I will not vote for trump

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Being habitually absent from the Sabbath is considered to be a mortal sin in Catholicism, as you lose your infusion to Christ.....
"Infusion"? That word is never used in regards to Mass.
While it is true that missing Mass on Sunday is a sin, one constant in the Faith is that the Church never... ...and I mean never, NEVER, EVER, says that someone is going to hell or has gone to hell. We may proclaim Saints in heaven, but God alone knows who has gone to hell.

Furthermore, such a thing depends on future acts. Even annabenedetti doesn't know if her heart will change and ten years from now she'll be going to Mass. The Church certainly does not know, and never will.

......You kind of put yourself between a rock and a hard place on that one.
No, but you sure did. Again, as a former Catholic, you know frighteningly little about the Church. If you actually knew facts instead of your mind's concoctions that you have fabricated about your phantom Catholic Church, you might actually come back. It has been known to happen.


like marbles on glass
While it is true that missing Mass on Sunday is a sin, one constant in the Faith is that the Church never... ...and I mean never, NEVER, EVER, says that someone is going to hell or has gone to hell. We may proclaim Saints in heaven, but God alone knows who has gone to hell.

He's right, for once.

Mortal sin is mortal sin and you know what that means.

Furthermore, such a thing depends on future acts. Even annabenedetti doesn't know if her heart will change and ten years from now she'll be going to Mass. The Church certainly does not know, and never will.

You're dissembling.


New member
There is no good associated with Hillary Clinton, only bad. I will be voting for the candidate with the potential for the greater good who has a chance to win in the general election. That candidate is Donald Trump. One of the biggest considerations is keeping Hillary Clinton out of office. Voting for a third party candidate won't help, so I will be voting for Donald Trump.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I learned later than some about confirmation bias. I read from both liberal and conservative sources now, and both with skepticism. I used to only read conservative sources until I heard one of my conservative voices make an outright false statement, and that (being an engineer, I know you'll appreciate this) was a bending moment.

Now we are getting somewhere, we both seem to agree that all sources have bias, and take liberties with the truth. I have found that sometimes if you want the real answers you have to dig into multiple publications to sift the wheat from the chaff.

This is what you said:

Correct, I did make those assertions and stand by them. I do not say the article is false in total because there may be a bit of truth in their points , if you see the data as they do (if I was willing to really dig for it) but, given that the writers on many of these points says "this is correct, but" means to me "I want to put my spin on it", the writers lost credibility when they said it was correct if you look at the data this way and they contend he isn't conveying the truth as they see it. The writers took issue with the way Trump organized or analyzed the data he gave in his speech (naturally to the benefit of his argument) but, the writers are only peeved because it wasn't dispensed the way they would have seen it. Really, there was just too much bias in the article for me to accept it in total, to me it seemed it was written to those that would agree with them. I wonder if these writers will be critiquing Hillary's speech with the same jaundice eye?I kind of doubt it, probably more like sunshine & roses.

That's all assertion there. Nowhere in those three sentences do you support it.

Above I gave my reasons, and I still contend that if you believe that everything written in the article is correct than you prove me wrong. What I have given is my opinion of the article, how I saw it based upon the fact that the two writers contradict themselves in multiple places where they write an article saying Trump lied or exaggerated the truth "but", go on to say he is correct. I don't intend to dissect the article, you can read again for yourself. I am not being adamant about it, I am just saying that I found the credibility in question because of many points...my opinion.

See mine above, rocketman. I don't want what you're spoonfeeding me anyway.

They made 25 claims. Show where they're wrong.

Sorry, see the above I have no intention of dissecting this lengthy article. It would take me more time than I want to spend, and for what? so we can go ahead & disagree further? sorry, I gave an opinion which I stand by that the writers of this article are only pointing out how Trump spoke to specific data, and did not speak to it the way "they" would have...It is more of an opinion piece than a factual piece as I see it, wrote to cheerlead those that would agree with it.

Or it could be confirmation bias, since you're choosing to only listen sources which agree with you.

Interesting, I showed two articles from two entirely different ends of the political spectrum and they both confirm what I already was feeling about Gov. Kasich and I should still ignore that? I would say yes, that would be confirmation for sure but, I am not sure how it is biased other than you disagree with my personal assessment which is your prerogative. I had a notion about Kasich early in the primaries and found multiple (more than the two I posted) articles confirming my notion so yes, I was swayed through my own investigation.

What if you're wrong?

What if I am? I am not married to my opinions, I am open for change...and yes, I can be wrong if that is what you are asking.

Hope you're having a good day.

I finished my chores and I am watching the kids (mine & the neighbor's) swim in the pool while having a beer...ahhh. Yep, it is a good day. I hope you are having a good day as well. :thumb:


There is no good associated with Hillary Clinton, only bad. I will be voting for the candidate with the potential for the greater good who has a chance to win in the general election. That candidate is Donald Trump. One of the biggest considerations is keeping Hillary Clinton out of office. Voting for a third party candidate won't help, so I will be voting for Donald Trump.

You have a very weak definition of the word "good" if you think that Donald Trump will work towards it.

Remember that Donald Trump didn't even acknowledge the ultra pro life/pro traditional marriage Republican Party Platform as something that he would work as President to enforce. In fact he slapped the good people who wrote that platform in the proverbial face by inviting a proud and unrepentant homosexual and LGBTQ activist to speak at the Republican National Convention.

Pay Pal's CEO, Peter Thiel has a history of LGBTQ bigotry against Christians, from formally investigating and freezing the accounts of Christians who spoke out against the LGBTQ lifestyle and agenda, to not moving Pay Pal's corporate headquarters to Charlotte North Carolina because he took offense to legislation prohibiting mentally ill cross dressing males and other sexual deviants from using women's restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms.

Go ahead and vote for the moral degenerate Trump, but please don't insult informed people by saying that he will be for the "greater good" or an already morally bankrupt nation.


Donald Trump has simply gotten with the program- gay marriage and abortion are here to stay, and he knows that it is futile for a president to waste away at something he has no power over.

You failed, it's time to just face that fact. In what world do you think these things will be overturned? You may as well be trying to bring back Prohibition :rolleyes:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You have a very weak definition of the word "good" if you think that Donald Trump will work towards it.

Remember that Donald Trump didn't even acknowledge the ultra pro life/pro traditional marriage Republican Party Platform as something that he would work as President to enforce. In fact he slapped the good people who wrote that platform in the proverbial face by inviting a proud and unrepentant homosexual and LGBTQ activist to speak at the Republican National Convention.

Pay Pal's CEO, Peter Thiel has a history of LGBTQ bigotry against Christians, from formally investigating and freezing the accounts of Christians who spoke out against the LGBTQ lifestyle and agenda, to not moving Pay Pal's corporate headquarters to Charlotte North Carolina because he took offense to legislation prohibiting mentally ill cross dressing males and other sexual deviants from using women's restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms.

Go ahead and vote for the moral degenerate Trump, but please don't insult informed people by saying that he will be for the "greater good" or an already morally bankrupt nation.

Yet you deliberately glaze right over the fact that Cruz mentioned ensuring the rights of homosexuals in his speech as well... If you are going to be consistent on the issue that fact should at least be mentioned don't ya think? :juggle:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You have a very weak definition of the word "good" if you think that Donald Trump will work towards it.

Remember that Donald Trump didn't even acknowledge the ultra pro life/pro traditional marriage Republican Party Platform as something that he would work as President to enforce. In fact he slapped the good people who wrote that platform in the proverbial face by inviting a proud and unrepentant homosexual and LGBTQ activist to speak at the Republican National Convention.

Pay Pal's CEO, Peter Thiel has a history of LGBTQ bigotry against Christians, from formally investigating and freezing the accounts of Christians who spoke out against the LGBTQ lifestyle and agenda, to not moving Pay Pal's corporate headquarters to Charlotte North Carolina because he took offense to legislation prohibiting mentally ill cross dressing males and other sexual deviants from using women's restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms.

Go ahead and vote for the moral degenerate Trump, but please don't insult informed people by saying that he will be for the "greater good" or an already morally bankrupt nation.

Yet you deliberately glaze right over the fact that Cruz mentioned ensuring the rights of homosexuals in his speech as well... If you are going to be consistent on the issue that fact should at least be mentioned don't ya think? :juggle:

I was waiting for someone to bring that up. The first thing that I thought was that Ted Cruz was going after the Ron Paul vote when he runs for re-election in 2 years.

That statement did raise warning flags for me, and I addressed it in a thank you letter to Cruz.

That being said: In the speech you're talking about Cruz made reference to 'gay' Americans and the Bill of Rights. Let's look at what the Bill of Rights entails:

I.Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition

II.Right to keep and bear arms

III.Conditions for quarters of soldiers

IV.Right of search and seizure regulated

V.Provisons concerning prosecution

VI.Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc.

VII.Right to a trial by jury

VIII.Excessive bail, cruel punishment

IX.Rule of construction of Constitution

X.Rights of the States under Constitution

Cruz has always said that laws pertaining to homosexuality should be left up to the respective states (and before you go saying Donald Trump has said that as well, I heard Trump say it, right after Ted Cruz said it, and Trump said it in such a low voice that I had to turn up the volume on my tv to hear it).

Now if you think that Ted Cruz is all of the sudden pro LGTQ, the homosexual movement hasn't got the message, as they still HATE him with a passion (try and find a kind word said about Cruz by a LGBTQ activist).

Back to Peter Thiel, Donald Trump's very special guest speaker at the RNC:

Do you think Trump wasn't aware of Thiel's anti-Christian bigotry? (BTW, Cruz spoke out in defense of Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis and the NC "bathroom bill". Care to discuss where Donald Trump stands?
On the NC bill he called it "a bad business decision".)

So much for Donald Trump being a friend of Christians.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You have a very weak definition of the word "good" if you think that Donald Trump will work towards it.

Remember that Donald Trump didn't even acknowledge the ultra pro life/pro traditional marriage Republican Party Platform as something that he would work as President to enforce. In fact he slapped the good people who wrote that platform in the proverbial face by inviting a proud and unrepentant homosexual and LGBTQ activist to speak at the Republican National Convention.

Pay Pal's CEO, Peter Thiel has a history of LGBTQ bigotry against Christians, from formally investigating and freezing the accounts of Christians who spoke out against the LGBTQ lifestyle and agenda, to not moving Pay Pal's corporate headquarters to Charlotte North Carolina because he took offense to legislation prohibiting mentally ill cross dressing males and other sexual deviants from using women's restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms.

Go ahead and vote for the moral degenerate Trump, but please don't insult informed people by saying that he will be for the "greater good" or an already morally bankrupt nation.

I was waiting for someone to bring that up. The first thing that I thought was that Ted Cruz was going after the Ron Paul vote when he runs for re-election in 2 years.

That statement did raise warning flags for me, and I addressed it in a thank you letter to Cruz.

That being said: In the speech you're talking about Cruz made reference to 'gay' Americans and the Bill of Rights. Let's look at what the Bill of Rights entails:

I.Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition

II.Right to keep and bear arms

III.Conditions for quarters of soldiers

IV.Right of search and seizure regulated

V.Provisons concerning prosecution

VI.Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc.

VII.Right to a trial by jury

VIII.Excessive bail, cruel punishment

IX.Rule of construction of Constitution

X.Rights of the States under Constitution

Cruz has always said that laws pertaining to homosexuality should be left up to the respective states (and before you go saying Donald Trump has said that as well, I heard Trump say it, right after Ted Cruz said it, and Trump said it in such a low voice that I had to turn up the volume on my tv to hear it).

Now if you think that Ted Cruz is all of the sudden pro LGTQ, the homosexual movement hasn't got the message, as they still HATE him with a passion (try and find a kind word said about Cruz by a LGBTQ activist).

Back to Peter Thiel, Donald Trump's very special guest speaker at the RNC:

Do you think Trump wasn't aware of Thiel's anti-Christian bigotry? (BTW, Cruz spoke out in defense of Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis and the NC "bathroom bill". Care to discuss where Donald Trump stands?
On the NC bill he called it "a bad business decision".)

So much for Donald Trump being a friend of Christians.

I brought it up 2 days ago and you never addressed it, I believe Cruz is just as desperate to not alienate a voter group as Trump is. I don't believe either Cruz or Trump want to identify with them but, politicians doing what they have to do, forces them to give a gratis acknowledgement to this group...it was a baby kissing moment for both of them, the way I read it.


I brought it up 2 days ago and you never addressed it, I believe Cruz is just as desperate to not alienate a voter group as Trump is.

There's a difference between alienating a voter as opposed to promoting the homosexual lifestyle, which Donald Trump did with his very special guest speaker, openly homosexual/LGBTQ activist and Christian bigot Peter Thiel.

I've mentioned a couple of incidents where Cruz supported decency and has been called a homophobic bigot because of it, I can pull up a long list showing his stance on traditional family values, something you won't be able to find anywhere when it comes to defending Donald Trump

Remember that amongst other pro LGBTQ positions that Donald Trump has taken, he invited drag queen and transgender activist Bruce Jenner (he spoke at a LGBTQ youth center in LA) to use any women's restroom at any Trump property.

Trump took extreme offense when Ted Cruz talked about Donald's interview with Tim Russert where he defended his "New York values" (pro abortion, pro homosexuality, etc.); in fact the orange haired pervert must have used the words "Lyin Ted" a dozen times he was so mad.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
There's a difference between alienating a voter as opposed to promoting the homosexual lifestyle, which Donald Trump did with his very special guest speaker, openly homosexual/LGBTQ activist and Christian bigot Peter Thiel.

I've mentioned a couple of incidents where Cruz supported decency and has been called a homophobic bigot because of it, I can pull up a long list showing his stance on traditional family values, something you won't be able to find anywhere when it comes to defending Donald Trump

Remember that amongst other pro LGBTQ positions that Donald Trump has taken, he invited drag queen and transgender activist Bruce Jenner (he spoke at a LGBTQ youth center in LA) to use any women's restroom at any Trump property.

Trump took extreme offense when Ted Cruz talked about Donald's interview with Tim Russert where he defended his "New York values" (pro abortion, pro homosexuality, etc.); in fact the orange haired pervert must have used the words "Lyin Ted" a dozen times he was so mad.

I figured you would attempt to splain this away by running interference for the home team. Listen up, I monetarily supported Ted Cruz through his entire campaign, it is sad that he couldn't sell the message, the fact remains Ted is a politician just like any other, and he mentioned the homosexuals in his speech so that he would be able to identify with that group later..I get that, I also get that Trump being a politician (now) knows he needs to identify with them as well, it is as simple as that...its politics. If there is someone you want to direct your fury at it really should be the self absorbed, narcissist loser Kasich, because it was he that really destroyed Ted, not Trump, and I think you know that but, I haven't seen you once address it. Trump won this thing fair & square, certainly he played dirty throwing mud throughout the entire campaign but, the voting numbers as well as winning 37 states pretty much makes it uncontested & official, so if you are aiming that poison pen, you really should aim it at the person who really destroyed Ted's chances...Kasich.


I figured you would attempt to splain this away by running interference for the home team.

I've pointed out that Donald Trump has been a good friend to the LGBTQ movement, he just added Peter Thiel's speech to his resume'. I've pointed out that Ted Cruz has been a great ally of religious freedom and decency, if you can show otherwise, please do so.

Listen up, I monetarily supported Ted Cruz through his entire campaign, it is sad that he couldn't sell the message, the fact remains Ted is a politician just like any other, and he mentioned the homosexuals in his speech so that he would be able to identify with that group later..I get that, I also get that Trump being a politician (now) knows he needs to identify with them as well, it is as simple as that...its politics. If there is someone you want to direct your fury at it really should be the self absorbed, narcissist loser Kasich, because it was he that really destroyed Ted, not Trump, and I think you know that but, I haven't seen you once address it. Trump won this thing fair & square, certainly he played dirty throwing mud throughout the entire campaign but, the voting numbers as well as winning 37 states pretty much makes it uncontested & official, so if you are aiming that poison pen, you really should aim it at the person who really destroyed Ted's chances...Kasich.

My my, you appear annoyed that I pointed out that your boy invited a proud and unrepentant homosexual and LGBTQ activist, who I've shown is a notorious Christian bigot to speak on center stage in front of the entire RNC crowd and the world.

I'm telling the truth about Donald Trump: either refute the information that I'm using or take it up with your sleazy orange haired pervert of a wannabe President.

The truth is the truth, I'm sorry that you as a TOL Truthsmacker are having such a difficult time handling it.


I've pointed out that Donald Trump has been a good friend to the LGBTQ movement, he just added Peter Thiel's speech to his resume'. I've pointed out that Ted Cruz has been a great ally of religious freedom and decency, if you can show otherwise, please do so.

My my, you appear annoyed that I pointed out that your boy invited a proud and unrepentant homosexual and LGBTQ activist, who I've shown is a notorious Christian bigot to speak on center stage in front of the entire RNC crowd and the world.

I'm telling the truth about Donald Trump: either refute the information that I'm using or take it up with your sleazy orange haired pervert of a wannabe President.

The truth is the truth, I'm sorry that you as a TOL Truthsmacker are having such a difficult time handling it.

Does this mean you will vote for Hillary so Cruz can try again in 2020


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I've pointed out that Donald Trump has been a good friend to the LGBTQ movement, he just added Peter Thiel's speech to his resume'. I've pointed out that Ted Cruz has been a great ally of religious freedom and decency, if you can show otherwise, please do so.

My my, you appear annoyed that I pointed out that your boy invited a proud and unrepentant homosexual and LGBTQ activist, who I've shown is a notorious Christian bigot to speak on center stage in front of the entire RNC crowd and the world.

I'm telling the truth about Donald Trump: either refute the information that I'm using or take it up with your sleazy orange haired pervert of a wannabe President.

The truth is the truth, I'm sorry that you as a TOL Truthsmacker are having such a difficult time handling it.

You go ahead and promote your drivel as you see it, I'll sift through your whining and foot stomping to give you a clear cogent answer as I see it. I could not really care less about the LGBTQ perverts, they have always been around, and probably always will be. They (LGBTQ) have been granted a measure of civil rights which really irks you, and the fact that Ted Cruz acknowledged that their civil rights exist, publicly I might add, just chaps your hide. You go ahead and blame Trump for all the woes of the party but, know as the rest of us do that Cruz is no different on this front, he will pander to them also if it will get him elected. He is just a politician in the end, plain & simple. Please don't mistake my candor as annoyance because I have nothing to be annoyed about, you on the other hand have been completely unhinged since Trump took the nomination, and it looks as if I hit your nerve by pointing out Cruz is just a politician in the end as well, certainly more dignified, certainly a true conservative, but certainly a politician that will pander too.


You go ahead and promote your drivel as you see it, I'll sift through your whining and foot stomping to give you a clear cogent answer as I see it...

You know that one on one debate that I keep inviting you to engage in with me? (Cruz vs Trump, the facts), it's an open invitation.

Now I will post this bit of information now as well as on election day.

If Donald Trump does lose in November, I'll give every Trump supporter that wants my address so that in true Donald Trump thug fashion, you can come to my home and threaten my wife and children, and (attempt) to beat me up.

Donald would expect that from his lemming supporters.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You know that one on one debate that I keep inviting you to engage in with me? (Cruz vs Trump, the facts), it's an open invitation.

To what end? what do you intend to prove in this said debate? All that happens here is you give your opinion and I give mine, in the end neither of us agree. Wow! doesn't that sound intriguing...seems more like a waste of time.

Now I will post this bit of information now as well as on election day.

If Donald Trump does lose in November, I'll give every Trump supporter that wants my address so that in true Donald Trump thug fashion, you can come to my home and threaten my wife and children, and (attempt) to beat me up.

Donald would expect that from his lemming supporters.

You really are a pathetic soul, and you take this Cruz loss so personally, as if you ever had a say in it...Amazing! :chuckle:

I don't agree with Trump's vile insults in the least but, you know that wasn't why Cruz lost, Kasich had a very large hand in that, moreover the Cruz was rejected by the voters aCW. I am not sure why you are so wound up about it, this election will happen and in the end, even without your vote we will have a president, neither choice is a good one so, hold on...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison