of Christ: The bible.

Frank Burns/others:

The US Constitution, their minds, "feelings," emotionalism.........

Contrasts. I like 'em, Frankie.

You want special rights to enforce your religion?

You made that up. What "special rights" would that be, Frank Burns? Show me where I asserted that.

"Enforce your religion," eh tough guy Frankie?

False dichotomy. I have every right, to persuade others of my point of view, based upon my standard, the bible. The US Constitution declares that, Frankie. Accept it, rabbit trail one.

You, to one who wants to "enforce" their objection to murder, incest, rape, theft.................:

"You want special rights to enforce your standards against murder, incest, rape, theft!!! Stop it!!!"

See how that works, Frank?

US military stands with the constitution. You can't beat the military so you lose, ...

Quite irrelevant...Change the subject....Rabbit trail...

Nice, Bunny Rabbit...Nice...

you don't get special privileges and gay people get to marry and there's nothing you can do about it.

What "special privileges" would that be, Frank?

No, Frank, the issue is not that sodomites want "special privileges" "Sorry"(you taught me that cliche/filler), they/you want acceptance of their sin. That's not going to happen, and "there's nothing you can do about it."

So there. See how that works, Frank? See Spot run, Jane. Run to Frank, Spot!!! Fun!!!

Now bark out meaningless less. I don't care, because you can't do anything to gain power over me and all the other godless heathens.

It took you a day and a half to come up with that jewel, Frank? Tell me that is your best slam dunk debate ender. Please?

Now, I told you to sit down, and be quiet, until I decide to recognize you.

patrick jane

The US constitution says Horn is right and you're wrong. Sorry, that ends it because you can't do much about. You want special rights to enforce your religion? US military stands with the constitution. You can't beat the military so you lose, you don't get special privileges and gay people get to marry and there's nothing you can do about it. Now bark out meaningless less. I don't care, because you can't do anything to gain power over me and all the other godless heathens.

nobody wants to gain power over you and the heathens or the gays - God Is the Power- you'll see in the end - :patrol:

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New member
It can if it's source is from a higher knowledge. It is no good saying it doesn't, not if tens of millions of people over period of thousands of years, people of all races, of all ranks and status, whether high or low, rich or poor, ignorant or well educated all agree.
Tens of millions of people over period of thousands of years, people of all races, of all ranks and status, whether high or low, rich or poor, ignorant or well educated all also agreed that the earth was flat once, too. They also believed the Earth was the center of the universe and your very own Bible claimed that there was a layer of water in the sky. Point being, just because something is widely accepted, it doesn't mean it is correct.


New member
It can if it's source is from a higher knowledge. It is no good saying it doesn't, not if tens of millions of people over period of thousands of years, people of all races, of all ranks and status, whether high or low, rich or poor, ignorant or well educated all agree.

There have been more Christian scientists than atheist.

Tens of millions of people over period of thousands of years, people of all races, of all ranks and status, whether high or low, rich or poor, ignorant or well educated all agree the Bhagavad Gita is a source from higher knowledge