ECT If MAD is False What Does Hebrews 6:4-6 Mean for Us?


New member
Stupid. He was talking about Gentiles as a historical whole in contrast to God's use of Israel. Not talking about individual members of Christ, who cannot be severed from Him.

No one else here may believe this but I know you don't believe a word you're saying.

You said he never said that and he did. Your fail not mine.

Right Divider

Body part
Good point. I think we all realize, if we are honest with scripture, that there is a gospel for each savior.
Churchianity has invented this idea that the word 'gospel' means 'eternal life salvation' no matter how and where is shows up in scripture. It does not. It simply means 'good message' or 'good news', and there are lots of "good news's" or "good messages" in the Bible.

The attempt to FORCE only ONE "good message" on the Bible is just plain ignorant.


New member
Churchianity has invented this idea that the word 'gospel' means 'eternal life salvation' no matter how and where is shows up in scripture. It does not. It simply means 'good message' or 'good news', and there are lots of "good news's" or "good messages" in the Bible.

Good point. If the focus of the NT was about eternal life we know there should be thousands of different good news messages, probably one for each savior. So it's a good thing the NT is not about eternal life, rather it's about whatever a person chooses to believe regarding the afterlife.

Some good news messages claim that a person goes to heaven as soon as he or she quits breathing. After all, the serpent told Eve she would not surely die. Why would the serpent lie?

If you see a serpent stop and talk to him to see what good news message he might have for you. But don't pet him, serpents are not amiable to being petted.


Right Divider

Body part
Good point. If the focus of the NT was about eternal life we know there should be thousands of different good news messages, probably one for each savior. So it's a good thing the NT is not about eternal life, rather it's about whatever a person chooses to believe regarding the afterlife.

Some good news messages claim that a person goes to heaven as soon as he or she quits breathing. After all, the serpent told Eve she would not surely die. Why would the serpent lie?

If you see a serpent stop and talk to him to see what good news message he might have for you. But don't pet him, serpents are not amiable to being petted.

That's some crazy far out nonsense there jamie.

The new covenant is about God doing something with Israel. That's why the Bible is SO clear about it. But you and many pervert the scripture to make stuff "spiritual" (and by a redefinition of what "spiritual" means) and to ignore CLEAR, PLAIN scripture.


New member
The new covenant is about God doing something with Israel.

That's because God made covenants with Israel. In fact, in Abraham's day God made covenants with no other nation or nations.

God told Abraham all nations would be blessed by Abraham's name.

Paul explained that means they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. (Galatians 3:7 KJV)

A couple of verses later Paul says, "So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham." (Galatians 3:9 KJV)


New member
Churchianity has invented this idea that the word 'gospel' means 'eternal life salvation' no matter how and where is shows up in scripture. It does not. It simply means 'good message' or 'good news', and there are lots of "good news's" or "good messages" in the Bible.

The attempt to FORCE only ONE "good message" on the Bible is just plain ignorant.

Preach it; bro :thumb:


TOL Subscriber
If you were honest with scripture you would realize how asinine your so called 'rightly dividing' is. The Bible has been around for 1700 years and nobody saw what you see because what you see is your imagination.

MADism is shallow, lazy theology that rejects a universal covenant out of sheer convenience of it's favored notions. It should be called 'Rapture theology', because that's what it all boils down to- Darby didn't see a rapture by dispensations, he saw dispensations by a rapture.

Get saved and 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV


New member
Heb 6:4-6 is pretty simple to understand in light of the entire NT. It's obvious that God forgives, even when we knowingly sin.

Jesus commands us to forgive someone 70x7 times in one day, even if it's the same offense, and God would never ask us to do something He wouldn't do.

In light of that, fall away means that we turn away from the truth, and try to find reconciliation to God in that "fallen away" state. There is no repentance until we first rectify the "falling away" - until we return to Calvary.

This is why it says concerning these people that the reason it is impossible to renew them to repentance is that they are crucifying him afresh with their actions, and putting Him to shame on an ongoing basis.

Until they make the decision to stop crucifying Him there can be no repentance.

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New member
Heb 6:4-6 is pretty simple to understand in light of the entire NT. It's obvious that God forgives, even when we knowingly sin.

Jesus commands us to forgive someone 70x7 times in one day, even if it's the same offense, and God would never ask us to do something He wouldn't do.

In light of that, fall away means that we turn away from the truth, and try to find reconciliation to God in that "fallen away" state. There is no repentance until we first rectify the "falling away" - until we return to Calvary.

This is why it says concerning these people that the reason it is impossible to renew them to repentance is that they are crucifying him afresh with their actions, and putting Him to shame on an ongoing basis.

Until they make the decision to stop crucifying Him there can be no repentance.

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70x7 is how much, Sm77?

No thanks, I think I'll believe Matthew's statement in Mtt. 15:24 as to said context.


New member
70x7 is how much, Sm77?

No thanks, I think I'll believe Matthew's statement in Mtt. 15:24 as to said context.

My point is that if God expects us to forgive someone repeatedly, I think He will forgive us repeatedly.

Or do you think He discards us if we make one mistake?

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New member
If MAD is False What Does Hebrews 6:4-6 Mean for Us?


Wrong "instruction in righteousness" on your part, there."

C'mon. You won't even agree that God forgives when we repent?!?

Paul sure thought that God would forgive the Corinthian saint who had begun fornicating with his "father's wife", but then repented.

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