ECT If you want out of the deceptions of MAD read the rebuttal of Bullinger by Ironside.

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Well-known member
There is more than enough scripture in the OT for one to know and come to Jesus as He Himself said.

You do understand that not only Paul but :


and others were ALL used by God to make known what He wanted known to mankind.

When you cut off everyone including Jesus' teachings you do yourself great harm !

Who do I cut off? Who do others cut off? I submit most of us know more about the OT than you do, and more about the Gospels than you do. At least by what I've seen from you so far.

It's your insistence that all is "ignored" except Paul that is error. We had to know what they were saying before we knew there was a difference. It's why people keep saying you are lying, because you've been told, but you aren't hearing. It's as though you're deliberately stopping yourself from hearing what's being said. I think you donkeyed down right from the start, and you have your fingers stuck in your ears as you speak. You were reluctant to move on into the deeper things of God.

What we have learned from Paul is not found in the OT or the Gospels. We know, through him, that the law has specific purposes. That it was give to show men their sin and find them guilty before God.....leading them to Christ through faith. We know what the Law can't do and was never meant to do. We know that Christ is the end of the law for righteousness. We know about justification of faith. It's spelled out when it was only hinted at in the OT. We know about being baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ. None of that would have been known without Paul's preaching. And, we know about the indwelling Spirit...which had only been hinted at when the Lord was about to be crucified.

Nope, you may be where you are right now without Paul's teachings, but those who have been justified by faith would not be where we are without Paul. Surely you trust that the Lord Jesus Christ knew what He was doing when he waylaid Paul on the road to Damascus?

john w

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Your avatar keeps flooding my iPhone, it's like night of the living dead or somptim

That is it, Punk? Your best volley? Weighty. No, remember, punk:

It is important to study and learn the entire counsel of the Word of God. That must only be done by using a strict literal hermeneutic that includes taking relevant passages into context in order to understand what has been declared.


The problem is your negative proof texting void of exegesis in context.As well, we must formulate a chronology based on all the relevant verses.Look at all relevant verses without a wrong paradigm.. Classic proof texting out of context. You are misunderstanding/misrepresenting their points. If you quote other sections, it will not support your jumping to conclusions.It is a logical fallacy to think majority is always right, but it is also not always wrong.

john w

New member
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There is more than enough scripture in the OT for one to know and come to Jesus as He Himself said.

You do understand that not only Paul but :


and others were ALL used by God to make known what He wanted known to mankind.

When you cut off everyone including Jesus' teachings you do yourself great harm!

When you cut off everyone including Jesus' teachings,such as dodge-ism does, you do yourself great harm. Dodge-ism tends to do a hatchet job on scripture. Why do you ignore "Jesus' teachings/commands," in Matthew-John?

Dodge-ism has built in excuses to ignore Jesus. Dodge-ism is mock-ism, and scripture twisting, and is confusion and deception, and you would do well to place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and stop ignoring his commands/teachings!!!!

"Jesus said" raise the dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Jesus said" to show yourself to a Levitical priest, and sell all you have!!!Do you ignore that also? If you ignore that do not plan on going to heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dodge-ism actually ignores a large portion of scripture. Does Dodge-ism read the bible? It says what it says. Can Dodge-ism read? Dodge-ism is out of context!!! Dodge-ism follows lies, and errors!!! Dodge-ism teaches the doctrine of men, and ignore scriptures, to follow lies. DODGE-ISM(in CAPS) is deceived, and blind. My prayer for Dodge-ism is that it quits following other men who are trapped in lies and error. If Dodge-ism had a bible they might want to actually read it ! Dodge-ism is too busy creating a false gospel. I do not need to pervert the context of scripture to follow lies as do those in delusional Dodge-ism. The bible says Doge-ism is wrong ! I will stay with scripture. Obviously Dodge-ism uses Jesus and Paul as window dressing and follows neither in reality.Dodge-ism idolizes Peter and ignores Jesus. The answer is in scripture which Dodge-ism has become expert at "changing" to fit Dodge-ism. Dodge-ism interpretation is wrong. Dodge-ism needs to get a bible and read it-it is in the bible. Dodge-ism is deceived. Dodge-ism ignores scripture to follow lies. I have not made Peter my pope and I do not marginalize Jesus to elevate Peter, as that is uniquely Dodge-ism and Catholicism. Dodge-ism is delusional, has errors, and lies. Dodge-ism is a product of missing the TRUTH AND MEANING OF most OF THE SCRIPTURE.Dodge-ism perverts and changes Paul's teachings to follow other deceived men.Those in Dodge-ism even pick and chose what Paul taught ignoring the things Paul taught that disprove Dodge-ism.


TOL Subscriber
No actually I do not. MAD has thrown off everything Jesus taught UNLESS they go to Paul. If I remember right Paul was a sinner and Jesus was sinless. Yes, Jesus chose Paul to become a minister of the Gospel, but MAD has exalted Paul above Jesus.
According to you Paul must have been off his rocker then: Romans 11:13 KJV, 1 Corinthians 4:15-16 KJV, 2 Timothy 1:13 KJV, 2 Timothy 2:2 KJV, 2 Timothy 2:7-8 KJV


New member
According to you Paul must have been off his rocker then: Romans 11:13 KJV, 1 Corinthians 4:15-16 KJV, 2 Timothy 1:13 KJV, 2 Timothy 2:2 KJV, 2 Timothy 2:7-8 KJV

According to most MADist I read Jesus is window dressing for Paul to be exalted.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You and your club were living out your grace-less double-standard on TOL long before I even knew of this back alley you and yours have turned this Christian forum into.
For 20 years now TOL has put up with the likes of you and yours. We'll be fine with ya or without ya.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
According to most MADist I read Jesus is window dressing for Paul to be exalted.
More lies from Dodge.
What's really horrid is that he knows very well that no MADist here has ever placed Paul above the Lord Jesus Christ.


Well-known member
Jesus wasn't talking to us dog Gentiles in MML&J or early Acts. Peter wasn't talking to us at Pentecost. John wasn't talking to us in his letters, nor was James, Peter or Jude. Revelation isn't about us either.



Well-known member
Jesus wasn't talking to us dog Gentiles in MML&J or early Acts. Peter wasn't talking to us at Pentecost. John wasn't talking to us in his letters, nor was James, Peter or Jude. Revelation isn't about us either.


Where'd you get your authority for this Must? It belongs in the category of "Jesus had three wives."

Right Divider

Body part
YOU was the one that challenged the meaning of a verse that I quoted that basically said through the judgement falling on Jesus we have salvation. YOU then keyed in on the word"judgement" and went all stupid over your own misunderstanding.

You are so worried about keeping the integrity, which never existed, of MAD you have completely destroyed the truth and meaning of most of scripture.
You are impossible to have communication with and your English is terrible ("YOU was", really?).

Without the revelation given to and through Paul by the RISEN LORD Jesus Christ, you/we would not know what the dispensation of the grace of God is.

That revelation is NOT found in the "gospels"; it is NOT found in the prophets; it is NOT found in the Hebrew epistles. It is only found in the epistles of Paul.

Reject that obvious fact if you like; you reject a great deal of God's Word.

The verse that YOU quoted was NOT fulfilled yet no matter what crazy spin you put on it.
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Well-known member
You are impossible to communication with and your English is terrible ("YOU was", really?).

Without the revelation given to and through Paul by the RISEN LORD Jesus Christ, you/we would not know what the dispensation of the grace of God is.

That revelation is NOT found in the "gospels"; it is NOT found in the prophets; it is NOT found in the Hebrew epistles. It is only found in the epistles of Paul.

Reject that obvious fact if you like; you reject a great deal of God's Word.

The verse that YOU quoted was NOT fulfilled yet no matter what crazy spin you put on it.

thanks for listing your underlying positions, RD, they are all wrong and mistaken. The administration of grace was only a mystery to Judaism; it could not see what was in its own scriptures all the time. Jn 5:39, 8:56.

Right Divider

Body part
thanks for listing your underlying positions, RD, they are all wrong and mistaken. The administration of grace was only a mystery to Judaism; it could not see what was in its own scriptures all the time. Jn 5:39, 8:56.
Thanks for letting us know what you think IP, you are completely wrong and mistaken.

It was a mystery kept secret since the world began, but not according to IPism.

Get lost you pathetically incompetent loser.

You're yet to define "Judaism".

john w

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Your avatar keeps flooding my iPhone, it's like night of the living dead or somptim

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

It is important to study and learn the entire counsel of the Word of God. That must only be done by using a strict literal hermeneutic that includes taking relevant passages into context in order to understand what has been declared.


The problem is your negative proof texting void of exegesis in context.As well, we must formulate a chronology based on all the relevant verses.Look at all relevant verses without a wrong paradigm.. Classic proof texting out of context. You are misunderstanding/misrepresenting their points. If you quote other sections, it will not support your jumping to conclusions.It is a logical fallacy to think majority is always right, but it is also not always wrong.

You taught us the above-we learned it from you.

john w

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According to most MADist I read Jesus is window dressing for Paul to be exalted.
There you go exalting God the Father's words, in Matthew-John, which the Lord Jesus Christ spoke,while on earth, not His own words, over the Lord Jesus Christ's words, as given by the apostle Paul, "the apostle of the Gentiles"(Romans 11:13), in Romans-Philemon, and there you go exalting Moses' words, over the word of God!!!! Stop!!!! Why do you ignore the Lord Jesus Christ's words, as given by the apostle Paul, and make God the Father exalted over this "Jesus" you cite, in disrespect?Why do you make the Lord Jesus Christ's words, as given by the apostle Paul, in Romans-Philemon, "window dressing," for Moses, and God the Father, and thus exalt them over the Saviour?

See how that works, dealer in deception?


New member
Find where any of them directly addressed non-proselyte, unrighteous, utterly hopeless heathen dog Gentiles before Paul did and apart from Israel.

You do know Jesus was and is the lion of Judah. Why are MADist so bent on separating Jesus from His ancestry ?
There is NO apart from Israel. Jesus was sent to Israel who rejected Him an d the Jews were set aside and the gentiles grafted into the true tree that the Jews will eventually be grafted back into.
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