I'm Not Anti-Christian - I'm anti-theocracy

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
the law could easily be to drive on the left hand side of the road. Right and left are just arbitrary so again what morality is imposed by the law stating that vehicles are to driven on the right hand side of the road?

Nice misdirection. Observe, the deception of Frank:

"A law is an imposition of morality(right/wrong), restriction or prescription on what you cannot do't do. Agreement with it is irrelevant, as you , are compelled to obey it, i.e., to behave as if you believe the law is right, and good."-saint John W

"what morality is imposed by the law stating that vehicles are to driven on the right hand side of the road?"-Frank Burns

My answer:

"Wow, Frank! You really asked that stumper? Try preventing death? You drive on the left side of the road? Why not?And you are in the ring with me? Stay down."-John W

Your "response:"

"the law could easily be to drive on the left hand side of the road. Right and left are just arbitrary so again what morality is imposed by the law stating that vehicles are to driven on the right hand side of the road?"

Getting killed/death. Now, which word do you not understand? Why do you not drive on the left side of the road?

Let me guess:

-"I'm not in England."

Sit down, Col. Clink. You are dismissed.


New member
"We write laws for the purpose of promoting peace and freedom .."

Translated: You made a judgment that "peace," "freedom," are good.

Why are you imposing your beliefs, on me/others?

See how that works?

Thanks for the concession speech.

We the people enforce upon you that you shall not murder, steel, rape because we've decided we don't like to be murdered, raped, stolen from.

Yes, we the people value life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We made that judgment call just like you decided to value an imaginary friend in the sky. We have opposing values. Difference is we have more strength in numbers and might. You can't actually take over the US.


New member
"So, having laws against murder, rape, theft, are merely "the subjective categorization of human behaviors as either “good” and “bad”."-saint John W

"I think that's a fair definition."-Quetzal

There you go, folks-laws against murder, rape, theft..............are merely "the subjective categorization of human behaviors as either “good” and “bad”.

Add that to:

"Yep, murder is wrong because I say so.."-Quetzal

"Got it. OK if I rob you, or others rape/kill your loved ones? It's just, after all, "the subjective categorization of human behaviors as either “good” and “bad”.-saint John W

"Each of those actions have a set of consequences, like any other law."-Quetzal

And? That says NADA. Why does it have consequences? Why impose the law?

Let me guess" Cuz. It is, what it is.

Sit, boo boo.

House John W
We impose it because we don't like being murdered, raped, stolen from. We have standards just like you have standards. Only difference is ours doesn't come from an imaginary friend in the sky. Ours are protected by the most powerful military in the world. Yours? An imaginary friend in the sky.



New member
Nice misdirection. Observe, the deception of Frank:

"A law is an imposition of morality(right/wrong), restriction or prescription on what you cannot do't do. Agreement with it is irrelevant, as you , are compelled to obey it, i.e., to behave as if you believe the law is right, and good."-saint John W

"what morality is imposed by the law stating that vehicles are to driven on the right hand side of the road?"-Frank Burns

My answer:

"Wow, Frank! You really asked that stumper? Try preventing death? You drive on the left side of the road? Why not?And you are in the ring with me? Stay down."-John W

Your "response:"

"the law could easily be to drive on the left hand side of the road. Right and left are just arbitrary so again what morality is imposed by the law stating that vehicles are to driven on the right hand side of the road?"

Getting killed/death. Now, which word do you not understand? Why do you not drive on the left side of the road?

Let me guess:

-"I'm not in England."

Sit down, Col. Clink. You are dismissed.
Your definition is the most arbitrary of all. You arbitrarily picked the imaginary sky daddy of the bible when you could just as well have chosen Thor, Ra, or Shiva. I'd go with Ra if I selecting a standard based on an imaginary sky daddy.


Well-known member
"We write laws for the purpose of promoting peace and freedom .."

Translated: You made a judgment that "peace," "freedom," are good.
I made no such judgment. The founding fathers of this nation, did.
Why are you imposing your beliefs, on me/others?
I'm not. Our collective society is doing that. They believe that to preserve the health and well-being of everyone, collectively, that certain laws needed to be written and enforced. You can call this a moral choice if you want to, or you can call it an immoral choice if you want to. But regardless, what it is, is a functional decision, first and foremost.
See how that works?

Thanks for the concession speech.
What I see in you is someone who does't listen, because all he wants to be is right, … not smart.


New member
Nice misdirection. Observe, the deception of Frank:

"A law is an imposition of morality(right/wrong), restriction or prescription on what you cannot do't do. Agreement with it is irrelevant, as you , are compelled to obey it, i.e., to behave as if you believe the law is right, and good."-saint John W
You? a saint? :rotfl:

"what morality is imposed by the law stating that vehicles are to driven on the right hand side of the road?"-Frank Burns

My answer:

"Wow, Frank! You really asked that stumper? Try preventing death? You drive on the left side of the road? Why not?And you are in the ring with me? Stay down."-John W

Your "response:"

"the law could easily be to drive on the left hand side of the road. Right and left are just arbitrary so again what morality is imposed by the law stating that vehicles are to driven on the right hand side of the road?"

Getting killed/death. Now, which word do you not understand? Why do you not drive on the left side of the road?

Let me guess:

-"I'm not in England."

Sit down, Col. Clink. You are dismissed.

Translation: I can't actually respond so I will toss around insults and 40 year old cultural references and hope no one notices my insecurities

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah, not a big fan of the psychotic mass murder of innocent men women and children. Not my thing. Legally speaking, my standard starts with the US constitution. Of course, you're no different than al-Qaida saying you need to fallow their religious standards. At least my standards are based on objective reality.

In any event, the US is becoming less christian, and thus likely more moral. The next generation is the least religious of all. Oh well, tough day for your dream of a theocracy.

A law is an imposition of morality(right/wrong), restriction or prescription on what you cannot do't do. Agreement with it is irrelevant, as you , are compelled to obey it, i.e., to behave as if you believe the law is right, and good.

"Not my thing. Legally speaking, my standard starts with the US constitution. Of course, you're no different than al-Qaida saying you need to fallow their religious standards. At least my standards are based on objective reality."-you

That is my point, sport, in addressing the issue/topic:

"Your issue is not having a standard, but you don't dig our standard.

Identify yours.Name your standard, by which you assess right/wrong(morals). " -the great saint John W

"Of course, you're no different than al-Qaida saying you need to fallow their religious standards. At least my standards are based on objective reality."-you

My standards, as contained in the bible, are objective reality. You can debate that, but that's not the OP.

See how that works?

Misdirection on your part. My argument is that it's disingenous to criticize my/our standard, the bible, and misdirection. Everyone has a standard-you just don't like mine/ours.

Now, sit down.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
We do not bow to you. Your command to sit will not be headed. We have rights because people we fight and kill those who attempt to take them away.

You're standard is the bible which a few yahoos with rifles are willing to fight whoever won't abide by it. My standard is the US constitution, defended by the largest most powerful military in the world with scientists, soldiers, tanks, planes and so much more. You're outclassed.


Slower-pay attention to the "argument:"

"It is illegal because it is prohibitive to the survival of the society."-whoever

So, you assert that the survival of the society is "good"/right, and the "un survival" of it is "bad"/wrong.

That's a moral judgment on your part, deceiver, despite any spin to the contrary.


That is my point, sport, in addressing the issue/topic:

"Your issue is not having a standard, but you don't dig our standard.

Identify yours.Name your standard, by which you assess right/wrong(morals). " -the great saint John W

"Of course, you're no different than al-Qaida saying you need to fallow their religious standards. At least my standards are based on objective reality."-you

My standards, as contained in the bible, are objective reality. You can debate that, but that's not the OP.

See how that works?

Misdirection on your part. My argument is that it's disingenous to criticize my/our standard, the bible, and misdirection. Everyone has a standard-you just don't like mine/ours.

Now, sit down. I'm the director here. You are the dancer.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
We the people enforce upon you that you shall not murder, steel, rape because we've decided we don't like to be murdered, raped, stolen from.

Yes, we the people value life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We made that judgment call just like you decided to value an imaginary friend in the sky. We have opposing values. Difference is we have more strength in numbers and might. You can't actually take over the US.

Translated: You made a judgment that "peace," "freedom," " life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are good.

Why are you imposing your beliefs, on me/others?=the OP's "argument" that Christians are imposing their morals on others.

See how that works?

Thanks for the concession speech

" Difference is we have more strength in numbers and might."-you

Quite irrelevant-rabbit trail.



New member
"So, having laws against murder, rape, theft, are merely "the subjective categorization of human behaviors as either “good” and “bad”."-saint John W

"I think that's a fair definition."-Quetzal

There you go, folks-laws against murder, rape, theft..............are merely "the subjective categorization of human behaviors as either “good” and “bad”.

Add that to:

"Yep, murder is wrong because I say so.."-Quetzal

"Got it. OK if I rob you, or others rape/kill your loved ones? It's just, after all, "the subjective categorization of human behaviors as either “good” and “bad”.-saint John W

"Each of those actions have a set of consequences, like any other law."-Quetzal

And? That says NADA. Why does it have consequences? Why impose the law?

Let me guess" Cuz. It is, what it is.

Sit, boo boo.

House John W
I have twenty bucks that says John W can't post one single post that makes any sort of sense. It is like reading an essay from a 2nd grader about what they did on summer vacation.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
We impose it because we don't like being murdered, raped, stolen from. We have standards just like you have standards. Only difference is ours doesn't come from an imaginary friend in the sky. Ours are protected by the most powerful military in the world. Yours? An imaginary friend in the sky.

Pay attention:

"Yep, murder is wrong because I say so.."-Quetzal


New member
Hall of Fame
I have twenty bucks that says John W can't post one single post that makes any sort of sense. It is like reading an essay from a 2nd grader about what they did on summer vacation.

There's a reason that chucklehead's been on the ignore list for a while. The entertainment value peters out once you realize he's...not joking.:noway:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
We impose it because we don't like being murdered, raped, stolen from. We have standards just like you have standards. Only difference is ours doesn't come from an imaginary friend in the sky. Ours are protected by the most powerful military in the world. Yours? An imaginary friend in the sky.


"We impose it because we don't like being murdered, raped, stolen from. We have standards just like you have standards."-you

That's my point, punk, i.e., that everyone has standards. Pay attention to Horn's "argument."

And you lied, when you said:

"Yep, murder is wrong because I say so.."-Quetzal


Knock off imitating me. I'm flattered, but you can't pull it off, as I can, as you don't have the flare, power, and authority/clout, that I have. Dig? good.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"We write laws for the purpose of promoting peace and freedom .."-Purex

"Translated: You made a judgment that "peace," "freedom," are good."-John W

Observe, the deception:

"I made no such judgment. The founding fathers of this nation, did."-Purex

"We write laws ....-you

The deceiver is trying to con us into thinking that he does not make judgments that "peace," "freedom," are good."

His "rational:"?"The founding fathers of this nation, did."

Whom do you think you are dealing with on TOL, sport? You're Uncle Joe, whoozamovin'kindaslow?

You're dismissed, Sgt. Schultz.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Your definition is the most arbitrary of all. You arbitrarily picked the imaginary sky daddy of the bible when you could just as well have chosen Thor, Ra, or Shiva. I'd go with Ra if I selecting a standard based on an imaginary sky daddy.

Misdirection, "punt."

Did our hero address his own "argument:"?


"what morality is imposed by the law stating that vehicles are to driven on the right hand side of the road?"-Our hero Frank Burns

My answer:

"Wow, Frank! You really asked that stumper? Try preventing death? You drive on the left side of the road? Why not?And you are in the ring with me? Stay down."-John W

Stay on the matt, Frank. You're getting bloodied.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I made no such judgment. The founding fathers of this nation, did.
I'm not. Our collective society is doing that. They believe that to preserve the health and well-being of everyone, collectively, that certain laws needed to be written and enforced. You can call this a moral choice if you want to, or you can call it an immoral choice if you want to. But regardless, what it is, is a functional decision, first and foremost.
What I see in you is someone who does't listen, because all he wants to be is right, … not smart.

"Why are you imposing your beliefs, on me/others?"-saint John W

"I'm not. Our collective society is doing that. They believe that to preserve the health and well-being of everyone, collectively, that certain laws needed to be written and enforced. You can call this a moral choice if you want to, or you can call it an immoral choice if you want to. But regardless, what it is, is a functional decision, first and foremost."-you

-And neither are Christians. We have the right to persuade others of our believe system. But you pout.
-So, you concede, that having a standard is not this issue-the issue is that you just don't like mine/ours, the bible.

Tough, and thanks for the concession. Remember, God loves you, Uncle Sam loves you, and so does the Easter Bunny.