ECT If MAD is False What Does Hebrews 6:4-6 Mean for Us?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Jesus went to heaven to be at the right hand of God, and the thief went to heaven with him.
Scripture please.

I know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent. I believe that Jesus is the son of God and the the father is God, just as it says in the Bible.
What is the text of John 1:1-14 in your Bible?

Show me where it says that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and Jesus certainly didn't teach it. Jesus dying on the cross isn't the core teaching of gospel, love is.

John 3:16-18

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

It says nothing here about believing in the cross, but believing in Jesus Christ the son of God, and through him we might be saved and have everlasting life.

By the way, it also says for God so loved the world that gave his only begotten son. Not that Jesus was God and that he came into the world.

Jesus was sent to save us. How did He do that?

John the Baptist was raised within his own lifetime, before Jesus died! And as usual you have to resort to personal insults that's a shame really.
What does John have to do with it? When is an insult ever not personal? And somebody needs to tell you when you're an idiot, otherwise you may never realize it.

And the resurrection didn't happen because of the death of Jesus, but because he overcame Satan.
If Jesus had not died would He have risen from the Dead?

And how did He overcome Satan if He went straight to Heaven when He died?

Jesus told no one that his death on the cross was to save them. I'm fact he told those that tried to kill him that they were doing the works of their father the devil! And he told Pilate that what they were doing to him was a sin, and that the pharasees did the greater sin by handing him over to be crucified!
Yup. And Paul said something else. Imagine that.

I never said once that Jesus didn't overcome, he most certainly did. And we have overcome too through him!
Then why are you acting as though He hasn't? Was your sin nailed to the cross or not?

My old life is dead and hidden in Christ, I'm a totally different person to what I was, and the holy spirit is helping me to turn from sin everyday. But I can still fall away if I put the lusts of my flesh before God.
How can you who are dead to sin live in it any longer? How is that possible?

How can you bring to life that which God has put to death or put to death that which He has made alive? Are you more powerful than God?

Only God knows who can and who can't, only he knows the heart

Define the word "impossible."
Are you serious? You're a joke, muz.

Right Divider

Body part
Well I certainly don't believe in that way

I believe that if we don't have the Christ manifest within our hearts through the holy spirit, then we are dead in our sins. He's not far away on a cloud in the sky, he is in the heart of all those who truly belong to him.
If Jesus didn't die for your sins, then you are still dead in them.

Blimey, you know me very was well all of a sudden! How do you know what I do? Who made you my judge? If we are still committing the sin, then haven't truly repented. Only God knows the heart!
Only because this is true for 100% of people. Not too hard to judge this simple truth.

Or are you the very first person that was actually able to itemize very single sin that you've ever committed?

More like the lord Jesus came as a living sacrifice to bare witness the truth and bring us the gospel of reconciliation with the hope of bringing us back to God through faith and by Gods grace.
So Jesus died in vain?

You have no idea what I'm like, you don't know my life. And those who truly belong Christ don't want anyone to look at them as you put it, they should be dead and their life hidden in Christ and they will want to glorify God and Christ, not themselves, and it's Christ that should be seen in them and through them, not their old fleshly life that loves self praise. Self praise went out the window for me a long time ago. Thank God!
Do did Jesus die for your sins or not?

I've never ever been to a jw church, and I have no idea what they teach, we have house meetings.
Your doctrine appears to have significant similarities.

I most definitely do, and how do I know? Because the gospel I believe in turns us from sin. And through Christ I'm overcoming my sins. So I know it's the truth.
You're overcoming your sins? What was that about you not being self-centered?

You have a weak and insufficient gospel if Jesus didn't die for your sin.

Right Divider

Body part
YOU must take wrong divider and what he/she says with a grain of salt as they have no clue what the gospel is. For them it is not a personal relationship with Jesus and the leadership of the Holy Spirit it is what they have ( Madist ) have been wrongly told by other Madist about the Gospel that matters most to them.

If you try to lead them to Jesus, in your conversation, they immediately tell you you are wrong and insert the Apostle Paul in the conversation. Mind you the Apostle Paul taught and lived the truth but to Madist it is all about Paul and very little to nothing about Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
The liar dodge just continues to LIE.

Get saved.


New member
The liar dodge just continues to LIE.

Get saved.

Translated= join in the error MAD and only trust about 20 pages of scripture. Then IGNORE what Jesus and all the other Apostles taught and only place your trust in Paul and no one else. Thanks but no thanks.


New member
You call yourself a Christian and yet you lie constantly.
You are wolf in sheep's clothing.
You are a poser.

You pretty much perfectly described Madist who pervert scripture and completely take Jesus out of His own Gospel by saying He never taught and preached HIS Gospel. You have to be a special kind of deceived to not receive and know that Jesus taught HIS OWN GOSPEL.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Some "Religious" people have some of the Christianese down pat, however, they have never been sealed, indwelt, and baptized (not by water) into The Body of Christ.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
No, you're a joke. You apparently don't know the meaning of the word, or you wouldn't ask that question.

You're the one who asked for the definition of the word, not me.

And if you're referring to the question I asked that prompted you to ask for the definition I was asking what you thought, because no one seems to want to admit what the verse indicates; that getting saved again after losing it is impossible, if it can in fact be lost. Which they believe it can be. So why not admit that their belief logically leads to the impossibility of return based on verses like this one.

Translated= join in the error MAD and only trust about 20 pages of scripture. Then IGNORE what Jesus and all the other Apostles taught and only place your trust in Paul and no one else. Thanks but no thanks.
Lying scum.