I will not vote for trump


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Again it's like the Republican leadership meeting in 2009, the night of the inauguration, to vow to fight anything Obama suggested (even if it was good for the country) just so they could try and prevent him showing any success. They were/are willing to sacrifice the country if necessary in order to regain the White House.

Please enlighten us as to what exactly Obama has proposed that has been good for the country? I am at a loss here, I cannot think of even one proposal that is not a benefit for some & a burden for others, or is outright fiscally unsustainable for the nation. I am not even going to touch his incompetence on domestic & foreign affairs which is utterly dismal.
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Typical tyrannical "strong-man" campaign. Look at all the bogeymen around you. Be afraid! BE VERY AFRAID! But vote for me because only I can save you from all those monsters.

People should be "very afraid" of electing a personally & professionally corrupt lying felon like Hillary Clinton. The woman is damaged goods and has no business near any public office but, I know you & the rest of the no standards liberals will vote for the criminal anyway, it is no wonder why the nation is in such trouble. :nono:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
He's run his whole campaign trying to make people think the world is falling apart and only he can save us. Him "alone." The savior of the world.

You mean he sounds like every other politician attempting to get elected... :chuckle: You said you would have voted for Kasich yet the reason he was wholly rejected was because he is a narcissist ego-maniac on par or worse than Trump, he even named himself "The Prince of Light & Hope" no joke. Now he sits at home and pouts, not understanding why people didn't like him, because in the end the only one that Kasich thinks about is Kasich. Every one of these people that seek high public office is a type "A" personality, and it is very rare to find one that is truly humble.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Fact-checking Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the 2016 RNC

The dark portrait of America that Donald J. Trump sketched in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention is a compendium of doomsday stats that fall apart upon close scrutiny. Numbers are taken out of context, data is manipulated, and sometimes the facts are wrong.

When facts are inconveniently positive — such as rising incomes and an unemployment rate under 5 percent — Trump simply declines to mention them. He describes an exceedingly violent nation, flooded with murders, when in reality, the violent-crime rate has been cut in half since the crack cocaine epidemic hit its peak in 1991.

In his speech, Trump promised to present “the plain facts that have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper.” But he relies on statistics that are ripe for manipulation, citing misleading numbers on the economy, for example, through selective use of years, data and sources.

Here is a rundown of 25 of Trump’s key claims — and how they differ from reality — arranged by subject. As is our practice, we do not award Pinocchios for a roundup of claims made in convention events.

This publication took as many liberties with the facts that Trump is being accused of taking, many of their points start with "Trump is correct but" or some other segue to spin his claims as either false, exaggerated, or attempting to squash it using alternate data. This piece can no more claim Trump was wrong any more than they can claim they are right on numerous points. The Washington Post is a liberal rag anyway, might as well get your info from Pravda, or National Inquirer, either one has just as much credibility.


... The Washington Post is a liberal rag anyway, might as well get your info from Pravda, or National Inquirer, either one has just as much credibility.

Now now rocketman, don't go trashing that white trash tabloid the National Enquirer, as Don Trump's good friend David Pecker is the CEO there.

Donald Trump is ‘Very Close’ to National Enquirer Head David Pecker, Who Has Run Pieces for Him Before


Two sleazeballs of a feather take sleazy pictures together.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame


I assume you'll be voting for Hitlary?

So you think because I refuse to vote for one sleazy moral degenerate that I'll vote for the other?

I'm very impressed with the pro life/pro traditional values Republican Party Platform, which by the way your guy Donald Trump hasn't pledged to legislate by. Other than not voting for Trump, I'll most likely vote Republican at the local, county and state levels, depending on if the candidate embraces those values on the platform.

Just out of curiosity Grosnick, did you give Donald Trump's very special guest speaker Peter Thiel a standing ovation like the rest of the Trump supporters did at the end of his speech?



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So you think because I refuse to vote for one sleazy moral degenerate that I'll vote for the other?

I'm very impressed with the pro life/pro traditional values Republican Party Platform, which by the way your guy Donald Trump hasn't pledged to legislate by. Other than not voting for Trump, I'll most likely vote Republican at the local, county and state levels, depending on if the candidate embraces those values on the platform.

Just out of curiosity Grosnick, did you give Donald Trump's very special guest speaker Peter Thiel a standing ovation like the rest of the Trump supporters did at the end of his speech?


So aCW, were you as equally turned off when Cruz gave Gays & Lesbians props in his speech? I thought you would not vote for someone that does not want to criminalize aberrant behavior? Just wondering your thoughts on Cruz's mention of homosexuality.


like marbles on glass
You mean he sounds like every other politician attempting to get elected... :chuckle:

That's true enough, I can't argue that.
You said you would have voted for Kasich

Yes. He's the only one I would've voted for out of the entire GOP field.

yet the reason he was wholly rejected was because he is a narcissist ego-maniac on par or worse than Trump, he even named himself "The Prince of Light & Hope" no joke. Now he sits at home and pouts, not understanding why people didn't like him, because in the end the only one that Kasich thinks about is Kasich. Every one of these people that seek high public office is a type "A" personality, and it is very rare to find one that is truly humble.


This publication took as many liberties with the facts that Trump is being accused of taking, many of their points start with "Trump is correct but" or some other segue to spin his claims as either false, exaggerated, or attempting to squash it using alternate data. This piece can no more claim Trump was wrong any more than they can claim they are right on numerous points. The Washington Post is a liberal rag anyway, might as well get your info from Pravda, or National Inquirer, either one has just as much credibility.

Do you realize what you did there? You took issue with the piece from WaPo because it was from a "liberal rag," yet you had no problem posting the link to what you surely must recognize as a "liberal rag," The New Republic, because it said (not surprisingly, considering it's a "liberal rag" discussing a GOP candidate) what you wanted to say about Kasich.


Well-known member
So aCW, were you as equally turned off when Cruz gave Gays & Lesbians props in his speech? I thought you would not vote for someone that does not want to criminalize aberrant behavior? Just wondering your thoughts on Cruz's mention of homosexuality.

:think: Inquiring minds want to know :think:

One reason I said in another post AcW's head was exploding,,,,


Well-known member
At a convention farewell event in Cleveland with running mate Mike Pence, Trump said he doesn’t want Cruz’s endorsement, blamed the Texas senator for making their wives fair political game, and said he had nothing to do with a conspiracy theory he promoted in the primary, that Cruz’s father had been seen with President John F. Kennedy’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.

Trump Goes On War Path Against Ted Cruz: "I Don't Want His Endorsement"

By Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge
July 23, 2016


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Do you realize what you did there? You took issue with the piece from WaPo because it was from a "liberal rag," yet you had no problem posting the link to what you surely must recognize as a "liberal rag," The New Republic, because it said (not surprisingly, considering it's a "liberal rag" discussing a GOP candidate) what you wanted to say about Kasich.

No Anna, I actually read the WaPo article in it's entirety and I found that the bias overshadowed the entire article. I did not say the article was entirely false what I did say was that there was enough points that had no merit that I saw no credibility in what the writer was attempting to convey. I would say most if not all publications show media bias, I assess them by degree, the WaPo, NYT, and LAT are some of the absolute worst and yes, I consider them liberal rags...their agenda is showing. Conversely the New Republic article was interesting to me because the NR is a liberal publication that went to the trouble of pointing out Kasich's major Fault when he wasn't even a contender I thought the writer did a good job of making the case but, it was not the first time I had read about the man, even his stage presence was that of elite entitlement, for me it was a real turn off, my mom loved him too, I personally thought he was way to self absorbed, and yes worse than Trump in many ways...he reminded me of Al Gore...He knows what is best for us and we are too stupid to see it :chuckle: Heck if you want a conservative publication that says essentially the same thing here is an old one I read.



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Hall of Fame
Trump is very elitist, and so pretentious/ if I voted for him, it would be a vote to stop Hillary, not for him.


like marbles on glass
No Anna, I actually read the WaPo article in it's entirety

Whether or not you read it in its entirety has nothing to do with what I said.

The point I was making was that "liberal rags" can be correct but you'll only acknowledge they're correct if you agree, and therefore convenient for you to accept their legitimacy. Otherwise, they're just biased "liberal rags" to you.

and I found that the bias overshadowed the entire article.

That was your assertion, although you didn't provide any support for it.

I did not say the article was entirely false what I did say was that there was enough points that had no merit that I saw no credibility in what the writer was attempting to convey.

Such as.... ?

I would say most if not all publications show media bias, I assess them by degree

Nothing new, I think we all do the same.

the WaPo, NYT, and LAT are some of the absolute worst at and yes, I consider them liberal rags...their agenda is showing

Unless, of course, you agree with them. Had they been the source for the Kasich piece I'm sure you would then have found them useful?

Conversely the New Republic article

(A "liberal rag")

was interesting to me because the NR is a liberal publication that went to the trouble of pointing out Kasich's major Fault when he wasn't even a contender I thought the writer did a good job of making the case

Do you really think The New Republic would do anything else but point out any GOP candidate's major fault?

but, it was not the first time I had read about the man, even his stage presence was that of elite entitlement, for me it was a real turn off, my mom loved him too, I personally thought he was way to self absorbed, and yes worse than Trump in many ways...he reminded me of Al Gore...He knows what is best for us and we are too stupid to see it :chuckle: Heck if you want a conservative publication that says essentially the same thing here is an old one I read.

You should listen to your mom...

Your personal opinion isn't worth any more than mine, so if I say Trump is the most malignantly narcissistic, self-absorbed, elitist, uninformed, unauthentic candidate we saw in this election, then of course we're at an impasse. Not surprising.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Pretty much the reason many will vote for him...the felon Hillary is a far worse alternative.

That is true because Donald trump is an ego elitist, out to impress himself. Hillary is a pawn to the top financial elitists who want a president who will make them rich. and do not give a wick if she has all the gays running nude and married to goats, all the guns tossed in the sea, all the illegal immigrates granted citizenship.

The old, and new big money behind Hillary Clinton does not care about social issues, they do not give a wick about domestic affairs, as they are citizens of the world and can live anywhere. Hillary will not protect jobs, but will pass out the dole, and increase taxes. These taxes affect most Americans, and only the very rich can afford to give away money to wasteful programs, as they do not care about monetary loss, as long as monitory gain is much larger.

The Clinton's' have around 80-90 million dollars and they are at the bottom ring if the super wealthy who are tax immune.